/ / Plaster station: device and advantages

Plastering station: device and advantages

Every year in the world there are all new andnew devices that automate human activities. Thanks to various machines and tools, it is possible to significantly increase the amount of work performed. And if you think that now you can only plaster manually, you are deeply mistaken. In the modern world, such a device as a plaster station has long been used. Reviews of experts argue that due to the presence of this device, it is possible to speed up the time of work several times, while only one person will cope with it. What is this tool and what are its features?

plaster station


Plastering station iscompact compact construction unit, which is used for the mechanization of the preparation of the working finishing mixture. At the same time, due to the presence of a special pump, this apparatus performs not only the preparation, but also the effective application of the very mixture on the surface of the treated wall. What fluid does the plaster station apply? The instruction states that this unit works only on a specialized building mix, which is made on the basis of gypsum, polymeric materials and cement-sand compound. Thus, the use of ordinary home-grown plaster is impractical, because of its properties, it will disable the whole mechanism.

plaster station reviews


Spheres where the plaster station is used,enough. This may be a facade finish with the use of decorative plaster, and the device of thermal insulation of surfaces, waterproofing, application of flame retardant materials and repair of wall surfaces. In addition, this tool is used in the installation and production of self-leveling floors and the manufacture of concrete screeds.

Plastering station: device

The design of the plastering station assumes the availability of such tools as:

  1. Mixing chamber, where the process of preparation of the plaster mixture.
  2. The receiving bunker where previously dry solution is located.
  3. Mortar pump.
  4. Air compressor.
  5. The drive, which, depending on the model, can be powered by electricity or run on diesel fuel.
  6. Water pump.
  7. Water and mortar sleeve.
  8. Controlled nozzle
  9. Control Panel.


The main advantage of using this stationwhen performing facade-finishing work lies in its performance. The whole process is dozens of times superior in quality and time to the implementation of the same amount of work manually. In addition, only one person can flee with the control of this station, while in the classical application of the solution it is necessary to involve a whole team of builders. Another advantage of this tool is its compactness. Due to its low weight and dimensions, it can be used in the most inaccessible places.

plaster station instruction

Thus, the plaster station is an indispensable tool when performing finishing construction work on both industrial and household scales.

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