/ / The earth rat is a giant among voles

Earth rat is a giant among voles

An agricultural pest known asthe name "earthen rat", in fact refers to the family of mice-Vole and is its largest representative. Initially, the earthen rats were found only in the southern regions, but gradually migrated to the north. Now it occupies the territory of the temperate climatic belt almost to the border with the subarctic zone.

earth rat

This rodent, having a body size of up to twenty-fivecentimeters, was mistakenly ranked in rats. But in all habits, this is a real vole, except that the vole-overgrowth. The earth rat eats everything that grows, giving preference, naturally, to cultivated plants, as more nutritious and juicy. If it appears on your site, you will see it on the cleanly destroyed beds. Onions, dill? Yes easily. Roots? Good too. What is there - a flower bed? She and the flower garden will not disdain. According to the testimony of gardeners whose plots were subjected to the invasion of this rodent, the earth rat for some reason prefers saffron, which it mows as well as lawn mowers.

The largest specimens of the earth rat have a mass of up to half a kilogram, and their hair is rather thick and long. Under favorable conditions, the rodent multiplies very quickly.

earthen wrestling
The female brings offspring up to three times a year,and in one litter there are three or five cubs each. The kids of the earth rat are very bright creatures, and a month after they are born they leave the parent, starting an independent life.

The earth rat leads mainly undergrounda way of life, preferring to settle in river valleys and on the shores of natural and artificial reservoirs. As a rule, it does not penetrate the city, as the real gray rats who "stake out" the territory chase the weaker aliens.

Struggle with earth rats goes on differentdirections. This is the application of traditional poisons, as well as more modern, sophisticated methods. In order to drive away uninvited guests, a method is used that is successfully used against other underground pests - moles. This is the use of ultrasonic scarers. On the site in a certain order, several emitters are installed (the installation instruction is attached to the device), and after a short time the mole or earth rat leaves to eat the field plants, leaving your site alone.

fight with earth rats

Some to combat these rodents usefox terriers. However, dogbreeding is unlikely to give a 100% result, the earth rat is too cunning. The struggle with it made some gardeners use very simple, but, according to the inventors, very effective methods. In the chessboard in a staggered order four to six meters, pieces of fittings length of fifty to seventy centimeters are clogged, and tin cans from beer or other beverages are put on them. In the wind they start to rattle, and from this sound rats supposedly leave the territory.

Ways to deal with these giant voles exist enough to choose the one that will suit you most and will be more effective.

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