/ / James Cameron: Filmography, biography, photo

James Cameron: Filmography, biography, photo

James Cameron - the triumphant director of the Canadianorigin, working in the United States. In addition to his main cinematographic activities, he is keen on exploring the underwater world and solving environmental problems.

James Cameron


Mr. Cameron was born in the Canadian state of Ontario in August 1954. His father was an engineer.

At the age of seventeen, James moved toThe United States for study at the University of California. After graduating from the Physics Faculty, a young man understands that he is not interested in work by profession and begins to write scripts for films, which for the most part remain unclaimed.

James Cameron, whose biography today occupies many of his admirers, at that time provided himself with a piece of bread, working as a trucker.

The cinematic activity of this person began withwork of the artist and the director of visual effects. In 1981, he made his debut as a director (film "Piranha 2"). James Cameron, whose filmography will soon be fascinating, did not cause critics any interest, and the picture failed at the box office.

The situation changed dramatically after the release"Terminator", which collected an impressive amount during the world hire. Cameron's career gained momentum. Each new his film caused a storm of enthusiasm among the audience.

James Cameron, whose filmography includesmore than twenty films, is one of the most successful filmmakers of our time. He is also known as an innovator and creator of previously unseen visual effects.

James Cameron. Movies (List)

Personal life

James Cameron was married five times. His last marriage can be called the strongest, since it lasts more than fifteen years.

The first wife of Cameron was Miss S. Williams, who worked as a waitress. Their marriage lasted six years, but fell apart due to James's constant employment at work.

His second wife was a producer, and initially theirconnected only business relations, because Gail Anne Hurd was the man who, in fact, opened the way to Cameron in the world of big cinema. She believed in the young director and financed his painting "Terminator", as it turned out later, her faith was justified. Then followed the work on the film "Aliens." At about the same time, lovers were combined by marriage, but after another picture ("Abyss") they decided that everyone would go their own way both in cinema and in life.

The third wife of James Cameron was the director. But even common interests did not allow the marriage with Catherine Bigelow to last longer than two years.

The fourth time James married actress LindaHamilton, who in 1993 gave birth to his daughter Josephine. However, this marriage was not destined to live long, and already in 2000 Cameron married actress Suzie Amis, whom he met on the set of "Titanic". From the fifth marriage, James Cameron has three children: Claire's daughter (2001) and the twins Elizabeth and Quinn (2006).

Work on the "Terminator"

Like many geniuses, whose ideas fall in a dream,The image of the Terminator was caught by James Cameron during a flu sickness. He remembers that before his eyes flashed pictures on which the girl tries to escape from an unknown creature, capable of changing its shape. Actually, from this vision the script of the film was created later. However, not a single Hollywood producer decided to work with a novice specialist, and James sold his script to Gail Hurd for just one dollar, but with the condition of complete non-interference in the work.

James Cameron. Filmography

The budget picture was six million dollars, for the same rental weeks it was received fifteen times more.

Immediately after the success of the first film, an idea for the second appeared. However, the technology of that time did not allow Cameron to immediately begin work. Filming began in 1990.

"Terminator 2" was the first film in which computer animation technologies were used.

The budget amounted to one hundred million dollars, the fees exceeded five hundred million.

Work on the "Titanic"

Once James Cameron saw on TV a documentary about the Titanic. The story so impressed the director that he decided at all costs to make a film about this tragedy.

Write the script was only seven years later.And in 1995, director James Cameron made more than a dozen dives to a sunken ship on Russian bathyscaphes. The video recordings made by him then became part of the full-length film.

To create the conceived special effects wasinvited seventeen studios, leading the company was left, founded by Cameron himself. It was there that the computer animation of the liner flooding, which was included in the film, was created.

Filming took place on the Mexican coast, wherewas built in almost full-scale model of the "Titanic". Among the interesting special effects used in the picture, there is a modeled water, into which the passengers of the liner are falling, and dolphins floating before the ship keel.

Filming began in September 1996 and lasteduntil March 1997. The total budget of the picture was more than two hundred million dollars, which allowed it to become the most expensive in the history of cinematography. The box office has reached almost two billion dollars.

Work on "Avatar"

The concept of the film was invented by James in1994, but he refused to create a picture due to underdeveloped computer technologies. The main work began in 2006. Within four months, Cameron worked on the script. Then the culture of Navi, the invented people was created. Their language was developed (with the help of a scientist from the University of Southern California), the flora and fauna of Pandora was created with the participation of a professor of botany from the University of California. Almost two years, the image and external appearance of the Navi was drawn in imagination and on paper.

Directed by James Cameron

The main surveys began in 2006, theywere held in New Zealand and partly in Los Angeles. The film premiered in 2009. The fees amounted to almost three billion dollars with a budget of just over three hundred million.

General filmography

James Cameron, whose filmography is full of impressive films, began his directorial career in 1981.

As a screenwriter and director, he participated in the films:

  1. "Terminator" (1984).
  2. "Strangers" (1986).
  3. "The Abyss" (1989).
  4. "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991).
  5. "True lies" (1994).
  6. "Strange days" (1995).
  7. The Titanic (1997).
  8. "The Dark Angel" (2000).
  9. "Avatar" (2009).

James Cameron (photo)

In some of the films, James Cameron was the producer. Movies (list):

  1. "On the crest of the wave" (1991).
  2. "Solaris" (2002).
  3. "Sanctum" (2010).
  4. "Circus du Soleil" (2012).

James Cameron is the director and producer of five documentaries, among which the most popular are "Ghosts of the Abyss: Titanic" (2003), "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" (2007).

Awards and recognition

The director was awarded in 1998 with three statuettes"Oscar", two awards "Golden Globe" (for "Titanic"). Also received two "Golden Globes" in 2010 for "Avatar." His films are the record holders for the number of nominations for the Oscar.

James Cameron is officially named the most successful director in the cinema.

James Cameron. Biography

Interesting Facts

  • James Cameron is a vegan.
  • He is an atheist, but would like to meet with Jesus Christ.
  • Is left-handed.
  • James Cameron, whose filmography reflects all the talents of the director, is an excellent artist. His drawings can be seen in the frame of "Titanic" (the entire album by Jack Dawson).
  • On August 16, on his 56th birthday, he sank to the bottom of Baikal in a Russian bathyscaphe. James Cameron photographed the process with a special camera.
  • The first in the world made a single immersion inMariana Trench, lasted three hours. During this time, it was possible to take samples of rocks. 68 new living organisms were discovered by James Cameron, who photographed everything with a 3D camera.
  • Cameron has five brothers and sisters, he himself is the eldest child in the family.
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