/ Stage costume. Its tasks, scope of use and tailoring

Stage costume. Its tasks, scope of use and tailoring

Dancing, theater and various shows have become part of life.each person. The spectators, being on the show, appreciate not only the play of the actors, but also their image. Stage costume helps to open it most widely.

Sphere of use and main tasks

The costume can be sewn for both individual and group performances. You can see it in the following points:

  • Theater.
  • Dance.
  • Promotions and costumed performances.
  • Strip show.
  • Sport competitions. Art gymnastics and figure skating.

Stage costume plays an important role and helps to complement the image. It solves the following tasks:

  1. With it you can most widely reveal the nature.
  2. Changes the shape and appearance of the character, depending on the desired situation.
  3. It helps to create the necessary time, era, its style and place of action.
  4. It is an important part for expressing the inner world in a film or performance.
  5. It can be a symbol of a whole era.

Consider more closely theatrical costume, without which not a single performance can do. Productions, as well as films, have firmly won their place in contemporary cultural life.

Theatrical outfit

Сценический костюм – это не только одежда, но и make-up, shoes, accessories, hairstyle. Only together they complement each other and most fully reveal the image. In the performances, the costume conveys an internal state, it helps to understand what the hero has just done or is about to perform.

stage costume

Even before the start of the performance or filmingthe artist creates sketches. They are formed depending on the idea, the director's intention, style of production and character of the character. Subsequently, the sketches will help the actor more clearly convey the smallest nuances of the hero: his gait, manner of dressing, facial expressions, and even the head setting.

Incorrectly chosen stage costume is notperforms its direct duties, and also creates a lot of inconvenience. He breaks, clings to the surrounding scenery, makes the actor distract from the game and does not allow him to fully enter the role.

Also, thanks to the costume, the viewer instantly determines the social status of the hero. He unmistakably recognizes a wealthy nobleman, a simple worker, a military man, or a teacher.

Sewing stage costumes

In addition to theatrical art, largepopular clothing in dance performances. Due to the high prevalence and demand there was a huge competition. Indeed, in order to win the viewer, it is not enough to provide a simple dance, it is necessary to carry out a real show. Therefore, stage costumes, which create amazing and stunning images, play such a big role.

tailoring of stage costumes

There are many different types of dance as well as his styles. For them, projects are created that help reveal the individual world and character.

  1. Modern dance.The costume is characterized by urban style with the presence of subcultures. It is very similar to the sports version of clothing, because it requires freedom in movement, but it can be changed under the influence of other musical trends.
  2. Ballroom dance. Beauty prevails here.A beautiful ball gown is a successful start for a dancing couple. It should be elegant and graceful. Stage costume is decorated with rhinestones, fringe or feathers.
  3. Gypsy dance. At tailoring of such suit the tabor dress prevails. Bright fabrics are used, which help to draw various tents and tents in imagination.
  4. Latin dance A prerequisite for the tailoring of such a dress is a cut that allows you to give the movement ease. Often used cuts on the entire length of the leg.
  5. Folk dance.This is a bright representative of Russian culture, in which there is a combination of many types of fine art. Folk costume for men is represented by a national shirt, trousers made of linen or dye-cut and a caftan. Women's consists of a shirt with embroidery on the chest and long sleeves, an apron, a bib and a sundress. Each part has its own version of the ornament. The headgear is represented by a closed hat, bandage or hoop. All this is complemented by a variety of kokoshnikami, bandages and crowns.

folk costume

Children's costumes

If the child is dancing, then heneed clothing that has comfort and does not constrain his movements. Using stage costumes, he feels his own peculiarity, importance, and also adjusts himself to maximum work and discipline.

children's stage costumes

Girls need a special skirt or dress,special shoes, as well as tights or socks. It all depends on the type of dance that the child does. Boys should have trousers, a belt and a shirt (for example, for a ballroom dance).

Unfortunately, such costumes are expensive and sewed onorder with the use of materials with the addition of decor. Stage costume for the boy will be easier to order. There are no strict requirements for him, and he should only shade the girl's dress.

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