/ / Rivers in Novosibirsk. A few words about the most famous

Rivers in Novosibirsk. A few words about the most famous

Siberia is boundless, fanned by mystery and dear.For a Russian person, land has always meant more than just a territory for living and farming. How much blood and sweat had to be shed in order to rightfully call one of the richest parts of the planet home! History knows many examples of heroism and self-sacrifice for the sake of joining the Siberian expanses. What are the royal and Stalinist camps!

Rivers in Novosibirsk

The third largest pearl in RussiaThe city of the country is Novosibirsk. Severe Siberian character, wide soul and intellect brought up in a difficult climate are reflected in every building, in every bridge across the Ob and in every building of the famous Academgorodok. And since it is customary to build cities near the water, Novosibirsk was no exception - he couldn’t reach Peter in terms of the number of canals, but the rivers in Siberia are among the longest and longest in the world.

Rivers - decoration of Siberia

Siberian pride is an extensive network of rivers, lakes andtributaries. Against the background of the harsh climate, the reservoirs become even more attractive and mysterious. Rivers in Novosibirsk, covered with thick ice in the winter and rapidly blossoming in the summer, are deservedly popular with both careless lovers to relax with the family near the water, as well as with practical fishermen.

And to brag to Novosibirsk is what:The longest river in Russia and the second in Asia - the Ob - flows through the city, forming the landscape and allowing citizens to spend their leisure time without ever leaving their homes. More rivers in Novosibirsk are represented by a fan of small tributaries, streams and streams, such as the Tula in the left bank, the Plyushchikha, Inya and Kamenka from the right bank. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

Ob River in Novosibirsk

Ob is born in Altai, where Biya and Katunmerge into one, forming a calm stream carrying waves across endless Siberia. After 3,650 km, the river smoothly flows into the Gulf of Ob, anticipating the cold Kara Sea. The basin area is 2,990 thousand km, it is the largest in Russia. And let, in terms of the abundance of the Ob, it yielded a little to the Yenisei and the Lena, this will not embarrass the locals and will not force them to love their native shores less.

Plyushchikha River in Novosibirsk

Обь не только радует глаз, она трудится не less than the population of its surroundings. In the southern part there is the Novosibirsk reservoir formed by a dam on which the city hydroelectric station stands. The energy produced is not only enough for Novosibirsk, but also for nearby settlements.

The reservoir residents called the Ob Sea.It has become a place of mass recreation. Countless recreation centers, motels and wild beaches attract Siberians all year round. In addition to entertainment, the Ob can offer those interested a rich fauna — about 50 species of fish inhabit the river, the most valuable of which are sturgeon, sterlet and muksun.

Tula River in Novosibirsk

But there are stories that can not be proud of.These include the fate of a small, length of only 72 km of the river Tula. Thanks to the annual floods and the irresponsible citizens, who do not distinguish the coast from the landfill, the small but proud river almost disappeared from the map. This river, starting its run near the village of Stepnoy and merging with its elder sister Verkh-Tula, flows into the Ob near the Island of Rest.

But it is not all that bad.In 2009, the government came to its senses and allocated 50 million rubles for the improvement of the object. Tula was transformed - the channel was cleaned, the nearby territory was ennobled, and a recreation area was deployed near the third bridge. Today Tula is part of the best places for leisure.

Tula River in Novosibirsk


С северо-востока на юг город пересекает небольшая (12 km), but very picturesque Plyushchikha. Fueled by springs, the River Plyushchikha in Novosibirsk flows through the sparsely populated Oktyabrsky district, including in its ecosystem the Gusinobrod cemetery and Forest Lake, artificially created in the newly built micro-district Plyushchikhinsky.

When the construction of a new housing estate began,the river was also not spared - they strengthened the banks, expanded the course and equipped a full-fledged beach with attractions. Boats, sports equipment in the summer and ski rental in the winter are now available to everyone.

Yin - the right tributary of the Ob

The source of the river is located on Taradanovsky uvalKemerovo region. The Inya River in Novosibirsk has well-developed neighborhoods with many fields, pastures and recreation areas. Over 660 km, which the river flows through the Novosibirsk region, many tributaries flow into it. Ur, Cosma and Bochata - the largest.

Inya River in Novosibirsk

In Soviet times, near the village of Borovoye, a hydroelectric power station operated, providing energy to nearby villages. Today the station is dismantled.

Near the town of Belovo, the dam formsreservoir. Locals affectionately call it the Belovo Sea. The pond serves for recreation and fishing - the waters are teeming with fish. This is facilitated by water protection zones, which serve to monitor the state of the river.

Take care of the rivers, friends

In the years of perestroika, there was no time to think about cleanliness.reservoirs. And the rivers in Novosibirsk fell into decay: they threw waste into the water, and the banks looked like a city dump. Do not blame people - when children have nothing to eat, do not defend the river from the arm.

Difficult time has passed, children began to eat better,and it was the turn of the world. The government, united with private organizations and volunteers, actively cleans and refines small and large rivers in Novosibirsk. However, for works of this scale, the city budget is not enough. Therefore, new horizons are opening up for state cooperation with the private sector.

Ob River in Novosibirsk

The first step has already been taken: instead of hiding ponds in pipes and burying them underground, developers began to use the proximity of an equipped river as an additional advantage of the project.

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