/ / Energy Day: history, features and interesting facts

Energy Day: History, Features and Interesting Facts

A thin power line separates the modernprogressive world from the Stone Age. A lot of people work day and night, not to waste time, so that there is light and warmth in the houses. From the hot south with its scorching sun and to the cold north with its frost, from lowlands and valleys to mountains and hills - there will be a power line everywhere, and the one who leads it is an energy engineer. And he has his own special, unique holiday - the Day of the Power Engineer.

Power lines

Energy in every house

Recently, energy consumption aloneThe taken apartment has considerably increased in comparison with the period of twenty years ago. Imperceptibly appeared a lot of electrical appliances, irreplaceable and helping with everyday household tasks. Take, for example, the average kitchen. Now in the kitchens you can see a branch of a small household appliance store: a blender, a steamer, a multivark, an electric meat grinder, an induction surface, a refrigerator (sometimes a freezer) and a cherry on the cake is a TV. Of course, all this does not turn on right away, but without stress it would be problematic to use all these devices. Even this article you could not read without electricity.

Everyday life of power engineers

Cooling towers for cooling water

That people can enjoy all the benefitscivilizations, every day energy comes to work and accept the challenges that throw the weather, unforeseen circumstances and other difficulties. In spite of strong winds, bad weather, ice, heat and severe cold, the power engineers go to the line, climb the equipment to eliminate accidents and resume power supply to the houses.

history of the holiday

Happy energy day

Now the branched network of power lines of various voltage covers the whole country and delivers electricity to its most remote corners. But it all started much easier.

In 1920, the Eighth All-Russian Congresscouncils approved the plan for the development and electrification of the USSR. A little later, in 1966, the Presidium of the Supreme Council issued a decree, in which the official date of the Day of Power Engineers was celebrated. It coincided with the date of the GOERLO plan (electrification plan). Since then, congratulations on the birthday of the energy sector are taking place on December 22. In addition, this date by coincidence is a symbol: on December 22, the longest night precedes, after which the day of light increases. It was this plan that became the first long-term plan for the development of a young state called the USSR. It was thanks to him that the country received a powerful push to increase production and economy. The plan foreseen the construction of 30 power plants and some distribution substations. For ten years, this plan was fully implemented.

Day of power engineers in Russia is not striking to itsscale, the energy industry does not seek to achieve popularity and do not celebrate their day in the Kremlin Hall. But on this day many people try to express their gratitude to them. On this day the merits of power engineers in the economic development of the country are recognized.

Power engineering today

At present, before the employeesenergy industry are very difficult tasks, because most of the equipment is both morally and technically obsolete. Power engineers make plans to replace equipment, replace equipment with investment programs and implement them. The past Olympics in Sochi has given a very powerful development to the region. New substations were built, a lot of obsolete equipment was modernized, new capacities were introduced.

Rapidly growing cities and just as rapidlytheir energy consumption is increasing. Power engineers introduce new transformers, autodransformers and transformer substations. Now a powerful reconstruction of the substations of the northern region of Russia has started. In addition, power engineers are solving a number of complex tasks for the supply of the peninsula Crimea.

People from steel

Work days

Sometimes ordinary people, being warm and lighted,Do not think about the work that is done so that you can sit comfortably at home. Taking into account uneasy weather conditions and often old equipment, power engineers perform their work carefully and efficiently. After strong gusts, among the fields, in open country, on seven winds, overcoming all weather bad weather, they in the cold repair damaged power lines and equipment so that people have light and heat. In addition, the energy sector ensures that the unified energy network does not fall apart and could supply electricity to consumers without interruption.

Study, study and study again!

The work of the power engineer is preceded by a long training.Even during the main work of people of this profession are sent to study in the school and try to give all the necessary knowledge to work in the energy sector. Thus, competent specialists are trained, who can apply the received knowledge in practice. In addition to training engineering personnel for courses of slingers, welders, battery holders, and line managers, workers of the working specialty are also trained.

There are no former power engineers

Day of Power Engineer - professional holiday of allthose who, without sparing their hands, work at power stations, substations, laboratories, repair shops, test sites, who are traveling on the power line.

But there are no former power engineers.On this festive day - Day of Power Engineers of Russia - they invite to the celebration of labor veterans of the energy sector, who are on a well-deserved rest. When you look at them, it seems that a long time working in the energy industry left its mark. There is an impression that at first the veterans gave a part to themselves of this work, and now energy puts life energy in their bodies, so young, alive and mobile they seem.

We bring light and joy to people!

Combining technology

The main "drawback" of electricity isthat it can not be worked out and put in the far corner for a supply. Everything that has been worked out - everything must be consumed. That is why day and night on duty are dispatchers on duty at substations, regional dispatch centers, regional dispatch centers. They regulate energy flows, they are the first to react to accidents, and it is from them that the successful liquidation of an accident depends. It is possible to name all workers of power branch safely by soldiers of light. For them, the words "light," heat "- not just words, they know how these" warm words "come into the house and what works it is worth to bring them there.

Challenges for power engineers

Green energy

At present, the power industry is experiencing a realboom of "green energy". This is a natural energy that is produced by renewable sources. This is solar energy, wind energy, water energy. Water has long served to generate electricity in our country.

The very first hydropower plants of the Soviet Union were built in the Leningrad and Zaporozhye regions - they are still in a working condition.

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

Solar energy is very large in itselfpotential, and, hence, for power engineers there comes the next era of "pure energy". And, perhaps, in a few tens of years on the Day of Power Engineering, congratulations with a professional holiday will be accepted by those who have made innovative breakthroughs in the direction of "green energy".

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