/ / The eldest daughter Strizhenovy got married, and the youngest became a model: detailed information

The oldest daughter Strizhenov married, and the youngest became a model: detailed information

Do you know what the youngest daughter of Strizhenovs does? For whom did their elder heiress marry? If not, we recommend you read the article from beginning to end.

The daughter of the acres

A story of love for parents

Alexander Strizhenov and Ekaterina Tokman (maidensurname) met in 1984 on the set of the film "Leader". At first they irritated each other. But soon they flared mutual sympathy. At that time, Katya was 16 years old, and Sasha - 17. Young lovers spent a lot of time together, making plans for a future future.

In 1987, Catherine and Alexander played a wedding. Shortly before this the couple was married in one of the Moscow churches - the Protection of the Holy Virgin.

The eldest daughter of Strizhenovs

In April 1988, the famous TV presenter and her husband first became parents. Their charming daughter, who was named Anastasia, was born.

Daughter of the sheared

The girl has always been surrounded by care and attention from star parents. They tried to provide it with the best: beautiful outfits, expensive toys and so on.

At the end of high school daughter Strizhenov,Anastasia, went first to the US, then to the UK. The girl received a prestigious education. Parents are proud of its successes and believe in the brilliant future of its krovinushki.


In 2008, in New York, Anastasia meta nice guy, Pyotr Gerashchenko. They both studied in this city. A young man who is 2 years older than his chosen one, beautifully courted her. The couple strolled along local parks, visited a cafe and photographed a lot. Soon Nastya introduced her lover to her family. Catherine and Alexander really liked the guy.

In 2011, Peter Gerashchenko received a diploma ingraduation from the university. From now on, he could consider himself a professional financier. The guy quickly found a high-paying job. After this Petya made a beloved proposal. Our heroine agreed. Her parents did not object either. But they had one condition - the wedding will be held when Nastya finished his studies. The girl went to the UK for an internship. There she spent almost 1.5 years. Several times a month Anastasia flew to New York for her fiancé. And in the spring of 2013 she was awarded a long-awaited diploma. Then the couple started preparing for the wedding.


It was decided to hold a celebration in Moscow.The bride flew to the Russian capital a month before the wedding, and the groom - for 3 days. Each of them was worried about how everything goes. But the parents of the young did not disappoint their children.

Wedding of the daughter

On August 9, 2013, a daughter's wedding took placeStrizhenovoy Catherine. First, Nastya and Peter were married in the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located near the Moscow city of Odintsovo. They took several photos for memory and launched white pigeons into the sky. All this looked very touching.

Next, a couple on a snow-white car Rolls-Roycewent to a restaurant on the shore of a lake in the suburbs, where they were already waiting for numerous guests. Especially for Nastya and Petit, an exit registration of the marriage was carried out. Lovers are located under a snow-white arch, decorated with flowers. After they uttered the secret word "yes" and exchanged the rings, all the guests began to congratulate them. The newlyweds were showered with rose petals. All this happened against the background of opera music.

The girl had two dresses (for the wedding and the official list). These outfits were created by designer Victoria Andreyanova, and part-time aunt Nastya (mother's sister).

Now the young couple live in New York. They arrive in Russia only on holidays.

Information about the youngest daughter

In 2000, Catherine and Alexander became parents for the second time. They have long dreamed of a son. But again the girl was born. It was named after Alexandra.

From the age of 3 the youngest daughter Strizhenovy visited the sectionrhythmic gymnastics. Her coach was the famous Irina Viner. She also studied dances in the ballet Todes. In her youth Sashenka managed to try herself as an actress. She starred in two paintings of her father - "Love Carrots" (2007) and "Yulia" (2009). And she also appeared in the film directed by Z. Roizman "Everyone has his own war" (2010).

In October 2016, Strizhenov's daughter, Alexandra, made her debut as a model. She became one of the participants of the Bella Potemkina brand show, organized as part of the Fashion Week in Moscow.

Alexandra Strizhenova daughter of Ekaterina

The 15-year-old girl walked along the catwalk in a magnificentsnow-white dress. Massive earrings and a black belt successfully complemented the outfit. Sasha confidently kept on the podium. Her gait was well-worked. Of course, the girl was worried, but did not give her a look. She wanted to make the best impression on the people gathered in the hall. And she succeeded.


Now you know what Alexandra is doingStrizhenova (daughter of Ekaterina Strizhenova). She has a good chance of building a successful career in the modeling industry. The eldest daughter of a famous couple, Anastasia, is happy in marriage. Alexander and Catherine look forward to when she will give them grandchildren. Let's wish this wonderful family of financial well-being and creative prosperity!

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