The form of government is a set of principles on which the relations between society and state power are formed. The main such systems are the republic and the monarchy.
Under the constitutional monarchy, the powers of the sovereignare limited to some representative body. The extent of this limitation is determined by the constitution. The constitutional monarchy is parliamentary and dualistic. In the first form, the monarch rarely has real powers, and his legal position is limited. The source of power in this case is the parliament. There is this form of government in Japan and the United Kingdom. Under the dualistic monarchy, the sovereign has the right to form a government. He also has the opportunity to dissolve the parliament and veto it. Theocratic form of government is a system in which all power in the country belongs to a religious leader (the Vatican, Tibet before the Chinese conquest).
The presidential form of government is a system, withwhich the president is elected by the whole people by voting. He is the head of state and has executive power. That is, he forms a government that reports to him. The post of prime minister, as a rule, is absent. This is the form of government of France, the United States and many other states.
Under a parliamentary republic, power belongs to thea special legislative body of government - the parliament, which is elected by all the people. The government is formed by the majority. The president is also elected by the parliament and does not normally have a real political power, performing representative functions. The government is accountable to the parliament.
A mixed form of government is a system thathas the properties of both the parliamentary and presidential republics. Its main feature is the ambivalence of the responsibility of the government, which reports both to the president and the parliament.
Dictatorship is a form of sociala relationship in which one party, a social class, or a ruler possesses full power. Its signs are: reprisals against dissenters and political competitors, suppression of rights and freedoms of citizens who are dissatisfied with the policy of the regime. The presumption of innocence and the rule of law are generally absent.