/ / The regime of totalitarianism. What is totalitarianism? Features, features, essence of totalitarianism

The regime of totalitarianism. What is totalitarianism? Features, features, essence of totalitarianism

Totalitarianism - what is it? With this arrangement, the state compulsorily regulates the life of the whole country. There is no right for independent thoughts or deeds.

The power of control and repression

There are no areas of state life that woulddid not want to control the power. Nothing should hide from her gaze. If, in a democratic understanding, the ruler should express the will of the people, then the totalitarian heads of state did not hesitate to produce advanced ideas in their minds and impose them.

totalitarianism what is
People must unconditionally submit to allorders and instructions that come from above. A person is not offered a choice of ideas and variants of the world outlook, from which he can choose what will impress him the most. He was imposed the final version of ideology, which he had to accept or suffer for his convictions, for the idea of ​​the state was neither subject to contestation nor doubt.

Where totalitarianism was born

The first term "totalitarianism" began to use the adherent of fascism in Italy J. Gentile. This happened in the early 20th century. Italy is the first field where a totalitarian ideology has sprouted.

The Soviet Union became the receiver, being underthe rule of Stalin. This model of government was also popular in Germany, beginning in 1933. Each country painted totalitarian power with those features that were peculiar to this particular way of life, but there are also common features.

features of totalitarianism

How to recognize totalitarianism

You can talk about such a system if you meet the following features of totalitarianism:

1.As a rule, they proclaim an official ideology. All must comply with the rules prescribed by it. Control is total. It seems that the police are monitoring prisoners or criminals. The essence of totalitarianism is to find intruders and prevent them from doing things that could damage the state.

2.The authorities can fully dictate what is allowed and what is not. Any disobedience is severely punished. In the main, the functions of the supervisor are performed by the party, which establishes a monopoly on the management of the country.

3.The features of totalitarianism are that there is no such sphere of human life that would not be monitored. The state is identified with the society for more control and regulation. In no form does totalitarianism answer, what is individual freedom, the right to self-determination.

4. Democratic freedoms are not popular here. A person has very little space for his own interests, aspirations and desires.

totalitarianism regime

On what grounds can you determine totalitarianism

The most characteristic for this management system are the following features:

1.Democracy, totalitarianism, authoritarianism are all different regimes. In the device that we are considering, freedom is not something that is not taken into account as a necessity for a person, but also is considered something indecent, destructive and destructive.

2.The features of totalitarianism include the existence of ideological absolutism. That is, the set of rules and ideas worked out by the ruling elite is being built into the framework of a divine indestructible truth, an axiom that there is no way to challenge. This is something that can not be changed. It was and will be so, because it is right, and otherwise it can not be. Democracy and totalitarianism openly quarrel.

Indestructible power

If more free schemes of power canchange the rulers, make suggestions and comments, then in the situation of a single party in a particular party, even the idea of ​​such changes is punishable up to exile or even execution. So if someone does not like something, it's his problem, and it's better to keep it quiet for your own safety.

There is a single party that knows best how the people should live. It creates special structures, templates and schemes, according to which society must work.

democracy and totalitarianism

Cruelty of management

The concept of totalitarianism does not include carefuland caring attitude towards citizens. Organize terror, repression and other intimidating actions are possible. Typical cruelty. The party is all-powerful and undeniable. The people are dependent and driven.

The power holds behind its back a power structure,which will always be able to help with its services to harass citizens. Frightened people obey and obey. In fact, as a rule, most people hate such a power, but they are afraid to open their mouths and say so.

Monopolizes the board in its favortotalitarianism. What citizens usually do not know about freedom of choice. All information sources are monitored. People do not know more than the ruling people would like.

Information stiffness

All the media serve the party and distribute only the information that should be made public. Dissent is cruelly punished and suppressed very quickly. All that remains is to serve the powers that be.

Totalitarianism is a regime in which the economyit is controlled centrally and is characterized by a command-administrative character. It belongs to the state, expresses the goals of politics, not individuals or businesses.

The country is constantly living in a state of readiness forwar. If you live in a state where totalitarianism reigns, what rest you hardly know. It creates the feeling that you live in a military camp, on all sides of which enemies. They make their way into your ranks and prepare enemy plans. Either you destroy or destroy you.

Such a nervous situation is created by the heads of statetheir citizens. At the same time, the idea of ​​a better future is propagated, a lighthouse is drawn, in whose light people should go. And only the party knows how to do it. That's why she needs to completely trust and follow orders, if you do not want to get lost, get off the road and be torn by predatory beasts, who hang around, full of bloodthirsty.

essence of totalitarianism

The roots of totalitarian politics

Totalitarianism can be briefly described as freshthe trend of the last century. Thanks to the technical achievement, mass propaganda became available. Now there are more opportunities for coercion and repression. In most cases, such a mixture is obtained by combining economic crises and related periods, when the industrial development is particularly high and active.

Then, to the culture, social structures and other things that relate more to the spiritual and sublime spectrum, no one really cares. On the agenda is a struggle for resources, power, division of territories.

Human life loses value in the eyes ofpeople, they are ready to go on their heads and sacrifice other people's lives. In order to push the masses over with their foreheads, they need to brainwash, deprive them of the opportunity to think, turn into a herd, spur like horses, and drive them towards their own goals.

In such deplorable conditions, a person - still a living, thinking and feeling being, no matter how much it hinders the party - feels bad and lost, he wants understanding and peace. He is looking for protection.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Old traditions are crumbling.There is violence and vandalism in the truest sense of the word. The most interesting thing is that barbarism is served under the noble pretext of caring and custody. After all, there is a bright future ahead, you just need to wait.

Do not believe the party? We will have to get rid of such a person, otherwise he will divert his country from reaching new development peaks with his clever ideas.

People see good and evil in their government,patron and tormentor. It's like a stepfather who beats a child. He likes to buy ice cream and sometimes he drives them to attractions, but the fifth point from this is still not easier. So it would be better not to drive, but left alone.

People want this very father's protection, but inAs a bonus, they also receive a belt with a huge iron plate, which is very painful beating. With the help of such a discipline, social problems must be quickly resolved, but in fact new ones are emerging.

Large crowds of people support the party, butthey themselves answer to her, she also connects their hands at a time when you want a little freedom. The people themselves erect an idol on a pedestal, oppresses the back before him, worships and fears, loves and hates. This is based on the desire to give responsibility in one hand. But who will agree to assume great responsibilities without the possibility of extracting from this the freedom to rule and control uncontrollably?

totalitarianism in brief

Visible motive

To convince people of the correctness of what is happening, talk about theories of common will. Thus, one class or nation must embody all the desires and ideals of humanity.

Dissent in this case distracts people fromthe right path and must be eradicated, because too much is at stake, just can not allow distraction from the main goal. Freedoms and human rights are of less and less importance.

Utopian ideas bloom more and more magnificently, inwho believe, hoping that they will still be able to live up to their incarnation. Once in a happy future, a progressive society will be built. Well, now, for this, you need to get a little pushed and shed a couple of drops of blood of those who do not understand the importance of the operation and dare to interfere with its course.

Totalitarian systems, as a rule, reign inthose states where they tend to ideologies of dictatorship and communism. Mussolini - the leader of the fascists in Italy - was the first to introduce this definition into use. It was to them that the state was proclaimed the main value for all citizens, control and repression increased.

Close control schemes

There were even examples of how absolute control was combined with some freedoms and authoritarian power.

the concept of totalitarianism
By totalitarian democracy is meant thatThe period when mass repressions were conducted with the Soviet Union. There was a general surveillance, in which representatives of the most diverse strata of the population took part. The purpose of the observation was the private life of co-workers, people living in the neighborhood or relatives. Then the concept of "enemy of the people" was widely used, which was branded by those guilty at frequent meetings. This was considered a relatively democratic style of government. People believed in the expediency of such actions and willingly took part in them.

As for totalitarian authoritarianism, thisthe form of power takes place when there is no reliance on the forces of the broad masses. Ubiquitous control is already conducted by other methods, mainly military, features characteristic of a dictatorship.

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