/ / What is flax white? Useful properties, description and use

What is flax white? Useful properties, description and use

Since ancient times, man has learned for hisneeds to grow flax white. This plant is revered for its versatility. Flax was used for making clothes, in cooking and as a remedy. The history of its cultivation began in the era of the Iron Age.


This is a herbaceous plant belonging tofamily Flax. On the territory of Russia it is grown in two forms - Shrovetide flax and dolgunets. The first is famous for its seeds containing a very large amount of fatty oils. The flax stems contain flax fiber, which serves as a raw material for the textile industry.

The height of this plant ranges from 60 cm to 1.5 meters. Its flowers are extremely beautiful - pale blue, sometimes white or pinkish. But still the plant has received the name "white flax".

flax white

Botanical description of the inflorescence marks them.similarity with a loose gyrus resembling a curl. Flowers (up to 2.5 cm in diameter) with maple, slightly corrugated petals are located on long pedicels.

Linear leaves are placed on the stem in a spiraland covered with mild bloom. Taproot with numerous short branches is not very deep in the soil. Seeds ripen usually at the end of summer. They are egg-shaped with a sharp tip, strongly flattened. Their color can be light brown, greenish-yellow and even golden.

Features of growing white flax

The most suitable soil for cultivationThis culture is loamy and sod-podzolic. Flax grows particularly well in areas after previous planting of potatoes. Sowing is done in the first half of May, when the soil warms up to a temperature of 8–10 ° C, to a depth of 2 centimeters. The soil is periodically loosened, removing the crust so that the sprouts freely come to the surface. When the length of the stem reaches 8 cm, you can apply top dressing in the form of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers.

white flax botanical description

Лен белый – растение влаголюбивое, требующее не less than 150 mm of water for the entire growing season, which lasts 70–90 days. The favorable temperature when growing flax is 15–18 С. In hot and sunny weather, the stem branches, and the quality properties of the fiber deteriorate significantly.

Useful properties of flax

In terms of taste and nutritional value, flax with golden seeds is more preferable than with brown ones.

white flax description

Regular eating of seedlings of thisCulture helps with cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, boosts immunity, cleanses the body of toxins and slags. White flax has a bactericidal, wound healing, anesthetic, expectorant and laxative effects.

Flaxseed Composition

An excellent source of vitamins and trace elementsfor the human body is white flax. Its seeds contain very valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. By the number of amino acids, flaxseed is not inferior to soy. The increased content of plant fiber helps reduce the risk of neoplasms. In addition, the presence of plant phenol compounds such as lignans, which are powerful antioxidants, in flaxseed prevents the development of cancer diseases.

white flax spread

Rich in flax seed and vitamin F involved infat and cholesterol exchanges. The presence of vitamins A and E provides a positive effect on the skin, thanks to which white flax has become widespread as one of the components of various cosmetics.

Flax seeds are a source of selenium, a substance that prevents the formation of tumors, improves brain function and eyesight. It also perfectly liberates the body from heavy metal salts.

White flax application

Before use, flaxseed is usuallyfinely ground and used immediately, because when it comes into contact with air, it oxidizes very quickly. It is recommended to mix the crushed seeds with jam or honey in equal proportions. They are added to cereals, salads, consumed along with dairy products. Pre-maceration seeds do not require, this process should take place directly in the intestine.

For the purpose of prophylaxis, they take up to 5 g of seeds per day. If they are used to treat any disease, the dosage is approximately 50 g per day (2 tablespoons in the morning and evening).

In various economic sectors usedwhite flax The value and its use as a raw material for the manufacture of high-quality fabrics is especially great. Oil, which contains flax in large quantities, is widely used both in cooking and for technical purposes.

white flax meaning and application


It is important to know that eating butter made from flax seed is not recommended, as it may contain chemicals. Such a product is more suitable for technical purposes.

It is quite another matter - oily white flax.The description of the process of preparing its seeds for consumption is given above. Growing in the southern regions, the culture does not require the use of herbicides and has a high nutritional value.

The preparations made on the basis of white flax,contraindicated in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, a tendency to diarrhea. Any treatment should be done in courses. It is not recommended to take long-lasting products containing flax. In some cases, the use of flax seeds may cause unpleasant pain in the liver. Care must also be taken for people suffering from gallstone disease.

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