Origin of philosophy

For many centuries, the greatest mindssuch a problem as the origin of philosophy. Thinkers peer into the depths of history in order to fully understand the teaching that has set itself the task of understanding life. So how and why did the birth of philosophy occur? To this question, thinkers formulated three basic concepts. Let's consider each of them.

The first concept is mythogenic.Its essence lies in the assumption that philosophy is the pinnacle of myth. Let's analyze this concept in more detail. Initially, people invented fictions and legends, which in their essence are an affective, emotional way of understanding the world. Then the completely natural development of myths gave birth to a separate direction, which is aimed at understanding being with the help of reason and logic. This concept, revealing the origin of philosophy, has an important advantage. It takes into account the fact that the study and understanding of life is impossible only with the help of a single logic. Philosophy, as the peak of the myth, is not only a reasonable way of knowing, but also the comprehension of being by means of the emotional component of the thinking of the personality. That is, the concept recognizes that the thinker should use not only logic, but also all other tools that are at his disposal. In particular, we mean the individual sensory experience of the philosopher, and not just theoretical rational schemes.

The following concept is called epistemological.The origin of philosophy, according to this theory, is more connected with scientific rationalism than with mythology. Let's try to disassemble this idea in more detail. According to this concept, philosophy is not the continuation of myths, but rather their critical and rational overcoming. In this case, there is a victory of reason and logic over affective fiction. Many scholars note the weak point of this concept, which is that the importance of comprehending the world through sensory and emotional experience is excluded here. However, despite its disadvantages, this explanation of the appearance of the discipline in question is quite popular.

There is another curious theory thatpeculiarly interprets the origin of philosophy. This concept is called the "qualitative leap". Its essence lies in the fact that philosophy is detached from all other teachings. According to the concept, this discipline is not a derivative branch, but an absolutely and initially autonomous region. That is, philosophy actually gave birth to itself, as soon as a person began to reflect on the rational knowledge of the surrounding world. However, this theory does not in any way negate the high value of all the accumulated knowledge, without which it would be impossible for the discipline to appear.

Now you know all the basic conceptsthe origin of philosophy. It should be noted that it is better to perceive the information received in its entirety, without dividing it into correct and incorrect statements. All three concepts, with their true understanding, are not mutually exclusive, but, on the contrary, they complement each other. Do not forget that each of the proposed theories have their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, each of the concepts considered has loyal fans and irreconcilable critics.

The problem of the origin of philosophy will be solvedyou only with a holistic perception of the material, coupled with independent thinking. Now let us try to comprehend why it is so important to understand how this discipline arose. The answer to the question, how this science has appeared, can only be given by philosophy itself. This is her prerogative. Solving this problem will help better comprehend the psychology of the cognitive personalities themselves, see the dynamics of the development of philosophy.

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