The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) isThe approved indicator included in the regulatory documents that contain the requirements and recommendations of the state sanitary and hygiene centers for the effective and safe use of natural resources (air, soil, water). This allows not only to normalize the amount of emissions from industrial enterprises, but also to calculate the damage that will be caused to the environment.
MPC is the maximum value of the concentration of a harmful substance that has little effect on human health, the natural community and its individual components.
Harmful substances are classified by degree.influence exerted on the human body. In accordance with regulatory documents, four hazard classes are distinguished. In addition, harmful compounds are divided into several groups according to the nature of the interaction with the human body. There are suffocating, irritating, somatic and narcotic substances.
Let us consider in more detail the MPC of harmful substances inthe air. Most often, the term is represented by a single maximum value of dangerous compounds that enter the human body through breathing or through the skin. Sampling is performed several times during the period in question. Further the average value is calculated. There are one-time maximum and daily average dose. In this regard, the MPC of atmospheric air in the area of the working area is the level of harmful substances that do not cause various diseases during the daily work process during a sufficiently long period.
MPC is not only an indicator of a condition.the atmosphere. Even food entering stores is normalized. Since the harmful substances that enter the body tend to accumulate, a person is exposed to significant influences in his life.
MPC - this is the allowable content of onespecific substance. However, if there are several hazardous compounds in the atmosphere, soil or water, the damage they cause will be added together. In accordance with the norms, even the joint level of harmful substances should not exceed 1. However, in many areas this rule is not observed, as a result of which there is an increased risk of developing certain chronic and fatal diseases. It should also be noted that the MPC is an indicator calculated for the average person. That is, if your body is weakened, you are more susceptible to the negative effects of hazardous substances.