No dish in Japanese cuisine can not do withoutrice. This cereal is very common in the country of the rising sun and is loved by the inhabitants of this state. But the most interesting thing is that the Japanese prefer to cook and use their own - Japanese rice.
The restaurants of Maki Maki offer to their customers several varied dishes of rice presented on the page
In today's world, there is a huge number of different varieties of rice. However, they are all united into three main types:
The seeds of Japanese rice are shortened and in thema sufficiently large content of starch, amylopectin and amylose, imparting a tacky grass and a unique gelatinous texture. Indian is long and it does not stick together when cooking. In the Javanese variety, oblong grains and it is characterized by increased friability.
For the first time in Japan, rice appeared in the III century BC.e. He was brought from the Korean peninsula. At that time, hunger began in Japan, as the stocks of game came to an end, and people began to die out. And here on the Japanese archipelago appeared rice, which became a kind of savior of the Japanese people, both in terms of nutrition, and in terms of the demographic problem.
After a while it became the basis of the country's prosperity. This cereal collected taxes, as well as paid salaries to officials.
Rice is a symbol of the country and the soul of the whole nation.Since ancient times, it is believed that if the rice is good, it means - everything else is good too. Every year the monarch himself transplants the seedlings of rice to his imperial field. Even during the Second World War, soldiers were given boxes to remember their homeland. They had rice and a red plum in the middle.
Also this cereal is the main offering to the soulsthe deceased. A daughter-in-law can become a full-fledged mistress in the house only after her mother-in-law gives her a special spatula for applying rice-syamodzi. The Japanese still worship Hatake but Kamisama - the spirit of the rice field - to one of the main deities. And what is most fascinating and incredible - sumo - is not just a struggle, but a ritual dedicated to the spirit of the rice field.
Despite the fact that the cost of rice in Japanvery high, the government does not stop financing this industry. And all because of nationally-prestigious considerations, because the Japanese rice is the best in the world and the inhabitants of the country daily use it for food. Here the words food and rice are inseparable and united in one word - Gohan.