/ / The best private kindergartens of Belgorod

The best private kindergartens of Belgorod

For a long time, private children'sgardens operated in Russia on an illegal basis. The reason was the absence of legislative norms that would regulate the possibility of doing such activities. Only in 2014, the laws entered into force, which allowed the opening of private educational institutions for the care of children of preschool age. From that moment they began to emerge everywhere. In the presented material we will talk about private kindergartens of Belgorod, we learn, in what advantages of education of kids in such institutions.

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private kindergartens of Belgorod
Private kindergarten "Parovozik" functions inBelgorod since November 2015. Pre-school educational institution specializes in organizing leisure activities and conducting development activities for children aged 1 to 3 and a half years. The kindergarten staff is responsible for ensuring the safety of children, as evidenced by the positive opinions of experts from Pozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.

Here children are offered a full 4-timefood. Educators of the institution organize for kids active games indoors, walking outdoors, watching the maintenance of the regime, in particular, provide daytime sleep.

Where is the kindergarten? The institution is located at the address: Narodniy bulvar, house 2a. You can find it by finding a 9-storey house, on the wall of which there is an image of a locomotive.


kapitoshka kindergarten
Surveying private kindergartens of Belgorod, specialattention should be paid to the institution called "Kapitoshka". It is the only pre-school in the city that has its own pool. Thanks to the training in swimming, the kindergarten staff cares about the physical and mental health of the kids.

"Kapitoshka" is a kindergarten, which hasnumerous game rooms, where the children go after classes in the pool. Here they organize entertainment and conduct development activities. Parents can leave their children in the garden for a long time, going to work, and for an hour.

"Kapitoshka" - a kindergarten, which is located at: Youth Boulevard, house 29.


Private kindergarten "Rainbow" (Belgorod) appliesan individual approach to each child. At the request of parents, special educational programs are developed for toddlers, according to which the school prepares for the period of the child's stay in the institution.

On the territory of the institution there are:

  • classes of musical art;
  • Sport halls;
  • study rooms for traffic rules;
  • physiotherapeutic and medical rooms.


Considering the private kindergartens of Belgorod,you can not ignore the institution called "The Magic Country". The staff of the institution provides high-quality training and reliable supervision of children aged 1 to 6 years.

The kindergarten has qualifiededucators who have a license to conduct such activities. Children are engaged in spacious warm cabinets. In the groups there is video surveillance. Therefore, parents do not have to worry about the safety of kids.

You can find a private kindergarten at 11 Pervomaiskaya Street.


Private kindergarten "Kitten" is based in a private house along Popova street, house 59. The territory of the institution is closed and is under the supervision of the guard.

Here take children aged one and a half to sixyears. Parents are offered a flexible schedule for the baby's stay. The institution provides a full 5-meals a day. During the lessons, the kids are in groups, separated by age, under the attentive care of caring staff.


private kindergarten rainbow belgorod
Continuing to survey the private kindergartens of Belgorod, it is worth noting an institution called "Curly." This is the first private preparatory institution in the city, which opened in 2010.

The garden is a few rooms,designed for classes with one group of children aged 1.5 to 3 years. Despite the rather modest area, all conditions for mental and physical development, as well as children's entertainment, have been created here.

The private garden provides a comprehensive meal,which meets the requirements that apply to the above age groups. Moreover, the institution meets all the requirements of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Emergencies (MOES), which is confirmed by the relevant certificates.

How to find the garden "Curly"? The institution is located at: Gubkin street, house 31.


In the presented material, we considered onlyseveral private kindergartens of Belgorod. It is quite natural that many more institutions of this kind are concentrated in the city. However, the above-mentioned establishments enjoy the greatest confidence of their parents.

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