Пчеловодство – особое направление в agricultural production, requiring knowledge, skills and great patience. Often there is a need to replace the uterus or its replanting in the family. If this is done without any preparation, the bee can not accept the uterus, and it will simply perish. How to properly insert the uterus into the brood, what rules and methods exist for this, read in the article.
Negative attitude of insects to the new queendue to many factors and is seasonal in nature. Influences the state of the environment, the bee family and the uterus, as well as how to plant the bee into the litter of the bee.
The environment is of no small importance.First of all, these are weather conditions and the presence of plants that contain nectar. Season, time of the uterus replanting, weather conditions also affect the attitude of the bees to it. If the street is warm and quiet, insects take their uterus well in their family. If it's windy, rainy and cold, good reception from the bees should not wait. In such weather, they are irritated and do not like any interference in their lives.
A great influence on the ratio of bees to the uterus hasbribes. If it is not there, the insects become vicious. To replant the uterus, they try to choose the period in which the bees have at least some kind of bribe. Then they are less aggressive and can adopt a new uterus. If the bribe is not at all, it is necessary to feed bees before, during and after the introduction of a new queen.
The ratio of insects to the uterus depends on the periodseason. It is not easy to replant in the summer, when there is still no major bribe. But when he appears, the bees become less observant, they are busy collecting nectar. During this period, the implantation of the uterus will be successful. The ratio of bees to it affects the time of day. It is recommended to do the injection in the evening. At this time, the bees are less active. But the selection of queens for removal is best done in the afternoon.
The ratio of bees depends on the duration of the period, inwhich the family lives without a uterus. Orphaned insects will better take the uterus about three hours after its death or removal from the hive. During this time, the excitement of the bees will settle down, and they will stop looking for it.
The family should not long remain without the queen.The prolonged expectation negatively affects the attitude of the bees to it. Without a uterus, the family can stay no more than six hours, otherwise it will take up fistula mothers, the bees will fill them. All this, of course, can be corrected: to break queen cells and urgently put them in the uterus. But the attitude towards it will be much worse.
Insects will never kill a new queen during the early spring, when they start circling in search of nectar, and also throughout the first week after it.
Bees show aggression to the planted uterus,when the bribe in nature comes to an end. This time is in August and September. Negative attitude is clearly expressed in old flying bees. A bad reception is arranged by insects to young barren uterus, especially if they stayed in the cell for a while. The bee that has just emerged from the queen cell is slow, its movements are smooth. The family's attitude towards her is more favorable. With age, it becomes mobile, the attitude of the bees to it varies, they meet it hostilely.
Very often the circumstances are such thatthere is a need to replant the uterus. Each beekeeper throughout the season faces such a problem. Adding a new uterus to the brood is done for the following reasons:
Bees tend to reproduce themselves.This is a natural process, which is called swarming. He delivers to beekeepers a lot of trouble, since bees do not collect commodity honey, which affects the profit. There are many ways to prevent this process, but Gennady Stepanenko suggests taking the queens artificially.
How to plant a uterus in a hole according to Stepanenko?To do this, start the preparatory work from the end of April. The frame with the open brood and the uterus is removed from the hive, which is divided into two sections by means of a lattice. In the small compartment is placed a frame with honey, and in the center is a uterus with an open brood. Instead of the seized equipment, a frame with a printed brood is installed from another evidence.
The uterus is sought and placed in an isolator thatset in a small department. From the contents of this department make a divergence. Then the uterus is removed from the isolator and, together with the bees, is released into the brood. It is important to expand the nests before this. Next, the honeycombs through the cell are cut into strips and set in slats. Unnecessary eggs are destroyed by a match, while they observe a strict order. Two eggs are crushed, but one is left. Then expand all the nests and form the nucleus layers. It remains to observe the process of oviposition.
It is considered risky, since the uterus, gettingin a new family, is not protected by anything from the aggression that bees are showing towards her. How to plant the uterus in a litter directly? This is easy to do. First, you need to remove the old uterus from the family and remove the other from the nucleus, which will be planted in the brood. The new womb is taken with a piece of honeycomb and placed on the place where the old one used to sit before. Three hive is not worth worrying about. Only after that it is necessary to check what happens.
How to plant the uterus in a bend? If you use the method of direct replanting, you should know that you can apply it in the following case:
How to plant the uterus in a bend? The rules of this method are as follows:
The method is performed in this way usingmechanical devices. They are needed to temporarily isolate the uterus from malevolent bees. Indirect insertion is carried out with the help of cells, caps, insulating containers, and a method is used in which the uterus is placed in the brood.
This method using a simple device, the cell, is the most popular. How to plant a fetal uterus in a bend? To do this, you need to do the following:
The advantage of adaptation is the absenceopportunities for killing the uterus. But there are drawbacks. The new queen is kept in unnatural conditions, the regime of her nutrition is disturbed, oviposition is suspended. In addition, the bee can get injured.
Some drawbacks of the previous methodAre eliminated if instead of cells to use mesh caps. How best to put the uterus in a hole? This method has several advantages, although the procedure is the same, the only difference is that it does not sit down immediately, but after five hours.
During this time, the bees have time to feel that herno under the cap, and start to worry. The advantage of the method is that the content of the uterus occurs in vivo. Her feeding is timely, she continues to lay eggs. The disadvantage is one, but significant. Under the cap, you can penetrate and kill the uterus, if you gnaw through the honeycomb under it. In this way, the fetal uterus is placed in a layer.
This method is very effective.Beekeepers use it more often than others, because the uterus has reliable protection against malevolent bees and good conditions. She calmly eats and lays eggs. How to plant the fetal uterus in the layers? To do this, follow these rules:
Replanting the fetal uterus is not difficult.This should be done from mid-April. The old uterus is removed, in its place a new one is placed. Bees do not notice the substitution, doing their own thing. The uterus immediately begins laying eggs. If you plant the barren queen in this way, the bees will accept her worse.
In an unfavorable period when plants secretenectar in small quantities, the beekeeper decides: how to plant the uterus in the layers? This is best done using a uterine cell, in the lower part of which a tube is inserted with a wide end, the diameter of which is one and a half centimeters. For the manufacture of tubes, you can use foil or tin. The second end of the tube, whose length is 30-50 millimeters, is less, only one centimeter. Bottom tube you need to wrap up the wax and make a few holes in it.
В эту клеточку помещается матка и переносится в ringless family to the center of the nest. The framework with the need to push, otherwise the cell does not fit. After about five days, an inspection is made. If the cell is empty, the uterus is accepted into the family. With a hostile attitude towards the new queen, she becomes invulnerable, hiding in a straw. The bees will not get inside, the uterus does not let them in, it closes the passage with the body. The bees may not accept the new queen if there is already a queen in the family, as well as queen cells.
Such a procedure is not easy.This is due to the fact that the tinder in one cell lay eggs from three to five pieces, and not to the center, but to the walls. Bees take care of trushes, like a uterus, so they simply destroy the implanted.
Если семья, в которой роль королевы выполняют tinder, weak, it is rejected, the bees are released, and evidence is removed from the apiary. How to plant the uterus in the layers with trushes? If the family is big and strong, a new queen is selected. She is placed in a cage and sits down in a tinder family. The hives immediately change places. It takes into account the fact that flight bees always return to their hive. So in this case. After two or three hours, they will fall into the tinder family, in which they will meet their uterus.
Данный способ зарекомендовал себя с хорошей hand, so it is used when you need to plant a valuable uterus, increase the apiary or change the breed of bees. Through the layers, fetal and barren specimens are planted, as well as queen bees at the exit from them. How to properly plant the fetal uterus in the layers? To implement this procedure, you must follow the following rules:
How to make otvodok and plant a uterus?Small beehives, called nuclei, are more suitable for bee slips. But you can use the usual hives, if the free space to fence off the plates. After separation, the layers are transported to a large distance from the apiary. This is done so that the flight bees do not return to their former place.
If you can not take away the hives with layersaway, they just left fewer bees, they will scatter. In this case, the young bees in the nuclei must be provided with a sufficient amount of water. When they grow up a little, they will be able to extract water on their own.
Formed from the layering of the family need to be strengthened.To do this, use printed brood on the output. Soon swarms should appear. They will be much more hardworking than regular ones. Efficiency and family growth will increase. At the end of summer, the number of bees will be such that they will be enough for ten frames.
This method is used whena short time you need to create a lot of layering. Examining the main bee colonies, frames are removed from the beehive, having printed brood, bee bread and honey. Bees with them are shaken off on the gallows lying in the shadows. They can be plywood. Empty frames are placed in the new layouts, formed the day before. The uterus must be found in advance and put it so that it does not fall into the nest.
Then the gangway is shaken.Old bees will fly into their family, and the young will remain in place. To the entrance plate of the new layer, which is located in the hive with the fruit and honey frames, the gangway is substituted. Bees crawl from them right into the entrance. In the midst of insects placed barren uterus, which, along with the rest will fall into the layers, and the bees will accept it.
When the bee is in the mother liquor,it is impossible to control its quality. This method of replanting the uterus is not the best. But for the urgent creation of a layering beekeepers sometimes use it. So that the bees do not crush the mother liquor, it is placed in a spring, and covered with tin on top. When the old flying bees fly into the maternal family, only the young remain in the layering. They take a new womb, considering it their own.
This method is only for experienced beekeepers.How to plant the uterus in the layers? This should be done in the evening when the air temperature drops and the bees lose their mobility. For the procedure, the frame with bees is taken from the layers and is kept in air, the temperature of which should be below 14 degrees Celsius. This frame with honey, it is extreme in the hive.
The bees will soon calm down after gathering on honey, theywill use it. At this time it is necessary to release the barren uterus. No attention will be paid to her by the bee. After that, the frame must be put back on the side of the side on which the uterus is placed.
There are several ways to replantthe use of which depends on the weather conditions and the season. Using sealed queen cells is an easy way, but it has a flaw. A visual examination of the uterus is usually carried out before it is transplanted into the layers. But in this case, the queen can not be seen. Although the uterus may have defects or it does not leave the mother liquor at all. Experienced beekeepers use other methods of replanting the barren uterus in the layers.
How to plant a barren uterus in the layers?There is a way in which, on the eve of grafting, about 20 minutes before it, cotton or foam rubber is moistened in alcohol and placed on the upper part of the frame. The same tampon can be put directly inside if the bee colony is large. Insects need to provide food. This is a must. Then the frame should be tight, it is better to tightly close the plastic. So alcohol vapors will not volatilize. It is better if the alcohol will have a strong smell. How to plant a barren uterus in the layers? Twenty minutes later, the uterus is placed on the frame near the cotton, then it is closed with polyethylene or canvas. After a while, the queen, like the whole family, is soaked in alcohol, the bees will accept her as their own.