/ / Actor Andrei Gromov and his biography

Actor Andrei Gromov and his biography

This lop-eared second-grader Moscow middleschool with flickering freckles on his face captivated his charming view of the director of the Gorky film studio Ilya Abramovich Fraz. "The Adventures of a Yellow Suitcase" - it is from this film that the creative biography of Andrei Gromov, the main character of the film about a boy who lacked courage, begins. His partners in the film were Vasily Lanovoy, Evgeny Lebedev, Tatyana Peltzer, Natalia Selezneva, Georgy Yumatov and other actors of Soviet cinema.

Biography of Andrei Gromov

Carier start

According to some film historians, becoming an actorAndrey Gromov could due to his appearance. It was the bulging ears of a boy that inspired the main director of the children's film “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase” by I. A. Frez to take a Moscow schoolboy to the main children's role. More than a hundred children from different parts of Moscow were invited to the film samples in the film set of the Gorky film studio. All of them passed special selection. “The children read poems, sang songs, told fables, some were asked to dance,” says international economist Andrei Gromov today (see photo below).

Andrey Gromov photo

«Мне почему-то на ум не приходили стихотворные rhyme, and I started to sing. Then the second assistant director stopped me, and my mom and I went home, losing all hope of success, "- says Andrei Yuryevich Gromov.

Unexpected call

Only two weeks later in the apartment of the Gromov familythere was a ring at the door. A young employee of the film studio invited the boy to the photo test. A month later, the actor Andrei Gromov, having passed screen tests, is approved by the art council for the main children's role in the film "The Adventures of a Yellow Suitcase." So began the cinematographic career of a small artist.

Meeting with the masters of cinema

In the process of working on the film Andrei Gromovmet with the masters of Soviet cinema. The grandmother of our hero, Anna Petrovna Verevkin, was played by the inimitable Tatiana Peltzer, the young doctor was beautifully performed by Eugene Lebedev, and Peti Verevkin's mother was a young actress Natalia Selezneva, known to everyone in Leonid Gaidai's film "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession". The main film was shot in the capital of Estonia - Tallinn, in the old part of the city. Scenes with aircraft were held at the Moscow airport Domodedovo. On the screens of cinemas the film comes out in 1970 and has a huge audience success not only in children, but also in adults.

Andrei Gromov's films

"Valerka, Ramka + ..."

Этот короткометражный фильм для детей, снятый по the scenario of Radiy Pogodin in 1970 at the Odessa film studio directed by V. Kozachkova, was the second breakdown in the cinema of a young actor. No sooner had the first film been released, as Andrei Gromov was invited to the next picture, where he was to play the role of first-grader Valerki. The protagonist of the painting falls in love with Katya's classmate and tries in every way to draw her attention to her person, in which he is actively helped by Ram's faithful friend. However, the parents resisted this and forbade the boys to go out into the street. After that, the friends vowed to each other that no girl would take their time. Valery's father in the film was played by a wonderful theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR Yevgeny Vesnik.

The main role of the young actor

Previous films by Andrei Gromov did not have thisdeafening success, like the picture "Officers", filmed at the Central Film Studio of Children and Youth Films named after M. Gorky in Moscow. In Soviet film distribution tape comes out June 26, 1971 and has a record collection of viewers. In the first month of the show, it was watched by over 50 million people in all parts of the Soviet Union and fraternal republics.

Andrei Gromov, the actor, whose photo along withother performers were on all the covers of the magazines of the Soviet Union, becoming a movie star. Newspapers were written about the film and its actors, they were invited to different cities and towns of the country with creative concerts. Many boys dreamed of being in the place of Ivan Trofimov, grandson of a military general, who was played by the beloved actor Georgy Jumatov.

Andrei Gromov actor photo

Destinies as roles, roles as destinies

The director of the film “Officers” Vladimir Rogovoy gathered bright and uniquely talented artists in the film. In addition to Georgy Yumatov (Alexey Trofimov), who played the main role in the film, the film featured:

  • Vasily Lanovoy, the role of Ivan Varavva.
  • Alexander Voevodin, who played Egor Trofimov in his youth.
  • Alina Pokrovskaya, loyal and faithful spouse of Alexey Trofimov.
  • Vladimir Druzhinnikov, the role of the squadron commander in Turkestan.

The director involved Evgeny Vesnik, Kusepogorsky Muse, Boris Gitin, Nikolay Gorlov and other remarkable actors of that time in episodic roles.

Biography of actor Andrei Gromov

How it was?

The script for the film "Officers" was written by BorisVasiliev, author of the famous tale of female anti-aircraft gunners during the Great Patriotic War “And the dawns here are quiet.” The entire filming process was under the personal control of the Minister of Defense of the USSR A. A. Grechko. It is said that the famous phrase “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland” belongs precisely to the head of the military department of the USSR.

At the personal request of the writer Boris Vasilyev onThe main role was invited by George Yumatov, known for his difficult character. The role of his grandson, Suvorov Ivan Trofimov, was played by Andrei Gromov, who was claimed by the same Minister of Defense. Therefore, the viewer should have no doubt that a real officer of the USSR Air Force should grow from a graduate of the Suvorov School. Such a difficult ideological task faced a ten-year-old Andrei Gromov, with whom the guy coped perfectly. The audience's love for the film "Officers" has been preserved to this day.

Interesting Facts

  • According to a survey of the magazine "Soviet screen" in 1971, Vasily Lanovoy was recognized as the best actor of the year in the country.
  • At the Prague Film Festival (Czechoslovakia) in 1972, the picture of Vladimir Rogoviy received the Grand Prix and a diploma for military-patriotic themes in world cinema.

Actor Andrei Gromov

  • The main role of Alexei Trofimov triedsuch stars of Soviet cinema as Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Spartak Mishulin, Nikolai Rybnikov, Vasily Shukshin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Yevgeny Zharikov and other celebrities.
  • In the entire history of Soviet cinema, the film “Officers” in spectator attendance occupied the 31st place among all domestic films.
  • The role of Ivan Varavvy could go to Nikolai Olyalin, Yuri Kamorny, Oleg Efremov, Oleg Yankovsky, Leonid Nevedomsky, Valentin Gaft or Alexander Lazarev.
  • The wound on the back of Alexei Trofimov, who returned from Spain, was real. George Yumatov was really badly wounded during the Great Patriotic War.
  • The famous song "From the heroes of the old days ..." was performed by the second director of the film, Vladimir Zlatoustovsky.
  • In 2011, the Soviet film received a second life. The Formula Color company has transformed the black and white image of the film into color.
  • The meeting of comrades after a long separation in one of the scenes of the film was embodied in a sculpture. On December 9, 2013, the heroes of the movie “Officers” froze in bronze on Frunze Embankment in Moscow.

The fate of the young actor

After a terrific success biography of the actor AndrewGromov in cinema is over. In 1976, director Boris Rytsarev starts shooting a fairy-tale film based on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Princess and the Pea. Andrei Gromov was invited to the company of actors Alice Freindlich, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Igor Kvasha, Alexander Kalyagin, who took part in the shooting of the film.

However, the boy refused to participate in the picture andseriously engaged in preparing for admission to university. After graduating from school, by the way with distinction, Andrei entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations at the Faculty of Economics.

After graduating from MGIMO Andrei Y. Gromovdefended his thesis in international law and received a scientific degree of candidate of sciences. In the early 2000s, our hero represents the diplomatic corps of the Russian Federation at the United Nations in New York. The diplomatic career of A.Yu. Gromov has been very successful today.

Andrey Gromov

The personal life of the boy from the "Officers" has developedalso in the best possible way. Wife Tatiana, a doctor by profession, gave Andrei Gromov two wonderful children. The eldest son, Andrei Andreevich, is seriously interested in learning foreign languages. It is possible that this is a family one, and soon we will hear about another Russian diplomat, as the son followed in the footsteps of his father. Andrei Gromov Jr. studies at MGIMO. Daughter - Vladislav Andreevna Gromova - goes to one of the Moscow schools.

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