/ / Cunning Doran Martell from The Game of Thrones

Cunning Doran Martell from the novel "Game of Thrones"

Everyone who read the Game of Thrones book knowsPrince Doran Martel as an intelligent, cunning and very careful person. In this article we will tell you about this hero and what differences there are in the plot lines of the film and the book.

doran martell

Who is prince Doran Martell

This character is Prince Dorn and LordSun Spears. He has a younger brother Oberin, nicknamed the Red Serpent for his fierce character. Doran also had a younger sister who was killed by Grigor Cleagan during the overthrow of the Mad King. Doran Martell is an incredibly cautious and prudent person. He is not inclined to hasty actions and always makes difficult plans.

Doran has a spouse with whom he does not live.Twenty years before the events described in the book, Doran met Lady Mellario. Then they decided to marry. But the difference in character and upbringing prevented them from living happily, so Lady Mellario went to her homeland. At the same time, Doran Martell decided to retain the children, ruining his relationship with his wife even more. Marriage due to the laws of Westeros was not terminated.

Prince Doran Martell

Prince Dorne's storyline on the show

After the start of the civil war, Doran Martell(actor: Alexandr Siddig) convenes his banners, but he is clearly not in a hurry to enter the war. Tyrion sends a postal crow to Dorn with a proposal to extradite Mircella (daughter of Cersei) for Tristan Martell, thereby consolidating the union of Martells and Lannisters. At the same time, Doran himself could receive additional lands and castles, as well as take pride of place at a small council. A separate and somewhat ambiguous point in the letter was the promise of issuing Dorn the murderers of Elia Martell and her children. Having received the consent of the prince, Tyrion sends Myrzella to Dorn. Doran, aware of how dangerous the alliance of Martell and Lannister could be, asks Areo for protection against an imminent threat.

doran martell actor

After a while at a joint dinner withJaime, Tristan and Ellaria Doran says that his loyalty to the king of Westeros is unbreakable and that he is ready to send Myrcella and Tristan to the capital. The latter should take the place of Oberin in the small council. After that, Doran forces Allarius under threat of execution to swear allegiance to him.

Soon after, Jaime, Myrcella and Bronnleave Dorn. Ellaria, wetting her lips with poison, kisses Myrcella and wishes her a pleasant journey. After the departure, Ellaria drinks the antidote, and Mirzella dies in the arms of Jaime.

When the crow arrived in Dorn with the news of the death of Mirzella, Ellaria and Tyene commit treason and kill Doran. On this storyline Dornish Prince can be considered complete.

Doran's storyline in the book

Book Story by Doran Martel in "The Gameof thrones "(the book) is more complex. Differences between the series and the book begin to appear after the murder of Oberin in the capital. In the book, the prince makes far-reaching plans related to the restoration of the Targaryen dynasty.

At first, Doran Martell wanted to marry hisArianna's daughter for Viserys Targaryen. But having learned that Viserys was killed by Khal, the prince changes his plan and sends his son Quentin overseas to make an offer to Daenerys Targaryen.

Doran Martell Game of Thrones

Sand Snakes (extra-marital daughters of Oberin),dissatisfied with Doran’s policy, they are beginning to build evil plans against him. Arianna arranges the abduction of Myrcella, which turns into a failure: Arianna is detained, and Myrcella loses her ear during a duel. Also killed is a knight from Royal Harbor who guards her. Doran Martell understands that his caution causes discontent on the part of the Sand Snakes and all the common people, therefore he opens part of his plans to the daughters of Oberin and makes an alliance with them.

Quentin Martell, arriving at Mierin, is refusedfrom Daenerys. After the last of the Targaryens flies away on Drogon, the son of Martel with his companions decides to release two dragons locked in one of the pyramids. Having failed, Quentin is tragically killed by his wounds.

Winds of winter

Received a letter from Connington, Doran Martellhesitates a lot when he learns about the unexpectedly resurrected Prince Targaryen. Doran decides to send his daughter Arianna and her companions to the Golden Swords so that she can negotiate and decide whether to start a war. At the ceremony of farewell to Arianna Doran Martell, in spite of the severe pain in the joints, got up from his chair and hugged her ...

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