/ / How to catch a rat - ways to kill rodents

How to catch a rat - ways to kill rodents

Living with neighbors is always more fun, if it's not rats.The appearance of a rodent in the house not only causes panic, but can seriously threaten the health of all members of the family and the inhabitants of the house. The question of how to catch a rat arises very often. Consider the basic rules and ways to combat small rodents.

First, you need to know that catching a rat is better near its nest. His location is easy to detect in the wake of the spoiled things or on the left piles of litter.

Secondly, if it is known that the rat is in the house alone, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Otherwise, in a short time, unpleasant neighbors will become much more.

Thirdly, there are a number of ways to catch rats, which can be organized independently or with the involvement of specialized services.

How to deal with rats?

  • One way is to have a specialcat-ratger, who knows where to look for a rat in the house. At first glance, the method seems simple, but it is difficult to find real cat-cats.
  • It is necessary to arrange special rat-catchers,Traps that act in the same way as mousetraps. They must be placed along the walls, since it is there that rats often move. The use of traps is an old and effective method. However, it is difficult to imagine how to catch a rat with the help of traps in a modern city apartment or office. This method is more suitable for use in village and country houses.
    How to catch a rat
  • For catching a rat, you can use a specialGlue, which is applied to a piece of plywood or cardboard. In the middle of the site for glue, you need to put a bait, to the smell of which it must come running. The rodent, caught in such glue, can not get out of it. The owner will only have to get rid of the corpses of rats.
  • Как поймать крысу, используя народные методы, know many. The most common is a mixture of flour and gypsum in a ratio of 1: 1. A rat, after eating such a mixture and drinking water from a bowl that needs to be placed side by side, will not last long. It is also known that rats do not tolerate ashes after fires and the smell of peppermint (both dried and extract).
    How to catch a rat
  • If advice on how to catch a rat inhouse by own strength, do not bring the proper result, you can call the service of deratization. Specialists are professionally engaged in the destruction of harmful rodents. Deratization can be carried out with the help of chemical poisons, using krysovolov and ultrasonic repellents, as well as involving trained cats and dogs. The services of deratization guarantee 100% destruction of rodents.

How to catch a rat
Each owner has the right to decide which of thethe above ways to choose. All depends on the number of rodents and their appearance (for example, earth or water rats). Whichever method you choose, it is worth remembering one thing: the key to success in dealing with rodents is cleanliness and order. No accumulation of garbage, dirty dishes and food outside the refrigerator in the house should not be. A rat deprived of food and drink will lose its vigilance. Thus, it will be easier to catch or poison.

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