After the death of I.V.Stalin in his name was poured a huge amount of dirt. The great man was accused of mass shootings and atrocities, the fantasy of prosecutors reached fantastic figures of 45-60 million people.
The population of the USSR under Stalin grew by almost 70million people, from 136.8 million in 1920 to 208.8 in 1959. If we consider the number only of the RSFSR, then the population growth was 18.9 million people, for 30 years from 1923 to 1953, which is approximately is about 22%. During the entire period of the Russian Federation's existence, the population decline, taking into account unborn children, was 31.3 million people. The question naturally arises: was the population of the USSR under Stalin exposed to such terrible violence and destruction?
Consumption of pure alcohol per capitaunder Stalin was only 1.9 liters, against the modern 20-25 liters. The population of the USSR was sober and gave healthy offspring. Modern Russia is the world leader in child addiction. In the Union prostitution was completely eradicated, any of its manifestations were immediately suppressed. The Russian Federation occupies a leading position not only in the field of selling love, but also in the scale of child prostitution.
During the leadership of Putin's country - MedvedevThe number of oligarchs increased almost sevenfold, from 8 to 53 people. The total amount of their fortune is estimated at 282 billion US dollars. According to a study conducted by the Russian Academy of Sciences, 15% of Russia's population owns 85% of all savings and about 92% of property income. In the hands of a relatively small group of the population (0.001% of the total population of the country), about 50% of all natural resources are located. Under Stalin, the national treasure belonged to the people, most of the services rendered to the population by the state were either free of charge or worth a penny. The current housing bills hit even the president, not to mention the simple people.
Just a few figures for comparison, what was at the tyrant, the usurper and the murderer and what became of the blossoming democratic country. And at what time would you like to live?