/ / Modern Flag of Saudi Arabia - Description, Evolution and Misconceptions

Modern flag of Saudi Arabia - description, evolution and delusions

The flag is a cloth of a certaincolor and size with the logo depicted on it. This is a national symbol, a sign of belonging to any state. In the modern world, colors, shapes, sizes and images on the flag are officially approved at the state level.

Modern flag of Saudi Arabia - description and meaning of symbols

flag of Saudi Arabia description

National flag of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -state symbol. It is a rectangle of dark green matter. Aspect ratio - 2: 3. On a colored background, white shows shahada and a sword. Images occupy the entire area of ​​the canvas. The flag has no seamy side, as it is sewn from two identical panels.

Шахада - это надпись на арабском языке (читается from right to left), the testimony of faith in Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. An approximate translation means "There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger." The image of the sword symbolizes the victories of the brave warrior Abdel ibn Saud, who is considered the founder of the country.

Flag evolution

flag of saudi arabia

Historical facts of occurrence and furtherChanges in the appearance of the flag of Saudi Arabia are somewhat contradictory. At present, the study of his transformations continues, and scrupulous work is under way to collect reliable facts. In general, the picture is such that the earliest flag of Saudi Arabia appeared around the 18th century. He had a square shape. On the green canvas on the left side was a strip of white. Shahada occupied only the center of the cloth and was depicted in a simplified version. The sword on the flag was missing. Only in 1902 his image was added to the canvas under the shahadah. In 1927, the inscription increased and in the modern version occupies almost the entire field of the flag. The white line on the elevator disappeared.

Flag of saudi arabia modern look likeThe state symbol was officially approved in March 1973. Later, in 1984, the design of the hilt of the sword changed - they began to portray it in a more simplified form. Interestingly, no legal document fixing this modification was found. In 1950, an unusual photo of a state symbol was discovered - the flag of Saudi Arabia is depicted with two crossed swords. One explanation of this version of the symbol: the army of Ibn Saud carried it during the conquests, so it is a military flag, not a civilian flag. Some historians, relying on the monarchical structure of the state, believe that depicting one or two swords on a flag is a matter of taste of the king of a certain time.

Using the state symbol

The inscription on the flag - shahada - the sacred symbol.Therefore, its images are prohibited by law for use in everyday life: on posters, T-shirts and souvenirs. When the soccer ball, issued by FIFA in 2002, along with the flags of the countries participating in the World Cup, showed the flag of Saudi Arabia, the officials of this country made a strong protest. They stated that kicking a sacred Muslim inscription is unacceptable. On the same occasion, demonstrations of indignant population swept across the country.

The flag of the kingdom is always high in the sky. He is never lowered, even in case of mourning.

Misconceptions about the flag

saudi arabian flag black

Shahada is quite standard symbolism forthe Muslim world. This sacred formula of monotheism is depicted on the flag of the Palestinian "Hamas" and is used by the Hizbut-Tahrir al-Islami organization. It is present in jihadists and members of the Caliphate movement, on the flags of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and in various armed Muslim groups. Therefore, the presence of a shahada does not mean that you have the flag of Saudi Arabia. The black or white background for symbolism has been used by some extremist Islamists since 2001. The flag of the kingdom is always dark green.

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