Rainbow has always attracted the attention of his manincredible beauty and singularity. But not everyone can explain what it is, where it comes from. And really, what does a rainbow look like? Try to describe this interesting phenomenon to a person who has never encountered it. Will it work out? Let's try it together.
If you take five different colors, to draw a boldly in a semicircle of the strip, one after another in the blue sky, you get something similar to the indicated miracle.
The church did not welcome the attempts of scientists to penetratein rainbow formation processes. She insisted that the Lord creates all physical phenomena in nature. Examples of this can be found in the history of the XVII century. So, the scientist Dominis, who tried to conduct such research, was excommunicated and put in custody. He did not wait for the sentence of the Inquisition, having died in a prison. However, his body was burned (as was the case with heretics). The same fate awaited other inquisitive researchers. Although their train of thought was generally correct. Obviously, talking about how a rainbow looks like, why it appears, they had to get close to the basic optical laws. Conclusions managed to make the learned Czech Marc Marz.
Так бывает, что человек исследует одно небольшое phenomenon, and receives conclusions, which will then be called fundamental. That is, a revolution in science can begin with a small experiment. Now the famous Czech was interested in physical phenomena in nature, examples of which he observed in everyday life. Only he was not satisfied with explaining the Church about the divinity of their origin. He conducted simple experiments with the sun's rays. Namely, considered the rays passing through the faceted glass. One day, perhaps by accident, a piece came into his hands, vaguely resembling a prism. He passed through it a thin beam in a dark room. There was no limit to his surprise. One beam entered a piece of glass, and as many as five came out, and multi-colored! So it was experimentally proven complex structure of white light. Later it was theoretically substantiated by Newton.
When the white beam enters a different medium, itrefracted. Since it consists of different waves, each of them behaves differently. When passing through flat surfaces this cannot be seen. But in a prism resembling a pyramid, white light is decomposed into a spectrum. That is, a wave of a certain color is refracted in its own way. The output is no longer a white ray, but a rainbow strip. Now remember that the phenomenon under study appears in the rain. The sun's rays pass through droplets, each of which resembles a prism, and are divided into a spectrum. And the viewer sees a rainbow in the sky. It seems that it was painted in the air. The magic of this phenomenon is unlikely to disappear, even if you fully understand the mechanism of its occurrence.
Not everyone perceives this phenomenon in the same way.It depends on the specific conditions, even the characteristics of the human retina. But this does not mean that rainbows appear in different ways. No, they are all the same, sometimes just certain colors are less noticeable. Sometimes the phenomenon itself looks pale, and sometimes very bright. After reviewing the theory, you can accurately say what colors the rainbow should have. First comes red. Behind it appears orange. They can merge into one lane for a person with low sensitivity of the retina. Then yellow and green appear. Next - blue and blue. They can also be perceived as one lane of the arc. It ends in purple. Such a “perfect” rainbow is rarely seen. Is that in the laboratory. There is even a poem for children, which remember the colors of the rainbow. Here it is: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits." The first letters of words are similar to the name of the color that makes up this magnificent phenomenon of nature.
Если понять, как она образуется, то вопрос It seems very strange. In order to get a rainbow, we need two conditions: sunlight and water droplets splashed in the air (on the surface of plants). When does this happen? A beautiful rainbow (photo) can form in a waterfall or fountain jets. In this case, all conditions are respected. Here it is important to bear in mind that it is possible to see a rainbow when the observer is standing between the water "suspension" and the sun. So, if there is such an opportunity, wander around the fountain on a fine day. You will surely find such a view when this magnificent phenomenon arises in the air. Even it sometimes occurs in strong surf, when the waves break up into many splashes. If at the same time the sun shines brightly, then you can see colored stripes in the air.
It is necessary to understand that the main natural phenomenahave their own patterns. If we talk about the rainbow, then they are studied enough. So, people wondered why she looked like a piece of a circle? It turns out that it depends on the point from which to observe it. The rays of the sun, refracted, fall into the eyes of man. They are all straight. If you draw them on a piece of paper, you get exactly the arc. And if you look at it from above, then it will look like a rainbow ring. Rarely enough to see several "heavenly bridges." They occur when sunlight refracts more than once in droplets. Cases of the appearance in the sky of two, three and five rainbows are described. Great sight!
Научное обоснование явления скучно.It is incomparable with the sensations experienced by the viewer. Sometimes it is even a pity that everything is explained so in detail by science. The natural phenomena of summer, including this “sign of the heavens,” fill the audience with a sense of incredible joy, an extraordinary miracle. It is even described in the Holy Scriptures. It was a sign from the Lord to the long-suffering righteous man. When Noah, fleeing from the flood, sailed in stormy waters without hope, but with deep faith in his soul, he was granted a sign. They became a rainbow that appeared in the sky after a rainstorm that lasted forty days. Noah realized that he was saved. It was from that time that the colorful arc began to be considered a good omen, a sign from the Most High. They say that it appears only to good, righteous people. Did you see the rainbow yourself?