Mordovia is a Russian republic.It is part of the Volga Federal District. The capital of the republic is in Saransk. The population of Mordovia in 2016 was 807,453 people. According to this indicator, the country is on the 62nd place in the Russian Federation. A feature of the republic is the predominance of Russians in the national composition.
Until the 19th century, the number of people living in thisterritory grew very slowly. This was due to high mortality. The situation improved somewhat after moving to livestock and farming from hunting and elementary gathering. The rate of population growth sharply increased at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1920, the population of Mordovia was 1.2 million people. This was confirmed by the first census, which was carried out in 1926. In five years it has increased by another 100 thousand. In 1934 the population of Mordovia decreased due to administrative reforms. Several districts were excluded from the composition of the district. Together with them, 130,000 people were "handed over". Before the events of the Great Patriotic War, 1,187 million people lived in Mordovia. Over these years, the population was reduced to 880.4 thousand. Slow recovery of the indicator could be observed before the 1970s. Then he began to fall again. To date, the population of the Republic of Mordovia is only 807,453 thousand. This is almost half a million less than before the Great Patriotic War.
In the national composition, Russians predominate.Their share, according to the 2002 census, is 61% of the total population. This is twice the number of Mordovians. Representatives of this ethnic group are only 31.9% of the population. The share of Tatars is 5.2%, Ukrainians - 0.5%, Belarusians - 0.1%. The population of Mordovia is also represented by Armenians, Chuvashes, Azerbaijanis, Gypsies, Uzbeks, Georgians, Germans, Tajiks, Moldovans, Mari, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Kazakhs, Chechens, Ossetians and Poles.
During the first census of 1926, the populationMordovia was rural. Only 4% of residents lived in the city. Before the war, most of the population was rural - 93%. In 1979, the shares almost equaled. During this period 47% of the inhabitants of Mordovia lived in the city. In 1989, the urban population exceeded the number of rural population. Since that time, it remains at the level of 59%. The density of the population of the region was the largest in 1897. Then it was 51 people per square kilometer. Since then, this indicator has been constantly decreasing. In 2016, it is only 30.9 people per square kilometer.
For Mordovia, as for most Russianregions, depopulation is typical. However, back in the 1960s, the natural increase in the republic was more than average. But then there was a growing tendency to reduce both the rural and urban population. In the 1990s, the natural increase in Mordovia was -2%. In 2016, there were 3,827 girls and 3,389 boys. This is 92 more than in 2015. The number of deaths in 2016 was 9 426 people. Among the causes of death, the first place is occupied by heart diseases and circulatory system. About 8% of the total number of deaths perished from accidents. In 2016, 3,810 marriages and 2,184 divorces were registered. The inflow of population due to migration is positive. In the first nine months, 13,770 people arrived in Mordovia, and 9,935 went abroad.
Social protection of the population (Mordovia) is regulated by the state program of support of the residents of the republic for 2014-2020. Its key areas are:
By 2020, Mordovia aims to achieve the following macroeconomic indicators:
The volume of budget infusions under the program is37 trillion rubles. However, financing is updated every year. Improvement of the level and quality of life is a priority direction of development of the Republic of Mordovia. It is planned to do this through the development of infrastructure. A number of educational institutions and health facilities are planned to be built and modernized in the republic.