/ / The best kindergartens of Stavropol

The best kindergartens of Stavropol

Education of children is the most tremulous, gentle andan important moment in the life of each parent. Unfortunately, very few people can enjoy this activity fully. Sooner or later everyone goes to work and is forced to hand over their child to experienced educators. Of course, I want your favorite crumbs to fall into the hands of experienced professionals, they were in comfortable conditions and played quality toys. Fortunately, there are kindergartens in Stavropol, satisfying these conditions.

kindergartens of stavropol


There are kindergartens of Stavropol, whichtake in their ranks the youngest children. These include the preschool institution "Taptyozhka", located at: Khopersky, 32/1. It organized a specialized group that can be visited by children at the age of a year and even a little earlier. The most important thing is that they are able to move by this time.

The standard services of the kindergarten include:balanced eating, developing games, walking in the fresh air, fun games, matinees and much more. It is worth noting that video surveillance is being conducted round the clock in this garden. You do not have to worry about safety and leave bicycles, sledges and strollers.


Careful educators, responsible attitude tochildren, a properly organized development program - these are three whales, on which absolutely any kindergarten should be built. "Camomile" is a children's institution of a modern type. At the moment it is the most popular in the city. Parents say that experienced teachers know how to find an approach to children, and help them get used to visiting the garden.

A lot of creativecircles. Children actively participate in theatrical performances, attend sports sections and do handicrafts. Often graduates of this institution clearly know what kind of activities they want to link their lives with.

Kindergarten "Romashka" is located at: Stavropol, Mayakovsky street, 27.


There are also highly professional children'sgardens of Stavropol. The addresses of these institutions are known to every parent. Special attention was paid to the "Britannica" complex, located at the address: 50 years of the Komsomol, 56. The main emphasis here is on mastering the English language, which is now necessary for every person. All classes take place in a game form, so that children can more easily master such a seemingly complex science. When enrolling in school, children already know the English alphabet, simple phrases and sentences.

kindergarten chamomile

In the complex of children's day stay alsothere is a small swimming pool. According to medical experts, regular classes in it help to strengthen the immunity of the child. Also in the garden are organized several creative circles. For each child attending this institution, a convenient system of discounts is provided.

«Kindergarten № 21»

Kindergarten of Stavropol at number 21 is one of the most qualified institutions of the city. The entire complex of education of children is developed by experienced teachers, psychologists and medical specialists.

kindergartens stavropol addresses

This is the only institution in which parentscan make some changes to its mode of operation. On the territory of the kindergarten, a trade union is organized. Its participants come up with ways to diversify leisure, make matinees, arrange events, and are responsible for other very diverse activities. It is located on the street 45th Paralleli, 18.

All kindergartens of Stavropol are very diverse.Each of them has a special bias: creative, athletic or intellectual. Before each parent there is a large selection of institutions where he can give his baby. The only thing that unites them is love of children and care for them.

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