/ / Aida Kaliyeva: biography and interesting facts

Aida Kaliyeva: biography and interesting facts

Aida Kaliyeva became known to the general publicthanks to his former lover - Nikita Presnyakov. Bright eastern beauty has won the heart of a famous artist, who also belongs to the family of Alla Pugacheva. Now the girl became a regular at social events. She is invited to act in film, take pictures for glossy magazines. She became a real star, and not only good connections are responsible for this. Aida itself is an interesting and talented person.

Aida kaliyeva


Aida Kaliyeva was born in 1992.She was born on January 26 in Uralsk (Kazakhstan). The family has always had a stable income, but there was no excess of money, no special need for them. Mother of our heroine worked as a teacher. Gulnara Kalieva did a lot to make her daughter grow up a well-educated and educated girl. The father of our heroine, Akylbek, still works as an official in the local administration.

Aida studied in secondary school No. 7 with a philologicalbias. It practiced in-depth study of English. Selection in this institution was quite tough. However, the future celebrity successfully coped with all introductory tests. The girl was an activist. She took an active part in the public life of the school, studied at 4 and 5, had her own opinion on any occasion.


At the end of the school Aida Kaliyeva enteredprestigious Kazakhstani university. There she studied at the Faculty of International Relations. However, she did not receive the diploma. As a student, she took part in the US program Work and Travel USA. This allowed her to go to the United States and enter the National Film Academy. This event completely changed her life.

Relations with Nikita

It is in the prestigious educational institution of AidaKaliyeva began an affair with Nikita Presnyakov. And the girl for a long time did not know who her lover was. Relations developed very rapidly. Two months later, the couple already lived together. At first they concealed their feelings even from close people. Only after six months, Vladimir Presnyakov on "Skype" met with the chosen one of his son. A well-known artist and popular singer unreservedly approved Nikita's choice. Other representatives of the famous family also welcomed the girl cordially. This happened after Nikita Presnyakov and Aida Kaliyeva appeared on a quiet family dinner. Alla Pugacheva and Kristina Orbakaite are distinguished by their broad views. They were not embarrassed that the beautiful woman had eastern roots and grew up in an intelligent but not famous family.

nikita presnyakov with potassium aida

The reaction of the general public

Russian journalists learned about the new novel of his grandsonAlla Pugacheva during the premiere of "The Firs". It was there that Nikita Presnyakov and Aida Kaliyeva first appeared together in public. The star couple immediately surrounded by the ubiquitous paparazzi. Immediately a lot of rumors spread, which confused the oriental beauty. For Aida, the biography of the chosen one did not matter. She was not averse to escaping the intrusive media attention. And periodically I did this with success.

Life in the USA

Nikita Presnyakov was not in a hurry to have children.Aida Kaliyeva supported him in everything. The couple lived in the United States. Noisy New York became for them a native city. On the Internet from time to time, there were reports that the girl is pregnant. However, in fact, the great-grandson of Alla Pugacheva probably will not appear soon. The lovers devoted all their free time to each other. Together with them lived a dog, after which both faithfully courted.

Cinematic Wedding

In 2013, the life of lovers happened funnyevent. They were both involved in the painting "The Day of the Angel." They played almost themselves - the bride and groom. Within the framework of the project, they were "married". Photos from the set leaked on the Internet. According to rumors, even Alla Borisovna believed that her beloved grandson had bound herself by marriage. However, the rally was soon revealed. Nikita Presnyakov and Aida Kaliyeva themselves posted photos to surprise their numerous fans.

Presnyaki Aida kaliyeva


In the fall of 2013, Nikita Presnyakov and Aida Kaliyevagot engaged. The musician made an offer to the girl during the rest in Dubai. It happened under the water. The couple made a joint dive. A scuba diver came to them, who handed Nikita a sign with cherished words. It read: "Will you marry me?" Aide showed this phrase, and she replied with consent. Messages about the upcoming celebration immediately appeared in the media.

Sad final

In 2014, the general public learned thatthe couple broke up. This news has become for many thunder from the blue. The blame for everything was the busy schedule of a popular artist. Career Nikita Presnyakov sharply went up the hill. He began to tear between various projects, interviews, tours and photo sessions. In this turbulent life, Aida did not find a place. However, the former lovers parted very peacefully. They have long maintained relations - together appeared at social events, went to the movies and restaurants. However, the gap is a gap. And soon the journalists announced that Nikita had a new lover - a certain Alena Krasnova. In July 2017, the couple went on a pre-trip journey.

nikita presnyakov and aide of potassium

Life without Presnyakov

The life of our heroine does not stand still.She said she was parting with the star lover. At the same time immediately calmed her fans - she was not offended by the unfaithful groom. Both have a new relationship in which they are happy. She does not advertise her novels. She had enough hype during her life with Presnyakov. In addition, our heroine has become very choosy. She focused on the career, actively attends castings and hopes to become a famous actress. She did not in vain study at the New York Academy of Cinema - in her arsenal not only a bright appearance, but also an exceptional talent, as well as many useful skills.

aida kaliyeva biography


Creative biography of Aida Kaliyeva is decorated for nowonly a few bright moments. She starred in the Ukrainian film "Angel's Case" in 2013. Then she appeared in the video for the song "Deliciously" by the popular Kazakh singer Tamerlane. The director of the video was Nikita Presnyakov, who is always glad to try himself in a new capacity. The work turned out to be interesting. Since then, the girl often appears on social events, leads an active life and strives to make herself known. We will wait for news about her fresh creative achievements.

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