/ What is a philosophical trend? Modern philosophical currents

What is the philosophical current? Modern philosophical currents

Philosophy is a science that will not leave anyoneindifferent. Not surprisingly, because it touches every person, raises important internal problems. We are all visited by philosophical thoughts, regardless of gender, race or class. As it turned out, for thousands of years people are concerned about the same fundamental questions, the answers to which have not yet been found. Despite this, there are many philosophical schools and currents that leave no attempt to reveal the secrets of the universe.

Matter and consciousness

What is primary - matter or spirit?This question has long divided thinkers into warring camps. As a result, the main philosophical trends - materialism, idealism and dualism. The adherents of each school develop their ideas, rejecting everything that contradicts them. However, each of these currents gave rise to innumerable branches, which to this day find a response in the hearts of people.

philosophical current

Materialism is a philosophical trend, stating that matter is primary and only it matters. This school reigned in England and France XVII-XVIII centuries, as well as in the socialist statesnew time. Materialists rely on dry proven facts. They love natural sciences, such as chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology, actively using them in disputes with idealists. The materialist can confirm most of his statements with logic and scientific facts, which makes this philosophy very attractive. However, they completely reject the possibility of consciousness to influence matter, considering it an independent independent unit.


The philosophical course of the idealists is completelythe opposite of materialism. It attaches great importance to the world of ideas, considering the world of things only its consequence. Idealists believe that matter can not exist without the idea that it generates. The whole world that surrounds us is the embodiment of ideas and thoughts, and not vice versa. This current, in turn, is divided into two main schools: objective and subjective idealism. Supporters of the school of objective idealism argue that the world of ideas exists independently of us.

philosophical trends

Subjective idealism assumes that the universeexists only in the mind of man. Without the process of realizing reality, there is nothing, since matter generates ideas that can only come about through the intelligence of the living being. Idealism is becoming more popular these days. Western civilization was hungry for spirituality. Materialism reigned for centuries in the countries of Europe and America, so that people were fed up with his ideas. Now they seek solace in idealism, which has become for them a breath of fresh air in the static world of established ideas.


Followers of dualism did not respond tothe age-old question. For them, he never stood, as this philosophical current asserts that spirit and matter were always. Dualists do not attach much importance to the spiritual or the material, arguing that both of these components are equally important for the existence of the universe. A person is regarded by the adherents of the school of dualism as an indivisible fusion of matter and spirit. All objects in the universe are the product of either consciousness or matter. So, for example, ideas are born out of consciousness, but things are derived from matter. Dualism has become a kind of fusion of two opposites, incorporating ideas and assumptions from materialism and idealism. However, this did not bring him much popularity, since it is much easier for people to go to extremes than to seek the golden mean.

Empiricism and rationalism

Not only the eternal question of the primacy of matter andspirit split the thinkers into different philosophical currents. The directions of this fascinating science have also arisen through disputes about how a person knows the world. Here there were two schools, which adhere to absolutely opposite points of view, but can not conclusively prove their position. Supporters of the empirical method of cognition say that the world that a person cognizes inevitably bears the imprint of his personality and all the experience he has accumulated.

philosophical school trends

Rationalism is a philosophical trend, the foundationwhich was laid by Descartes. His adherents believe that in the process of cognition only pure mind, not clouded by emotions and past experience, takes part. Rationalists also believe in the existence of a number of axioms that are so obvious to them that they do not need proof.

Philosophical trends, currents, schools, teachings of China

China deserves special attention, with itsinteresting philosophical currents, which have long been popular not only in the Celestial Empire, but also beyond its borders. The most famous of them is Buddhism. He came from India and quickly spread to fertile soil. The Teaching of the Buddha teaches that attachment to worldly pleasures and material well-being leads to the degradation of our soul. Instead, Buddhism proposes to choose the middle way, and also use such a delicate instrument as meditation. In this way, one can restrain one's mind and renounce desires that draw the soul down. The result of proper practice is the complete liberation of the soul - nirvana.

basic philosophical currents

Taoism is very similar to Buddhism, since both of thesethe teachings went hand in hand, constantly influenced each other. Its ancestor, Lao Tzu, introduced such a notion as the Tao. Under this short word lies a whole lot of concepts. Tao means both universal law and universal harmony, and the very essence of the universe - the unifying force from which we all came and to which we return after death. Taoists try to live in harmony with nature, following the natural course of things. The result of such a life is complete dissolution in Tao.


An interesting direction of Chinese philosophy is Confucianism. Its name is due to Confucius. He lived in V-IV centuries BC and served as an official withemperor. Despite his high position, the Chinese thinker above all appreciated kindness and philanthropy. He argued that only the most noble and moral people should be allowed to govern the state, which should inspire the people by their example. Confucius was opposed to a strict system built on violence and coercion.

modern philosophical currents

However, an integral part of Confucianism ishumility and unquestioning service to those who are higher up the social ladder. Confucius was an adherent of order, ceremonies and traditions. His ideas are still popular in China, and some of them have long gone beyond it.

Modern philosophical currents

In recent decades, science has made a hugestep forward. Many myths were debunked and discoveries were made, which completely turned the old picture of the world. This, of course, has affected the modern understanding of the universe. The most popular trends in modern philosophy are existentialism and analytical philosophy. Existentialism is focused on the very act of existence, on its uniqueness and uniqueness. This direction focuses on the intuitive perception of reality, on emotional experiences. A vivid representative of this philosophy is Jean-Paul Sartre.

philosophical trends of the school of learning

Analytical philosophy is focused onapplied knowledge. It is important in it that each truth can be tested by experience. The adherents of this school worship logic and precision, abandoning many classical philosophical ideas.

Philosophy in everyday life

Mankind has created countless philosophicalcurrents, schools and directions. They are full of clever terms and words, which by their complexity frighten ordinary people. Plaque of learning, heaps of incomprehensible words and loud names introduce philosophy into a number of scientific disciplines, accessible only to the stubborn admirers of this art. But do not forget that each of us is a philosopher. Do not be afraid to join this fascinating science. If you like to think, the truth will come to you, no matter who you are, a professor of philosophy, a football player or a locksmith.

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