/ / Biography, family and filmography of Maria Mironova

Biography, family and filmography of Maria Mironova

Maria Mironova - the daughter of the present favorite of allSoviet citizens and the famous "radio operator Kat" - from birth, adequately carries the stellar burden of their parents, not yielding to them in talent, and in many ways even surpassing. Silent, mysterious Masha - the real daughter of her father: everyone talks about her, but few people could learn more than what the actress wanted.

filmography of the Virgin Mary

Little Masha and adult twists of fate

Masha was born on May 28, 1973.Father - famous throughout the country and far beyond its borders, the famous handsome Andrei Mironov. Mother - no less famous actress - Ekaterina Gradova (she owns the role of radio operator Kat in the cult television series "Seventeen Moments of Spring"). Incidentally, it was in this film about spies that Masha debuted as an actress: her little radio operator Kat was holding. Another little-known fact - Masha was named after her grandmother - Mironova Maria Vladimirovna. Andrew was very fond of his mother, and Catherine was not against such a good name. However, their family happiness did not last long. Three years later, Andrei Mironov left his wife and little daughter and married the well-known actress Larissa Golubkina. Fate played a trick on him: Larisa also had a daughter Masha, whom Mironov later adopted. By the way, both Masha today - actresses of theater and cinema.

Maria Mironova: movies

How did the ballerinas come out of Masha?

When little Masha was 2 years old, a girldemonstrated unprecedented abilities in dances. Andrei Mironov wanted his daughter to become a ballerina. However, when Mary was led into the dance class for the exam, the girl flatly refused to demonstrate her skills. No matter how hard the choreographers tried, and it did not turn out to persuade Masha to dance the dialogue. From the very early childhood, the future actress made it clear that she does not like it when she is pointed out, examined and evaluated. However, she was very fond of watching people silently, however, like her father. Since childhood, Masha liked to visit the theater with her mother, looked at the actors' costumes and often gave efficient advice on their color performance. Who knows, maybe Maria would have turned out a real couturier, but fate decided differently.

Maria Mironova: photo

The first role and immediately at Govorukhin

Maria's debut in cinema at a more conscious agetook place when she turned 10 years old. Even then, the well-known actor Stanislav Govorukhin suggested that Masha play the role of Becky Thatcher in the children's adventure film "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Once Masha told me that she did not want to play at all, but her parents decided everything for her. Mother Maria persuaded her daughter to play with "Govorukhin himself." "Govorukhin himself" called Masha a real soldier of the national cinema. The fact is that the movie was filmed in Abkhazia - in Sukhumi. There was a forty-degree heat, and Mary had to deal with animals, which did not smell very good. The bull was continually capricious, and the goat, which Masha had to carry in her arms on the plot, would endlessly emit fetid smells. In addition, Maria was always afraid of the Indian Joe and constantly asked everyone: "Where is the Indian?". And even when she was introduced to the "terrible Indian", Masha still experienced an unprecedented fear, walking along the cave either with a bull-calf, then with a goat. And yet, despite all these "minuses" of acting, the entire process was very much liked by the then young actress. And at this moment, you can say, a new "star" - Maria Mironova - began to light up. Photos of the early works are almost impossible to find anywhere.

The atmosphere on the set was just amazing. Perhaps this also influenced the future choice of the profession of the future actress.

Maria Mironova: personal life

Whatever one may say, one must learn!

Actress Maria Mironova - perhaps one of thefew who have decently attended classes in the university, went to all couples, practical classes. In the Schukin school Masha entered the early 90's. But after some time, Masha had to leave her studies for a while - they had a son with Igor Udalov, whom the couple named after the famous grandfather - Andrei Mironov. Maria for a couple of years fell out of acting, but when little Andrei grew a little, his restless mother continued her studies, but already in VGIK. While still in the decree, Maria realized how much her play in the theater and cinema. Therefore, enrolled in the VGIK to Mikhail Gluzsky, she regularly attended all classes, did not miss a single pair, went to all practical. She was studying acting. And thanks to the studio of Mikhail Glozsky, Maria directed her first work - a small footprint "Lullaby for the daughter." The seventeen-minute sketch showed the eminent viewer, consisting of venerable professors of VGIK, that Maria is talented not only in the game, but also in directing.

actress Maria Mironova

The first big roles

Pavel Lungin invited Maria to herRussian-French melodrama "Wedding" is one of the first. Almost all the stories from the film were shot at Tula. Actress Maria Mironova often tells that almost all the actors have been living without a hangout in Tula for about two months. Work was boiling. I had a few hours to sleep. Many episodes were filmed at night, but despite this the cast was constantly on the rise. The film turned out to be alive, dynamic. Lungin was pleased with Masha's work. She was not a capricious, hardworking and hardworking actress, who was not afraid of any difficulties. By the way, many well-known actors of Russian cinema took part in the "Wedding": Maria Golubkina (the adopted daughter of Masha's father), Marat Basharov, Alexander Semchev, Andrei Panin, Natalia Kolyakanova and many other celebrities. For such a stellar composition, the prize was awarded "For the best selection of an actor's team" in Cannes in 2000.

Maria Mironova's daughter


The filmography of Mary Mironova is trulyimpressive. Since the 2000s, Maria has appeared in dozens of films, television series. She inherited from her father an unprecedented capacity for work and a 100% return, Maria is a frequent visitor on removable platforms from famous Russian directors. However, despite this, Maria Mironova films, which will be removed, carefully selects - plays in those that are interesting to her as an actress. As she said, it is better to play in one, but worthwhile cinema, rather than in 10 mediocre ones. Therefore, the whole filmography of Mary Mironova is first and foremost a careful selection of the actress herself. The best works include paintings:

  • "Three Musketeers".
  • "Personal file of Major Baranov."
  • "Day Watch".
  • "The death of the empire."
  • "The night Watch".
  • "Ice Age".
  • "Wedding".

Erotic with Vladimir Mashkov, or Maria Mironova, films choose the right ones

In 2004, Maria played in the film Lungina"Oligarch" together with Vladimir Mashkov. It is interesting that Lungin was not originally going to invite Mironov. But after reading the script, Masha recognized herself in the main heroine, Lungin gave in to his favorite actress, and later never regretted it. So the filmography of Maria Mironova was replenished with the role in this film, and it was amazing. The fact is that in the film there is one very frank scene. However, Maria did not embarrass, the actress stoically transferred the shoots and once mentioned that she would not have acted in such a scene, if she had not needed the picture. Much more difficult for Maria was to repaint her blond long hair in black and almost unrecognizably change her appearance with the help of all sorts of cosmetics.

The filmography of Maria Mironova soon replenishedone film - "State Councilor". Nikita Mikhalkov, of course, did not justify the public's confidence. The film was not particularly interesting and did not meet the expectations of the viewer. However, the role of Julie was remembered by many (it was played by Maria Mironova). Photos from filming are still relevant and are being revised by fans. Even film critics noted that Maria is a real Julie, who did not break down before the end of the film and did not fade in the background of venerable actor Nikita Mikhalkov.

Maria Mironova: family

Maria Mironova. Personal life

Maria Mironova is an actress with established viewsfor life. Her movie, her play in the theater only confirm that the actress is faithful to her choice to the end. A loving mother, a kind person, a good daughter is all Maria Mironova. The family of the actress is carefully guarded from prying eyes. Her son is the main man in Mironova's life. And let her be attributed to a marriage with Alexei Makarov, but Maria states with certainty that she was always associated with an actor.

Interesting!Maria, she said, was married twice. From the first marriage with Igor Udalov she had a son Andrei. The second actress's husband is Dmitry Klokov. With him, Mary divorced after several years of married life. The third marriage with Alexei Makarov categorically denies Maria Mironova. The personal life of the actress has always interested her fans, but, unfortunately, they rarely managed to find out something.

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