/ / Phenomena - what kind of phenomenon? Types of phenomena

Phenomena - is that a phenomenon? Types of phenomena

The philosophical term "phenomenon" originated fromGreek "φαινόμενον", which means "being", "rare fact", "unusual phenomenon". If you look around you can see a lot of objects, smell, warmth or cold, see the beauty and admire it, hear the music and get excited by its melodic sounds. All these subjects and phenomena in philosophy are usually called this term. In a word, they are all phenomena. These are philosophical concepts that denote those phenomena that can be comprehended in sensory experience. All of them can become the object of contemplation and scientific observation.

phenomena are

Types of phenomena

Proceeding from the foregoing, these objects and phenomenacan be divided into physical and mental. According to the theory of the Austrian philosopher Franz Brentano, the first include sounds, smells, natural landscapes, precipitation, fields, forests, mountains and valleys, trees and shrubs and other objects of the world around us. All of them are given to us in experience, that is, we have the opportunity to see, hear, feel and feel them. But the psychic phenomena - this is our entire mental activity, that is, all those representations that, through sensations or imagination, arise in our consciousness. These include acts of hearing, representation, vision, sensation, fantasy, as well as mental processes such as recollection, doubt, judgment; emotional experiences: joy, sadness, fear, hope, despair, courage, cowardice, love, anger, hatred, surprise, desire, excitement, admiration, etc.

socio-cultural phenomenon is

Cultural phenomenon

Слово "культура" имеет великое множество значений.It is an object of knowledge of various sciences: philosophy, sociology, aesthetics, cultorology, ethnography, political science, psychology, pedagogy, history, art history, etc. In a broad sense, culture is all human activity that can have all kinds of manifestations. It includes all the ways and forms of self-knowledge and self-expression that are accumulated by the society, and by a separate person. In a narrow sense, culture is a set of codes (norms of behavior, rules, stereotypes, customs and rituals, etc.) adopted in a given society, and which govern human behavior. In a word, culture is material and spiritual values. On our planet, the first of them have a special meaning only for humans, because they are sanctified by customs, art, religion, in one word - culture. As for spiritual values, here everything is not so unambiguous. We have already witnessed more than once that our lesser brothers can show such feelings as devotion, love, affection, joy, sadness, resentment, gratitude, etc., etc.

phenomenon of development is

Culture and society

В социокультурном контексте понятие “феномен” gets category status. This phenomenon, which is explored in culture. Today, this is increasingly becoming the object of various scientific works: dissertations, papers, diplomas and coursework. However, it is extremely difficult for their authors to give an accurate definition of this phenomenon. Everyone treats it in their own way. The union of such two concepts as "socium" and "culture" is everywhere. Culture participates or is present practically in all spheres of human life without exception. Our vocabulary consistently includes such expressions as "sociocultural space," "cultural politics," "culture of personality," etc. Many of these concepts have become so familiar to us that we do not even notice how often we use them. So how do you understand the phenomenon of culture? This is primarily a special way of human life, where the objective and subjective act as a single whole. By means of culture, the organization and regulation of human activity takes place, which leads to an increase in the level of his activity as a member of society.

Sociocultural in the works of Petirim Sorokin and F. Tenbrook

Russian sociologist P.A.Sorokin also investigated this phenomenon. According to him, the sociocultural phenomenon is all that people receive from their environment due to their connection with culture, which, in turn, is the bearer of "superorganic" values. Under the latter, he understood everything that produces a person's consciousness, for example, it can be languages, religion, philosophy, art, ethics, law, manners, habits, etc., etc. In a word, according to Sorokin, "socioculturalism "Is the basic category of the social world, which implies the continuity of the individual, culture and society. And the German philosopher F. Tenbruck called this connection a "seamless combination" of the three components: the individual, the society and the system of moral and material values, that is, culture.

psychological phenomenon is

What can be considered a socio-cultural phenomenon?

Давайте сначала перечислим те явления, которые fall under the definition of a social phenomenon. This is a whole set of concepts that affect a person living in a society of their own kind. Of course, this is not a complete list, but here are some of them:

  • money;
  • fashion;
  • poverty;
  • religion (including sectarianism);
  • social networks;
  • news;
  • rumors and gossip, etc.
    social phenomenon is

And this is a list of sociocultural phenomena. It is more extensive. These phenomena are integrated into one whole cultural and social phenomena. Here they are:

  • education;
  • the science;
  • policy;
  • tourism;
  • spirituality;
  • corporeality;
  • upbringing;
  • a family;
  • fashion;
  • brand;
  • religion;
  • myth, legend;
  • confidence;
  • happiness;
  • grief;
  • legal reality;
  • motherhood;
  • tolerance;
  • kitsch, etc.

This list can be continued indefinitely.

Sociocultural phenomenon of development

In our world nothing is permanent and does not stand onplace. All phenomena are either improved or are destroyed, moving to their final death. Perfection is a socio-cultural phenomenon of development. This is a process aimed at a positive change in both material and spiritual objects with one single goal - to become better. From the course of philosophy it is known that the ability to change is a universal property of both matter and consciousness. This is the principle of existence common to all (nature, knowledge and society).

phenomenon of culture is

Personality as a psychological phenomenon

A being with consciousness and self-consciousness,that is, a living person, is a person. He has a very complex structure, which is an integral systemic formation, a set of actions, relationships, significant from the point of view of society, the psychic properties of the individual that were formed as a result of ontogeny. They define his actions and actions as the behavior of the subject of communication and activity, which has consciousness. Personality is capable of self-regulation, as well as dynamic functioning in society. At the same time, its properties, relations and actions harmoniously interact with each other. Surely everyone is familiar with such an assessment of personality as a "core". This property is endowed with those individuals who have a strong character. However, in psychology, the "core" education of the individual is explained differently - this is his self-esteem. It is built on the basis of the relationship of the individual to himself. This is also influenced by how a person evaluates other people. In the traditional sense, the individual is an individual who acts as the subject of social (social) relations and spiritual activity. This structure also includes the physical and physiological characteristics of the human body, as well as its psychological characteristics. Thus, in addition to social and socio-cultural phenomena, there is a psychological phenomenon. These are the phenomena that concern the individual and her inner world: feelings, emotions, experiences, etc. So, a psychological phenomenon can be love, hatred, aggression, sympathy, manipulation, and so on.


Regardless of the category to which they belong, phenomena are all that can become an object of observation for the purpose of cognition.

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