/ Yacht Patriarch Kirill. Where did Patriarch Kirill have a yacht? What does the Russian Orthodox Church say about the personal yacht of Patriarch Cyril?

Yacht Patriarch Cyril. Where did Patriarch Kirill have a yacht? What does the Russian Orthodox Church say about the personal yacht of Patriarch Cyril?

Luxury transport always causes envy and unreasonable conversations. Especially when it comes to ministers of the church. So the yacht of Patriarch Kirill in 2011 made a lot of noise.

yacht patriarch cyril

The most beautiful yacht in Russia

Billionaires can't be banned from spending their money.on luxury ships and stylish sea yachts. But what if such expensive transport is seen in the possession of a servant of God? This is the most beautiful yacht "Pallas". This is an elegant black vessel with tinted glass. The cost of such a "toy" - 4 million dollars. The numbers are shocking, and the question arises: "Is this the personal yacht of Patriarch Kirill or did he just decide to ride with the wind?"

The ship was built in 2003, it wasdesigned by architect Guido de Groot. The total length of the yacht is 32 meters, its width is 7.45 meters. Initially, this vessel was listed as the president of the Russian Federation. Today it is the yacht of the patriarch Cyril. She has four crew members who live in two cabins. Guests can also take the ship, but in the amount of 8 people.

yacht pallada patriarch cyril

What is inside the yacht?

The yacht of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow is equippedthe most powerful devices. The design of each cabin is royal. Not to mention the elite white wood, which was used for interior decoration. Designers also used mahogany and oak. All furniture is made according to special designs from expensive material, sheathed with natural leather.

Patriarch Kirill's yacht

The deck of snow white color goes well withdark body. The yacht "Pallada" of Patriarch Cyril regularly receives guests from all the churches of the world. High-ranking spiritual leaders rest in a luxurious living room. There is not only a bar, but also the best home theater. The room is well isolated, so it is pleasant to be in it, even when bad weather rages outside.

where patriarch cyril yacht

In the dining room can dine eight people.Each bedroom has a royal bed. In the bathroom, you can take all the necessary water treatments and even enjoy the warmth of the sauna. For those who can not imagine life without physical exertion, there is a full-fledged fitness room.

Where did the yacht of the patriarch of Moscow?

The personal life of the leaders of the Orthodox world is alwaysis of interest to ordinary people. And when strange news about luxury transport or expensive accessories appears, people start to criticize and accuse each minister of dishonesty of dishonesty. This is exactly what happened when Patriarch Kirill's yacht was discovered.

Journalists on the Internet have becomeindignantly talk about expensive apartments and how they will affect the prayer attitude of all those present. But the very first question that each person asked was very logical: "Where does patriarch Kirill have a yacht from?"

Gifts for oilmen

In 2005, July 25, the former yacht of VladimirVladimirovich was spotted on the pier of Krestovsky Island. Valaam Monastery received such water transport through intermediaries. The vessel was presented by the well-known oil company "Lukoil".

The monastery has long had its own fleetconsisting of ten ships. Here are just a status vessel in this collection was not. Guests with special spiritual status are supposed to ride on special yachts. Therefore, the gift came to the court, and it is not at all scary that the name is pagan.

An attraction of unknown generosity?

The patriarch Kirill's yacht made a lot of noise.What the Russian Orthodox Church (Russian Orthodox Church) says about it is still unknown. Its representatives prefer to just keep quiet and shrug. Of course, this is a gift, but for gifts it is not customary to condemn.

Press secretary of NK "Lukoil" Dmitry Dolgov gaveinterviews for many print publications. That's just about why they give such gifts, he is silent. The man only told that the yacht was not used by the company itself. It was specially acquired for Gundyaev, who represents the entire community of clergy in our country.

Who is Pallas?

The milk sister of Athena bore the name of Pallas.This pagan name was baptized yacht, intended leader of the state. No one paid any attention to this until the yacht became owned by the RCP. In 2007, the ministers of the church promised that they would change their name to the Christian - "The All-Daughter". This is the name of the icon of the Mother of God. But so many years have passed, and the yacht has not yet been named in a different way.

Журналисты часто задавали вопросы служителям churches about this. Those, in turn, found strange explanations for such behavior. Another special outrage caused the arms of the Russian Federation, located on the ship. As you know, the state emblem can not be used RCP.

Yacht Patriarch of Moscow Kirill Gundyaeva

Patriarch Kirill Ground Transportation

To carry the word of God to the masses, everything is necessarytime to move. The yacht of Patriarch Kirill supplemented the collection, which is available on the balance sheet of the Russian Orthodox Church. According to the patriarch himself, this gift from the oil company came in handy. This is despite the fact that church leaders already had ten courts at their disposal. The yacht, of course, is a significant transport, but there are others that are not inferior to the ship in luxury and assembly:

  • The fleet needed to travel overland. In the collection of the Patriarch of Moscow - "Mercedes" series S Deluxe, Toyota Land Cruiser, Escalade Cadillac, limousine and even the Soviet victory "Victory".
  • Armored car with an icon on the facade.

Patriarch Kirill's personal yacht

Other generous gifts

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow is regularly broughtgifts of thousands of parishioners. Among them there are enough wealthy people who can afford gifts for 30,000 dollars. That is how much are the watches brand Breguet. In them the leader of Christianity repeatedly appeared in the frame, but sometimes they were removed by diligent editors. After all, these accessories will cause outrage in many people.

А дача в виде храма до сих пор шокирует каждого, who was beside her. These mansions are located on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory. For the sake of their construction hundreds of trees of the state forest fund were cut down.

Patriarch Kirill on the yacht refutation

Another patriarch's yacht

People did not have time to forget about the generous gifts fromoil workers serving the church, as in September 2015 a new scandal broke out. In the center of events - again the ship, the cost of which is about 600,000 dollars. Patriarch Kirill was spotted on a yacht in August by locals, but information leaked onto the World Wide Web 22.09. Even photos were taken. They show that the gray-haired old man stands at the helm. Next were taken pictures showing the bathing of the patriarch. The action takes place in Blue Bay, which is located near the village Divnomorskoe (Krasnodar Territory).

Журналисты с особым усердием стали звонить всем, who could confirm the presence of Cyril on the yacht Azimut. But the rest of the clergy preferred to remain silent about the patriarch's boat trip. Silence only added questions, therefore, it could be. It is also known that the servants of rural churches repeatedly wrote letters to Patriarch Kirill himself. They accuse him of encouraging debauchery and closing his eyes to expensive gifts that are out of place for all who serve the Christian faith.

Patriarch Kirill noticed on yacht

Зато Алексей Невзоров (известный публицист) openly points out that all clergy leaders live on the money of the parishioners and taxpayers. People simply put unbelievable sums in the RCP purse, buying candles, icons and other church attributes. He writes also that ordinary mortal men and women who like luxury, expensive cars and large sums in accounts are hiding behind all these ryasas. They are people who have forgotten what sin is and how to give up your property for the sake of faith. These people simply advocate righteous views, but are not willing to throw off gold and status from their shoulders.

That's how scandals arise when ridingPatriarch Kirill on the yacht. Denial appeared immediately after unscrupulous accusations on the Internet. But these words had a lot in common and little information on the fact of Cyril bathing in the Black Sea.

How does the patriarch of Moscow and all Russia live?

В 2014 году в одном интервью Кирилл сказал фразу, which has spread all over the Internet: "We live today as richly as we never lived after the revolution." This statement caused a lot of comments. People tried to decipher what exactly the church minister had in mind. Perhaps the proposal was addressed to the ROC. As the people live quite poorly, especially in 2014, when the financial crisis began in the yard. The country's economy was also not in the best shape, because commodity prices were falling at a catastrophic rate. The state budget was replenished by taxes and fines.

Сегодня патриарх Московский тоже живет неплохо.Especially if it cuts the waves of the Black Sea on a yacht, the cost of which is about 600,000 dollars. His entourage claim that this man has no time to be distracted by the holidays and entertainments of ordinary mortal people. Every day he prays for the salvation of Russia and all its people. And the fact that in his fleet there are several best cars, the yacht of Patriarch Kirill Gundyaev of Moscow is at the pier, and the carriage is made of bullet-proof material, it’s just the cost of his life. He is a public person, so you need to match the status.

Конечно, осуждать патриарха или нет – это личное everyone's business. No one knows what secrets this person holds and how he communicates with the Creator. In any case, his word is believed, and thousands of Christians are ready to follow him. And cars and yachts are the elementary needs of civilized people. He should not live in a hut from adobe and ride a cart. Moreover, the yacht has become an ordinary gift. So the rest of the transport was presented as a gift or purchased with the money of the ROC. The budget in this treasury is far from small. Kirill many times said that all the transport he uses is not his property. It remains only to believe the words of this great man, until the next provocative pictures have leaked onto the Internet.

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