/ / Laughing is not allowed: Amanda Bynes in a mental hospital

Laughing is forbidden: Amanda Bynes in a mental hospital

Creative people are very vulnerable to the onslaughtdepressed. Career failures forced many stars to lose themselves and seek solace in addictions. It was because of the creative crisis that Amanda Bynes found herself in a psychiatric hospital. The comedian, whose career has gone uphill since childhood, has become unrecognizable either externally or in manners. The article tells about the reason for such a tragic turn in the life of a star.

Amanda Bynes in a psychiatric hospital

Father's daughter

Amanda Bynes was born in California.The future talented comedian was born in April 1986. The girl’s family was in no way connected with the cinema. Amanda's mom, Lynn, worked as an office manager, and her father, Rick Bynes, excelled in dentistry, but always admired theater and comedy. Rick tried to instill his hobby and children, which in the family were three. And they adopted the hobby of their father, but Amanda Bynes showed real talent. She began performing on the comedy clubs scene at the age of seven, and by the time she was ten, even experienced humorists could not do without a girl in a duet.

Amanda Bynes in a mental hospital

Also at 10, Amanda flashed on the screen for the first time.The ascending asterisk appeared in the television series "Anything" and delighted even picky critics who are incredibly difficult to surprise. They compared Bynes with the comedic legends of the past and hurried to predict a bright future for her. Forecasts began to be translated into reality pretty soon. Three years later, Amanda practically became the face of the children's channel Nickelodeon, where at thirteen years she had her own show. Then no one could have imagined that by the age of thirty Amanda Bynes was in a psychiatric hospital, and not on the screen, the paparazzi would attract the attention.

The girl is ripe

Career start in childhood became the soil forfurther creative implementation of Amanda Bynes. The personal life of the young actress as she grew up more and more interested fans. The first “fiance” Bynes was now the popular rapper Drake. They met on the show of Amanda, however, this novel could not be called serious, because both of his characters were 13 years old.

The first real relationship with the heroine of our articlestarted with a partner in the series “For what I love you” Nick Zahn. The actress's boyfriend was 7 years older. Relations were not long-term - Amanda and Nick met since 2003, and a year later they separated.

Amanda Bynes personal life

Meanwhile, cutie Bynes started getting onethe main role after another. She became a regular at the forefront of youth comedies. “What does a girl want”, “She is a man”, “Love on an island” - the directors regularly suggested the actress to play the main character. In projects where Amanda took part, she found not only fame, but also new love. On the set of "Sydney White", Bynes met actor Matt Long, who soon became the girl's boyfriend. Subsequently, Amanda fascinated Kid Cadi’s hip-hoop and baseball player Dag Reinhardt.

Alas, no relationship comedic star lasted long enough. Perhaps this was also the reason why Amanda Bynes was placed in a mental hospital.

Last appearance on the screen

Последним фильмом, в котором блеснула талантом Bynes, became the movie "A Winner of Easy Conduct" (Easy A), which appeared at the box office in 2010. Before filming this project, she suddenly shocked the public with a statement that she was leaving the cinema. However, the role of Marianne, a two-faced Puritan woman, interested the actress and brought her back to work. However, Amanda's revelations about leaving the cinema were not an empty sound and the result of a one-day bad mood.

why amanda bains is placed in a psychiatric hospital

No laughing matter

After completing the filming of Easy A Amandaaddicted to drugs, which adversely affected her appearance and psychological state. The actress has lost beauty and intelligence in endless parties, which did not deny itself in the grass and alcohol. It could not remain without consequences, and in 2012, drunk Bynes became the culprit of a road accident. The star left the scene, and it soon became clear that the abuse of hazardous substances had a profound effect on the girl's psyche. Several acts of the actress, far from the actions of a sensible person, led to the fact that Amanda Bynes in a psychiatric hospital began to get rid of dependence and personal crisis.

why amanda bynes was placed in a mental hospital

First, the star wrote a strange letter to BarackObama, and then inadequately behaved in public, shouting and hiding in the fitting shop. After the first accident, Bynes got into a series of subsequent accidents and was sentenced to three years (conditionally). Just a few days after the trial, the actress's apartment was searched. Amanda was charged with possession of marijuana. On the second court (in 2013), she appeared in a ridiculous, worn-out wig. Then Bynes agreed to undergo treatment in a solid rehabilitation center in Malibu, but this helped only for a while. As a result, Amanda Bynes found a three-week shelter in a mental hospital.

Amanda Bynes in a psychiatric hospital

After shoplifting, burning a neighbor's house andThe aggressive assault on a fan who tried to photograph her was the final straw for the actress accusing her own father of sexual harassment. From October 10, 2014, Amanda Bynes began a compulsory course of treatment in a psychiatric hospital. The girl was released from the clinic on November 1. It seems that now the star is back to normal. She enrolled at the California Institute of Fashion and Design and dreams of becoming a famous designer.

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