/ Do sharks live in the Caspian Sea?

Do sharks live in the Caspian Sea?

У россиян, которые верят в шотландскую Несси и в other similar miracles, it was possible to obtain unique shots, but not in distant Scotland, but on their native land, because now there is a mysterious monster in our country. True, it is far from harmless - it will hurt people, eat them up to the last bones. But do the hunters of sensations stop such trifles? We are talking about sharks in the Caspian Sea, where according to all laws of nature they should not be. Nevertheless, the press regularly flashes information proving the opposite. There are even witnesses who watched either the sharks devouring their victims, or the corpses they mutilated. In historical documents dating from the 18-19th centuries, stories of eyewitnesses who watched huge ("one hundred paces") creepy fishes similar to sharks were also recorded. So maybe, really there are sharks in the Caspian Sea? If so, why have they been published recently? If not, then why is the people dying in the Caspian Sea? Let's try to figure it out.

Sharks in the Caspian Sea

Mysterious death of a scuba diver

Information that in the Caspian Seasomething terrible is happening, has appeared and has dispersed on the Internet with an easy hand of journalist Dmitry Hafizov. He told the story he heard from one doctor and indirectly confirms that there are sharks in the Caspian Sea. The doctor, whose name is not disclosed, said that one day he had to see the corpse of a scuba diver, who in the literal sense did not have a face, and at the same time and the occipital part of the head. In addition, the unfortunate body had numerous cut and lacerated wounds, and the wrist of one hand was wound around the line, deeply cut into the flesh. The impression was that the scuba diver had been scorched by a very strong creature who with great force dragged him to the depth, tore the line, and then dealt with the abuser, and so quickly that he did not even have time to take advantage of his knife.

are there sharks in the Caspian Sea

Kara Heavenly for poacher

Еще один не менее ужасный случай произошел с two fishermen who went to illegal fishing sturgeon. Poachers never wondered if there were sharks in the Caspian Sea, therefore, having arrived on the site, they boldly began their occupation. They decided to divide the duties. One fisherman remained in the boat, the second did not harpoon the fish. In less than a few minutes, the first poacher saw the huge body of a shark that had flung out of the water, holding his companion with his teeth at his feet. Frightened to death, the fisherman barely managed to snatch the accomplice out of his powerful jaws and take him to a hospital where the poor fellow was amputated. According to another version, he died.

There are other reports about the attack of sharks. People go out into the sea and disappear. Do not even find their corpses, only torn by a monster boat.

the Caspian Sea sharks are found

Information on sharks

Whether sharks live in the Caspian Sea, it is easier to understand,knowing what these predators are. Sharks appeared on the earth about 450 million years ago. That is, when the Caspian Sea was formed, they prospered. These fish can live in fresh waters and in salty, in warm climates and in the cool. They feed on mostly animal food. Their diet includes fish, small marine mammals, mollusks - everything that moves. See sharks 10 times better than us, they can even hear infrasound, and their sense of smell is so developed that they can smell a few drops of blood in a medium-sized pool. Nature has given sharks a body that helps them to be the ideal killers. Their jaws are equipped with powerful jaws with sharp teeth, which are replaced with new all shark life. These animals grow up to 20 meters in length. At the same time, they swim at a speed of up to 8 km / h, and when attacked they can increase it to 19 km / h, although some particularly rugged species can rush in the water column and at a speed of 50 km / h. Sharks live about 30 years, reproduce quite actively. Individual species are capable of producing up to 100 offspring at a time, and the babies from them are born very hardy. Therefore Darwin's natural selection concerns them a little. If it was not for the person who thoughtlessly destroying sharks, perhaps they would now dominate the World Ocean.

Information about the Caspian Sea

To accurately answer if there are sharks in the Caspiansea, it is useful to have at least a minimum of information about it. 13 million years ago the Caspian Sea was part of the world's oceans. As a result of multiple land movements, it separated from the bulk of the water and became a completely isolated sea. For this reason, many call it a lake.

Do sharks live in the Caspian Sea?
Соленость воды в нем разная, от 0,05‰ (что можно equate to fresh water) to 13 ‰. For comparison: salinity of the Black Sea 18 ‰, and Red 40 ‰. The depth of the Caspian Sea in individual points is more than 1 km, the water mirror is 371,000 m2. По форме море-озеро вытянуто с юга на север.This explains the fact that the water temperature in it on average is always plus. If in winter in its northern water area it is close to zero, then at the same time in the southern water reaches +10 degrees. The Caspian Sea is home to 1,800 species of living creatures, including 101 species of fish and one species of seal.

Where in the Caspian came the sharks

Учитывая образ жизни этих хищников и природные the conditions of the Caspian Sea, we can say that for them the conditions here are more than suitable - the climate is wonderful, there are plenty of places, plenty of food, plus not a single natural enemy. That is, sharks in the Caspian Sea can live and thrive. But this statement begins to raise doubts, as soon as the question arises, where did they come from in this isolated reservoir. If sharks have survived in the Caspian since its separation from the ocean, how could they have existed there for so long and not been noticed by anyone, because there were already a great many to breed. Another unanswered question - how have they not been interrupted there yet? The version that sharks entered the sea-lake along the rivers that flow into it seems even less prosperous, because the sharks have no chance . There is a third version, according to which someone simply brought sharks into the Caspian and released them into the water. How plausible this version is, decide for yourself.

sharks of the Caspian Sea photo

Attacks on people

The stories about the attacks on people testifythat sharks in the Caspian Sea are, and they are incredibly cruel. I do not want to upset the fans Spielberg "Jaws", but the sharks are not so bloodthirsty, as this and other horror films show us. According to world statistics, the risk of shark attacks on people is 1:11 500,000, and the risk of dying is even smaller and amounts to 1: 264,100,000. Based on these data, it seems strange that sharks attack people consistently in the Caspian. We add that almost all of the registered attacks were caused by the fact that the person himself provoked a predator or was mistaken for a large fish.

Arguments for"

So are there sharks in the Caspian Sea?It is possible, because the conditions for their life there are heavenly. Why no one saw them and did not show evidence more significant than the stories of an unknown doctor and poacher? This can be explained as follows: because in the Caspian Sea sharks live exclusively in the water column, and rise to the surface only at night or not at all. Such are they special there. Why do they prefer to eat unhealthy and low-calorie people with an abundance of tasty and nutritious food? But who will understand them! As we see, there are few arguments in favor of the existence of sharks in the Caspian.

Do sharks live in the Caspian Sea

Arguments against"

The weakest point of opponentsThe existence of monsters in the sea-lake, is the irrefutable fact that so far there is not a single photo of a shark in the Caspian Sea. Even made from afar. Even poor quality. Scientists proving that there are no sharks in the sea-lake and cannot be, put forward the arguments that given the climatic conditions existing for him in the Caspian Sea, he had to repeatedly increase his population and adversely affect the ecosystem of a closed reservoir (in other words, exterminate all livestock). But this is not observed in the Caspian. On the contrary, fish are abundant there. If we analyze the reports of shark attacks, a number of doubts also arise. Thus, the scuba diver’s wounds are more reminiscent of injuries sustained when a moving motor vessel is hit by a screw. Sharks almost never attack suddenly, on the contrary, more often they first circle around their prey, as if trying on it. Therefore, a scuba diver could have time to snatch a weapon from its sheath. Yes, and grab the shark of a man with his teeth for the head, she would simply bite her. In the case of poachers, too, not everything is clear. Some say that he survived, others that he died.

Based on all the above facts,A clear answer about the presence of sharks in the Caspian Sea can not be given. Reason says that they cannot be there, but it is human nature to leave a small chance for a miracle in which he always wants to believe.

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