/ / Resorts on the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan: reviews, photos

Resorts on the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan: reviews, photos

The Republic of Azerbaijan suffered somewhat fromoutflow of tourists in the 90s of the last century. But now the tourism industry is rapidly gaining momentum. And this is facilitated by the amazing nature and unique attractions of the country. There are Zoroastrian temples, ancient mosques, ancient cities, snow-capped peaks of mountains, resorts on the Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan experienced the powerful cultural influence of Persia, and this also has its own charm. They speak Turkish and profess Islam. At the same time, the country is open to European development trends. The capital of the state is known for its Baku acropolis (the old part of the city) and a beautiful embankment. The Iranian Quarter is also of interest here. There are many medieval castles on the Apsheron Peninsula. You can see here unique rock paintings (in Gobustan). But for beach people, the largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea. The review of the sea resorts of this country is devoted to our article.

Resorts on the Caspian Sea Azerbaijan

How to get to Azerbaijan

The largest lake in the world is washing the country from the east.This is where the resorts on the Caspian Sea are located. Azerbaijan is connected with the Russian Federation by air and land communication. To get to the famous resorts of the country, you must first come to Baku, the good that this city is also located on the sea. Given the distance of two thousand three hundred kilometers between the capitals of Azerbaijan and Russia, the best transport is an airplane. Every day from Moscow Sheremetyevo-2 (Terminal E) "Aeroflot" planes leave for Baku. With the same regularity, flights from Domodedovo take place. They are carried out by S7 and Azerbaijan Airlines. Three hours in the air - and you are already in Baku.

It is not necessary to go to the white-stonego to the resorts of Azerbaijan. Regular flights from Baku, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk fly in Baku. On the Moscow-Baku train the journey will be stretched for sixty hours. To get to the resorts of Azerbaijan by car, you need to drive through Dagestan. You can follow a roundabout way - through Iran. Then you will get to the most southern resort of the country - Nakhichevan. But for such a trip it is necessary to open an Iranian visa. But in order to enter Azerbaijan, it is enough for a Russian tourist to have only a foreign passport. These are the requirements of the legislation.

Azerbaijani resorts on the Caspian Sea

When to come to the resorts of the Caspian Sea

Azerbaijan lies in the same latitudes as Italy,as well as the French Cote d'Azur, but thanks to the continental climate, there is a clearer change of seasons, the winter is quite cold, there are also frosts up to minus 10 degrees, but the summer is very hot and dry.The temperature of the thermometer can sometimes jump to +40 degrees, but on the seaside resorts the heat is softened by the presence of a lot of water and a fresh breeze.The best time to visit the country is from April to October.The swimming season starts on May holidays, and ends officially at the end of September. s splash in the sea and in April and October.

The nature of Azerbaijan

In this mountainous country, the altitudezone. Therefore, here you can find nine of the eleven existing in the world of climatic zones. In Azerbaijan, you can make a mini-trip around the globe, descending from the tundra to hot and humid subtropics. Another attraction of the country is oil. Black gold is not only the backbone of the Azerbaijani economy. Here, oil has medicinal qualities. A lot of health resorts practice wrapping clients with black gold for therapeutic purposes. A lot of income brings the country resorts on the Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan develops a hotel base and a tourist infrastructure. The old Soviet resorts are reconstructed according to European standards. But new ones are also being built - literally from scratch. As an example, we can mention the Nardaran-Kurdahan resort. This chain of tourist hotels after the completion of construction will not be much inferior to such untwisted places as Antalya and Dubai.

Resorts of Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea

Where to relax in Azerbaijan at sea

The largest lake in the world, the formermillions of years ago part of the ancient World Ocean, washes the country from the east. A long coastal strip is covered by numerous resorts on the Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan can provide a quality beach vacation for all categories of tourists: those who are hungry for entertainment, wishing to be cured, with young children, etc. If you want to combine bathing with interesting educational excursions, choose the resorts of Absheron peninsula. In its southern part, by the way, is the capital of Azerbaijan. Baku is the largest city and port of not only the country, but the entire Caucasus region. This is a very ancient city. Its ancient part, lying within the fortress walls, is called the Baku Acropolis. Among the most visited attractions include the Maiden Tower, the Juma Mosque, the caravanserai, the Shirvanshah Palace. Baku is known for its nightlife.

Resorts of the Caspian Sea Azerbaijan

Absheron resorts of the Caspian Sea (Azerbaijan)

Photos that promote beach holidays in thisTranscaucasian country, mainly depict the newest hotels on the front page near the capital. This zone of Absheron peninsula is called Big Baku. By the way, it lies 28 meters below the level of the World Ocean. What kind of resort hotels near Baku can you recommend to vacationers? If the price for you is not of paramount importance, the ideal choice will be, according to travelers, "Jumeirah Bilgah Beach Hotel" or "Sea Breeze". AF Hotel can be recommended to tourists with children, because in its territory there is an excellent water park. The luxurious four-hundred-meter private beach is at the disposal of the Crescent Beach & Leisure Resort. The excellent value for money is located in the Khazar Golden Beach Hotel and Resort.

Resorts of the Caspian Sea Azerbaijan reviews


In the north-east of the country is the city of Khudat.Not far from it is the unique village of Nabran, where the best medical resorts of Azerbaijan are located on the Caspian Sea. Here, hydrogen sulfide springs are beating in abundance from the ground. But not only this is interesting Nabran. Directly to the beach rises the relic forest. Tourists say that in this region there is no shortage of sanatoriums, boarding houses, private hotels and cheap hostels. You can recommend "Caspian Sea Resort", "Palm" and the hotel "Atlant". The resort village, like Baku, is famous for its evening life. In Nabran there is an aquapark, a sports complex, excursion bureaus.


And this city is located in the extreme south of the coastalstrip of the country, near the border with Iran. There are also curative healing springs, which made it possible to create therapeutic and beach resorts of Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea. Lankaran originated in the tenth century and for a long time was the capital of the independent Khanate. Therefore, the city has many interesting cultural and historical attractions. Recently, the local airport was reconstructed and received international status. Now you can fly to Lankaran from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg and Surgut. Here you can recommend "Kala Hotel 4 *", "Caucasus Sahil 4" and "Khan Lankoran 3 *".

The resorts of Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea will sum up


This young, in every way, city builtonly thirty kilometers from Baku. Do not be scared that Sumgait is a recognized center of the country's petrochemical industry. In recent years, there have appeared the best resorts of Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea. Sumgait bribes its beaches. They are all wholly bleached by the sun, covered with seashells seared in the sand. In the city there is a water park and lots of entertainment. Children need to visit the puppet theater on the water. There are no historical sights here, but transport communication with Baku is excellent. We can say that Sumgait has become a "sleeping area" of the capital.

Caspian Sea resorts Azerbaijan photo

Other resorts

It should be said that the Azerbaijanis themselves loverest not only on the coast, but also in the mountains - in Ganja, Shemakha, Yardimli, Kusary, Cuba and others. Local holidaymakers prefer small and quiet resorts of the Caspian Sea (Azerbaijan). The reviews mention that Siazan, Khachmaz, Khudat and Astara are very popular. The last resort is a border resort. The city, in principle, is divided into two parts, the southern part of which belongs to Iran. The resort is the Astarachay river. At this resort you can recommend for recreation the coastal hotel "Relax Beach".

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