/ Ideal cage for a rat. What is she like?

The ideal cage for a rat. What is she like?

Your child, finally, persuaded you to starthome pet. However, when you agreed, it was implied that it would be a kitten or fish. But the fact that a child in a pet store will try to persuade you to bring a rat home, you probably did not expect. But he claims that he will feed the rodent himself and clean the cage. Maybe, really, agree? At least, all the dirt will only be in one place, and not across the whole apartment, like from a cat ...

That's how the adventure begins with the acquisitionrats. It costs, of course, cheaper than a cat or fish. But you still need to buy a cage, a feeder, a drinking bowl and something else. You will also need a transfer for rodents, in which the pet will go home. Let's start over and try to determine which cell for the rat will be the best option.

Optimal cell sizes

Rat cage
Depending on your financial capacity, aas well as the availability of free space in the house, you can consider different cell variants. It should be remembered that cells designed for hamsters and mice are too small for adult rats. For one animal, the size of the room should not be less than 40x60x40 cm. Immediately determine if you plan to breed rats and it is possible that your friend or friend will be bought later on by your pet. If such a prospect is likely, then choose a cell with allowance for replenishment. Today there are large cages for rodents on sale. They cost, of course, more expensive, but do not have to spend twice.

How should a rat cage be equipped?

Large cells for rodents
An indispensable condition is the presence ofcells of two or more floors. Ideally, they should be four or five. The distance between them is not less than fifteen to twenty centimeters. This is necessary in order for an adult active rat to rise on its hind legs. If the height of the cage does not allow you to arrange floors, then you can try to limit the shelves.

Be sure to provide openings orA groove on floors for a drain of urine. If you plan to make a home for a new pet yourself, then you can simply give the shelves a slight inclination relative to each other.

Given the active lifestyle of rodents, the cellfor the rat should be equipped with stairs, swings, a house, transitions and a wheel. If you daily let out the rodent walk around the apartment, then the number of objects in the cage can be reduced. However, in the event that almost all the time the animal is locked up, it should maximize its motor activity in a limited area.

What should a rat cell be made from?

Carry for rodents
The most habitual and comfortable rodents feelthemselves in wire cages. You should choose a cage with a distance between the rods for a rat no more than 1 cm, and for adult rodents - no more than 2.5 cm. Pay attention to the quality of materials. The pallet is best - plastic. There should be no unpleasant smell or unnaturally bright coloring - this indicates a low quality of the product. Subsequently, poisoning or death of the animal is possible. The paint on the rods of the cage must hold well. If somewhere it begins to lag or bubble, then in the future it will lead to the formation of rust.

Here, in principle, and all the requirements for the product,referred to as a "rat cage". Try to choose one where, in your opinion, it will be convenient and comfortable for the new pet. And he will certainly thank you for caring for your affection and fellowship!

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