/ / Gdansk Bay and the Baltic Spit

Gdansk Bay and the Baltic Spit

Gdansk Bay, which at all times was an important strategic object, at the dawn of the twentieth century turned into a recreation area. Here, for example, is one of the largest Polish resorts - Sopot.

The Baltic Spit of the Gdansk Gulf

gypsy gulf sand
The sandy peninsula, calledThe Baltic Spit, created by nature itself. This natural shaft owes its appearance to the sea currents and the sands of the Vistula. The Baltic Spit occupies the space between Gdansk and Baltic - Polish and Russian cities. Territorially the Baltic Spit is located on the southeastern coast of Gdańsk Bay and ends near Sobieszewski Island.

Natural resort

This particular, formed over the yearsthe area has long been chosen by holidaymakers. There are four natural reserves here: "Bird Paradise", "Mevya Laha", "Fishermen's corners" and "Buki Vyslyanoi spit".

The Baltic sandy spit of the Gdańsk Gulf attracts tourists with open, miraculous thermal salt springs and pine forests.

Not less popular with travelersthe fishing villages of Piaski, Yantar and Mikoshevo. Saturated with iodine and moisture, air combined with sunlight makes these places a climatic health resort. It is here that the famous Krynica-Morska is located - the warmest place in these parts.

Beauty of local landscapes

Gdansk Bay

To get to Gdansk Bay (Gdańskbay), first you need to reach the coast of the Baltic Sea from Russia or Poland. The name of the bay was due to the nearby settlement - the city of Gdansk.

The Baltic Sea is considered the youngest, the mostshallow and most salty water of the World Ocean. The landscape of the seabed is flat, and the ground, which is covered with clayey sediments in the Baltic Strait, is composed mainly of sand from the coast. The closer to the shore, the shallower and lighter the sand.

This area is also famous for its natural beaches. The sand here is soft and so light that it looks snowy on a fine day.

Gdansk Bay is littered with underwater depressions, the deepest - the northern (more than 100 m). In other parts of the bay, the depth varies mainly from 50 to 70 m, but in some places it reaches 90 m.

In the warm (uncharacteristic for the Baltic) watersGdansk Bay, at a depth of more than 10 m fishing fish is found. Here you can see shoals of Baltic cod, croissants, flounder, badge, halibut, Baltic herring and sprat. Especially lucky travelers managed to meet Baltic salmon, sea trout and whitefish, and also local mammals: Baltic seals and sea pigs.

The form and direction of Gdanskthe location of two adjacent to it narrow sandy peninsulas is predetermined: in the western part of the bay there is the Hela spit, and in the east - the Baltic.

Historical past and present

The historical events taking place in Europe have more than once affected the Gulf of Gdansk.

Gdańsk Gulf spit
The first people, according to archaeologists, appeared in these places at the beginning of the Bronze Age, and the settlements of the descendants of the ancient Slavs, found during the regular excavations, date back to the V century.

The first document, which featured Gdanskthe gulf, the coordinates of Gdansk and the Vistula, was a historical reference, dated 997, when these places were visited by Bishop Adalbert of Prague. The missionary's goal was to convert the local pagans into the Christian faith. Here he was killed.

Slavic princes who ruled Gdansk in XIcentury, turned the city into a shopping center. Merchant vessels from Holland and Scotland moored to a large pier. These lands were also seen by Flemish, French and Oriental merchants, and the merchant naval "Amber Route", stretching from Gdansk to the Balkans, was lost near the shores of Byzantium and again "emerged" far to the east.

The Baltic Spit today

Today Gdansk Bay is washed by the shores of one of thethe oldest and largest Polish cities. Gdansk is distinguished among other resort areas by the state of ecology. This is perhaps the most green and environmentally friendly port city, where tourists come from Sweden, Denmark and other European countries.

In German, the Baltic Spit is called "FrisheNerung, "that is," the land that emerged from the sea near the freshwater gulf. " From the pier there is a road to the Western Fort - an old building built during the reign of William the First. But the main attraction of the Baltic Spit is the aerodrome Noitif, built by German engineers. In 1937 it was one of the most modern, equipped with the latest technology facilities, and later - one of the best Nazi airbases.

gdansk bay coordinates
Aerodrome Noitif as a historical monument isa kind of evidence of the competence and professionalism of specialists working on its erection. The flight control tower, which was repeatedly stormed by Soviet bombers, has been well preserved to the present day.

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