/ / Kindergartens of Kirov and reviews with photos about them

Kindergartens of Kirov and reviews with photos about them

The upbringing of a child depends not only on the atmospherein his family. The role of the kindergarten plays an important role. A competent manager, a caring and qualified educator, a loving nurse - a pledge of the useful pastime of a child in the precincts of a preschool institution. The choice of kindergarten should be treated very responsibly. Kindergartens in Kirov give parents a huge choice. There are 125 municipal preschool institutions and 38 private schools in the city.

Municipal Kindergartens of Kirov (list of recommended)

As in all cities, kindergartens of Kirovassigned their own individual numbers. In addition, many of them have their own interesting name, which is easily remembered by the child. Based on the responses of the parents, whose children visit the municipal kindergartens of Kirov, a list of the most attractive pre-school institutions is highlighted. It includes the following kindergartens:

  • "The Golden Cockerel".
  • D / s number 70.
  • "House of Joy".
  • "Ladushki."
  • "Berry".
  • "Cockerel."
  • The Guselki.
  • "Rainbow".
  • "Christmas trees."
  • "Swallow".
  • The Apple Tree.
  • "Crane".
  • "Mermaid".
  • "Sausage".

kindergartens of Kirov

Private kindergartens, Kirov

For those parents who want for their ownchild of a more individual relationship within the precincts of a preschool institution, a concept such as a private kindergarten has emerged. Kirov in its territory has 38 institutions of this format. Each of them has its own specialization and reputation. Negative responses from visitors are private kindergartens "Montessori" and "Teros". Positive and neutral evaluation is provided by kindergartens of Kirov with the names:

  • The Aistenok.
  • Andryushka.
  • "Children's Village."
  • "Cabbage".
  • "The little lion".
  • "Shaluna".

private kindergarten

Battle of kindergartens

In order to decide which garden to give the child to(municipal or private), it is necessary to identify the positive and negative sides of each of them. The first and, often, the deciding criterion of choice is price. The cost of visiting a private kindergarten is usually ten times higher than the cost of attending a state educational institution.

The second important aspect of the choice in favor ofA private garden is a small number of children in one group. As practice shows, in the current municipal kindergartens the number of children who go to one group is close to thirty. In private, however, there are six to fifteen children in the group.

Also an important factor is the frequency anddiet of children. As for the number of meals, it is five meals a day. Relatively quality is difficult to judge. But in private gardens, food is usually more delicious, high-quality and high-grade, as high-quality and appropriate price categories are used for its preparation.

Of course, in state kindergartensthey are fed with food that does not harm children, but it is not so tasty and varied. It should be noted that these characteristics can be classed as ideal. In practice, there are situations when in private kindergartens and the level of education is lower, and the quality of food offered to children is worse, and the frequency of morbidity is higher.

kirov reviews kindergarten

State kindergartens can also be good

About any municipal kindergarten in the network of Kirovyou can meet a huge number of opinions. So, for example, the parents leave only the warmest words about the kindergarten "Golden Cockerel", which makes it possible to glorify the city of Kirov in this segment. The kindergarten receives frequent responses, and in each of them there are phrases like "good kindergarten", "best educators", "teachers know the approach to the child", "competent teaching methods".

About the kindergarten "House of Joy" parents say that the collective in the garden is wonderful, the manager is tactful and well-mannered, and the program is very interesting for children.

kindergartens in Kirov

Flourishing outbursts towards Kirov's municipal kindergartens

On negative feedback parents of Kirov childrenDo not stint. His portion of negativity was given to the kindergarten "Teremok". According to the parents, in this educational preschool institution the groups are constantly overloaded, which leads to the rapid spread of viral diseases. With regard to childcare, then, according to moms, kids are always hungry and in tears. But the collection of funds educators "Teremka" now and then abuse.

Do not give children to kindergarten"Forest glade" is recommended by many mothers. First of all, it is connected with angry educators, absent training process and manager, who closes all eyes. As for the financial issue, this kindergarten absorbs the parents' money, like a black hole, into large volumes and into emptiness.

kindergarten in the city of Kirov

Private kindergarten - light in the window

Investing in paid education andindividual education of their child, parents often remain satisfied. So it happened with the "Yaselki" garden. On a five-point system, parents put a solid "five" for the kindergarten. The garden is called stunning, for its spacious grounds, exciting developmental pursuits, the ability to monitor employment through online video surveillance, maximum protection from viral diseases. The cost is fourteen thousand a month.

Kind words parents say about privatekindergarten "Brave World". Mom likes that with children every day doing painting and modeling, and also have classes with a musician and speech therapist. An important aspect of choosing this institution is a delicious and healthy food for children.

Money to the wind

For parents who choose to choose a privateKindergarten, the city of Kirov is not always ready to offer reliable options. So, about "Children's village" parents respond with a note of displeasure. This is not surprising, because in this private kindergarten very small rooms (which can be seen in the photo below). Also here the child will not receive any knowledge and will not be able to adequately prepare for the next stage, as according to the established program in the "Children's village" they work according to the Waldorf program. This means that all developmental activities are prohibited.

Also in the list of private kindergartens with negativeexperience of the visit include "Baby Garden". This institution works without a license and does not develop children, that is, it does not conduct any educational activities.

kindergartens of kirova vacancies

Working in a kindergarten

It is not so difficult to get a job in kindergartens of Kirov. Jobs are always there. The main thing is that potential employees have the desire, education and loved children.

Kindergarten No. 35 requires a tutor withwages of thirteen thousand rubles. The position of the nurse is open in kindergarten No. 74. The estimated salary is fifteen thousand rubles. The janitor needs kindergarten No. 120, the promised salary is 8625 rubles. In the kindergarten № 138 a vacancy of the cook with a salary of ten thousand rubles is open. In the "Planet of Childhood", kindergartens No. 2, No. 202, No. 235 require educators to work in the nursery group. Salary is different everywhere and is in the range of ten to seventeen thousand rubles.

Kindergarten No. 26 is looking for a cleaner production andoffice premises, and kindergarten No. 63 is ready to receive the warehouse manager in his staff. Salary in both cases will be seven and a half thousand rubles.

In total, all kindergartens for twomonths have published 114 open vacancies. Such a large number of free jobs is due to low wages and a high burden on professionals, because working with children is a constant tension and a high responsibility.

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