/ / Fighting in Syria: causes and consequences

Fighting in Syria: causes and consequences

На сегодняшний день одним из самых неспокойных regions on the planet is Syria. It is on the territory of this state that numerous radical groups are concentrated, including the largest of them - IGIL. The Syrian conflict lasts for several years now and is caused by a variety of factors: religion, politics, socio-economic development, Islamization of the population, etc. A new round of tragic events in Syria began in 2015. What are the main causes and consequences of this four-year war?

fighting in Syria

Fighting in Syria: the beginning of the conflict

The war in Syria broke out not from scratch.The rolling "Arab spring" caused the anti-government movements that were strictly formed in the territory of this state, which were categorically opposed to the incumbent Syrian President Bashar Assad and the predominant "Baas" party in the Parliament. This led to the fact that in the summer of 2011, fighting began in Syria between state forces and an anti-government coalition. The Kurds played a large role in aggravating the situation, which became the third party to the armed conflict. In 2014 and 2015, the situation in Syria worsened due to the growing influence of the terrorist organization IGIL.

fighting in Russia in Syria

According to the UN report, the main reasonThe armed conflict in this state consists in an open confrontation on religious grounds. However, the parties to the conflict - the Shiite groups and the Sunni insurgents - reject this view.

To date, the armed conflict has outgrownin open fighting clashes on an inter-confessional and inter-ethnic basis. This led to serious political and economic destabilization in the region, as well as to numerous civilian casualties.

Despite what political scientists calla colossal number of reasons that determine this conflict, they can all be combined into a single galaxy, in which one factor, one way or another, causes another.

Poverty of the local population of Syria

The fighting in Syria, according to manyresearchers, primarily due to the lack of proper socio-economic provision of the population. But if you dig a bit deeper, you can find out that for the period of 2011, Syria could fully provide itself with products, in addition, light industry was developing beautifully on the territory of the state. According to statistics, about 10% of the currency was imported into the country by Syrians, who left for the nearest countries to work. In other words, the population that was below the poverty line during this period of time constituted a small part of all the inhabitants of the state. However, it was the representatives of this social stratum who decided to commit a righteous jihad in Syria.

Freedom is the meaning of the life of the Syrians

Many participants in the anti-government uprisingin Syria they unanimously say that they wanted more freedom and independence from the authorities, which Bashar Assad promised when he took office as head of state. In other words, they did not want to continue along the path of conservatism, thereby entering the "Middle Ages". Indeed, in his pre-election speeches, the current president of Syria promised to modernize the economy of the state, and also to take the road of democratic change, which will give citizens such valuable freedom.

military operations of the Russian Federation in Syria

За время своего правления Башар Асад сделал очень much for the state, including raising salaries and pensions for military and civil servants. In addition, the banking reform was carried out, investors were attracted to the country, which improved the microclimate of Syria. However, these changes were gradual, which did not suit the patrons of the "Arab Spring", which have already been rebuilt by many countries in the Middle East in their own way.

Religious factor - the fundamental principle of the armed uprising

Of course, this factor has become one offundamental to the escalation of the situation in the Middle East. The fighting in Syria, oddly enough, is conducted between two directions in Islam - Sunnis and Shiites. The government “top” is represented by Shiites (Alawites), while most of the population is Sunni. Despite the tolerance of local residents, it was not possible to unite the two directions in a single society, which resulted in an open conflict between the factions.

military operations of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria

Terrorism - the “plague” of the 21st century

Not the last, but even the key at the momentposition in the ranking of the underlying causes of the war in Syria is terrorism. The new members who are ready to accomplish jihad both in the state and beyond its borders: in Europe, Russia, and America constantly join the ranks of ISIL. One of the key reasons for people joining ISIS is a salary of 5 thousand dollars, which is paid for one month. This fact of increasing the forces of terrorists has led to the fighting of Russia in Syria, which will prevent the penetration of jihadists into the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the intensification of the military confrontation between the rebels and the Syrian government forces.

Why does Russia need this war?

Fighting Russia in Syria due to directstate interest. This country is a reliable partner of the Russian Federation in the Middle East. The Russian government, including its president V. V. Putin, pursues a deliberate policy that will stabilize the situation in Syria. This is necessary for the state’s borders to be calm, because to allow a similar outburst of “aggression” among its neighbors is to show its helplessness in the struggle for world leadership.

Syria latest fighting

Military operations in Syria requirenumerous financial costs, but this is exactly what allows us to eliminate the main problem of mankind today - terrorism. After all, the country "abode" LIH is precisely Syria. The recent hostilities show that Russia intends to fight this problem, unlike its partners, until the blood of civilians was shed, as it happened in November in Paris. But that's not all.

In addition, military operations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation inSyria is aimed at warning the United States and the EU that it is not necessary to be accomplices to criminals who are financially provided through the sale of illegal oil. This argument is also confirmed by the exposure of the armed forces of Russia to Turkey, which acquired “black gold” at a low price from ISIS terrorists.

Summarizing, we can say that the fighting of the Russian Federationin Syria they are pragmatic, allowing to stabilize not only the situation in Syria, but also in the whole world community, and also to eliminate the problem of international terrorism.

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