/ / Persons born in the year of the Rat

Persons born in the year of the Rat

Born in the year of the Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972,1984, 1996, 2008) often seem to be around pretty and cheerful people, but this is not really the case. These individuals have a flashy appearance and a free restless character. They try to suppress in themselves the characteristic anxiety and hide their problems from other people.

Year of the Rat
Year of the Rat: man

В молодости мужчины Крысы мечтают найти свой ideal woman. They want to have strong feelings towards their chosen one, and therefore they marry, as a rule, for love. These men are able to control their feelings and can step on their throats, if emotions interfere comfortably live. They are difficult to influence, because they are guided in life only by their own ideas.

Men born in the year of the Rat, veryare charming, and try to use this quality for their own purposes. They almost can not trust anyone and do not believe in friendship without any self-interest. They believe that you can make profit out of everything. The Rat man likes to wash the stones with his friends. He has a developed imagination and dreams of a cozy, comfortable home. Luxury, gambling and good food are his constant companions.

Year of the Rat woman
Year of the Rat: woman

Women who were born in the "mouse" year,internally constantly excited, although they seem calm and balanced. They are charming and at the same time aggressive. These women want to achieve success by any means, using at the same time an innate ability to seduce.

Крыса - душа компании, она энергична, дружелюбна and sociable. The Rat woman puts her interests above the interests of others. She can benefit from absolutely any situation, even losing one. Rat is an excellent analyst and strategist. She is observant and remembers any little things, so she's a gossip.

Women who were born in the year of the Rat can walk on the edge of the abyss, but at such times they live quite fully. Hating the routine, they are looking for adventure on their own.

Year of the Rat male
Крысы бережливы, но очень щедры в отношениях с close people. They are hardworking, active and energetic. They always bring the business to the end, rely only on themselves, do not expect help from others. They are ambitious and purposeful. They can not be grasped at once for all affairs. Such tactics will not bring success.

Women who were born in the year of the Rat, most oftenchoose the path of life in tune with their souls, trying to avoid serious physical and mental stress. They can not tolerate loneliness, and for them isolation from society is intolerable.

Women of the Rat are caring and with great tendernessbelong to the family. It is important for them to love themselves and at the same time feel indispensable and someone necessary. They are very devoted to her husband, but they want to maintain independence in marriage. The Rat has a lot of fans, because it is the embodiment of sexuality. Love is its weak point. It is here that she is trapped, over which her strong will has no power. Physical proximity to the Rat is second, because the spiritual world of the chosen one is much more important. In marriage, she wants to live financially and without lack of any strict control.

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