/ / Earthen toad is an amphibian with a bad reputation. Is it so?

Earthen toad is an amphibian with a bad reputation. Is it so?

Few people love amphibians:well, if a frog or a toad is simply bypassed, and in fact often they try to harm an animal! Unmotivated aggression on the part of man can be explained only by his nearness - it is strange to want to offend such an animal as an earthen toad, if you know a little about him.

earthen toad

Amphibian with a bad reputation

Нелюбовь к жабам идет сквозь поколения.Even in the Middle Ages, these animals were treated with special contempt and fear. In all civilized countries, it was believed that touching a toad was certain death. Moreover, the cause of death supposedly acted poison excreted by a toad through the skin.

Also her deceit and danger to our ancestors.lay in the fact that a person could become a kind of incubator for them. They explained it this way: with bad or untreated water, you can drink the eggs of the toads, and already in the stomach they will hatch safely and begin active livelihoods. For a modern person, this sounds crazy, but earlier they were very actively treating from such a condition.

Science has proven that for man a toad is notpresents no danger. Yes, in the case of an extreme situation for themselves, the earthen toad can release a special protective secret from the skin, but it performs a rather daunting role and does not cause any harm.

ground toad in the garden

Toad or Frog: How to distinguish?

For many people, the fundamental question is: who exactly did they meet, whether a frog is a toad? And although the danger does not carry one or the other, to distinguish between them is not difficult.

  • The toad differs in larger sizes: the adult individual can reach 15 centimeters in length.
  • The body of the toad is loose, the contours are not clearly delineated. The head is quite low pressed to the ground.
  • Skin may have a tinge of earthy gray to dark green. It has a large number of warts, bumps and glands.
  • The toad, unlike the frog, does not know how to jump. She confidently goes to the goal.

Most often, people meet amphibians onrest at the reservoirs or in the courtyards, where there is a constant source of moisture. So, the earthen toad usually feels great in the garden - this is where the gardeners often meet her and are unreasonably scared.

what do earthen toads eat

Life and habits

Like other amphibians, for the season of declinetemperatures toads hibernate. So that no one can disturb the process of waiting for heat, they burrow into the soil to a depth of 10 centimeters, hide under the rhizomes of trees and stumps, and can even use abandoned rodent holes.

In the warm season, the activity of toads occurs at night. At this time they go in search of food: it is often possible to meet a toad in summer evenings in places lit by lanterns.

Quite interesting is the answer to the question of how the toad is breeding. First of all, these animals cannot do this without water: it is in the pond that they spawn.

Caviar in toads has a special look - it resembles a long thin cord. Such cords lie on the bottom of the pond or can be braided around algae. Sometimes the length of such cords reaches 5-8 meters!

Tadpoles that spawn from caviar, the firsttime is not shown to the surface. They live on the bottom, eating small algae and what remains of perishing animals and plants. Tadpoles develop rather quickly, and in 50-60 days a full-fledged green or earthen toad may appear on land.

as earthen toads breed

Fear or help for the gardener?

What to do if suddenly met earthen in the garden or in the garden? Can I touch it, will it ruin the crop? Or maybe he will bring friends and will have nowhere to hide from the toads?

In order to answer the question of what the toads do in a garden or a vegetable garden, you need to find out what earthen toads eat.

Основным питанием для них выступают насекомые.They do not disdain caterpillars, various centipedes, as well as snails. The toad cannot be frightened by a bright color or an unusual type of insect. Seeing the object for breakfast, toad waddle goes to his goal.

What are the benefits for the gardener? The most direct!Earthen Toad is a great organic way to control pests and crop eaters. She is such an orderly of crops, who in the evenings goes to bypass the entrusted territory.

Therefore, having met on the way or a kitchen garden itamphibian, do not need to be like medieval Europeans and run after the "anti-toothed" antidote or toxic chemicals. Do not hit the animal and do not stomp on it: give way, because it goes about its important matters, performing its natural function. A side effect of it - the benefits for humans.

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