/ / "Iblis State" - what is it? Laws of the "Iblis State"

"Iblis State" - what is it? Laws of the "Iblis State"

That's the way human psychology works, that withoutbelief in supernatural events and higher powers people can not exist. Perhaps this comes from the fear of responsibility for one’s own life or from powerlessness over the power of natural elements. In antiquity, when man was close to nature, the cults of trees, stones, and atmospheric phenomena were popular. Further, with the development of civilization, among many nations of the world a religious legend arose about the supreme being who governs earthly life, and about his vicars, the prophets. Now, some have turned science and technological progress into a cult, not recognizing religious dogma.

Be that as it may, but now spreadfreedom of religion. In addition, given the level of civilization of humanity, no one should allow even the thought of forcing anyone to join the ranks of certain religious groups. Unfortunately, in practice it is not quite true.

Islamic state: eternal jihad

Since the fires of the Inquisition, have repeatedly beenattempts to force people to be redirected within the required religion Militant Islam has especially succeeded in this. Thus, the unrecognized "Iblis State" arose.

unrecognized Iblis state

At the end of June 2014, the terrorist group ISIL, whose name is now on everyone’s lips, proclaimed itself a caliphate. And Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi is defined as the leader, that is, the Caliph.

The appeals of this illegal formation boil down toso that every faithful Muslim immediately, casting aside doubts, swore allegiance to the Caliph and stood under the banner of what the militants call the "Iblis State." What is it: a mass psychosis or subtle calculation? Analysts claim that in this way, the military formation is trying to legalize vast territories conquered in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq.

Why iblis?

Изначально организация называлась ИГИЛ, что meant the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, but later the last two words disappeared. After a while, watching the activities of this bandit formation, he was called differently.

Why "Iblis State"?The name comes from the Arabic word "iblis". This is the name of an angel who did not obey Allah. This story happened, according to the Quran, a very long time ago, during the creation of the world by Allah. God cast down Iblis for not kneeling before Adam, into whom Allah breathed life. There is a clear analogy with the fallen seraphim in Christianity, I mean Satan. This is a very precise definition, since only the devilry’s intervention can explain the majority of crimes committed by members of this organization.

Iblis state. What is it:

What does "Iblis State" mean forsensible people, including those professing Islam? Formation is associated with utopian and radical ideas, akin to fascist, only with a religious background. Sharia law, which the organizers of this group potentially wish to spread throughout the world, is unlikely to please the enlightened European, American, as well as other communities. In fact, it immerses the world in medieval customs, pushing progress in the opposite direction.

The essence of the Caliphate

The Caliph is the vicar of Allah in the earthly vale.In the case of an unrecognized state, this is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. This is the Islamists who have chosen their leader and are offering the whole world, first and foremost, devout Muslims, to kneel before him. The "Iblis State" is built on this. What does it mean? And this is what: instead of state legislation, democracy, the institution of law, Sharia law will come into force in all its might and cruelty. This means that all citizens of the newly-made Caliphate are required to strictly and thoroughly obey the instructions set forth in the Qur'an. Islam, as understood by some of its representatives, is a religion that does not allow free-thinking and freedom; its laws even spell out how to cope with natural needs and fulfill marital duties. Therefore, those who dare to disobey expect a quick and cruel punishment that does not involve pardon.

The courts, in the form to which accustomedcivilized society will be abolished. Their place will be taken by "councils" consisting of the henchmen of the caliph. As for education, many subjects will be deleted, for example, philosophical sciences, physics, evolutionary theory and chemistry.

Why Iblis state

In practice, the following picture emerges, which is observed by those living in the territory of the ISIS regime:

  • legalized slavery;
  • the formation of battalions consisting of women;
  • teaching children to kill (training for prisoners);
  • encouraged denunciations;
  • public and hidden executions.

Potential destruction also declared.Israel, the introduction of destructive changes in the life and political structure of the countries of Central Asia, and this is not all that the Iblis state promises to society. What is this intentional challenge to the whole world? At the same time, they note that in the territories seized by the militants, the inoperative infrastructure was restored, hospitals were opened, electricity, cellular communication, and the Internet were operating. Therefore, many Muslims living in the territory of the Islamic state and exhausted by everyday disorder, have dual feelings: the horror of the atrocities, the brutality of the militants and gratitude for the benefits created.

Historical background

"Iblis State" - what is it?Introduction of new ideas or copying the history of some Arab countries? The ideas of the caliphate are as old as the world. But the fact is that according to the teachings of the Qur'an, the faithful Muslims should be ruled by the governor of the prophet on earth, that is, the caliph.

laws of Iblis state

Under the leadership of caliphs Muslims for centuriesimplanted their religion, conquering the Middle Eastern territories. Interestingly, only a Muslim who personally swore allegiance to the caliph can be considered as a believer. If you carefully follow the teachings of the Qur'an, then since 1924 (the date of the abolition of the caliphate) the world has been deprived of true Muslims. Based on this, the self-proclaimed caliph of the ISIL is not fully included.

Legislative base of "Iblis state"

At the beginning of the reign, the militants did not force the peopleblindly obey the laws of Shari'ah for fear of revolt. Meanwhile, the main law states that the infidels are fictitious of hell, and therefore subject to mandatory physical destruction or subsequent slavery. So far this clause does not apply to all kafir residing in the territories controlled by ISIL, but the first step is the hardest.

What does Iblis state mean?

Basically, the laws of the "Iblis State" are as follows:

  1. In no case should institutions work during the five obligatory prayers.
  2. A gynecologist can only be a woman.
  3. Taboo is imposed on chewing gum, alcohol and tobacco products. Disobeyed - a few dozen lashes.
  4. A woman unaccompanied by a man does not dare to go out. If this happens, the "guardian" is waiting for a spanking.
  5. A thief caught in the place of theft is amputated with a hand.
  6. For all women, the use of Muslim clothing covering the entire body is mandatory.
  7. Retreat from faith is punishable by public death.
  8. For men, wearing a beard is mandatory.
  9. It is forbidden to watch football matches, cartoons, or wear jeans.

As for other residents of the state of ISIS, in addition to Muslims, they are allowed to live on Muslim territory while they pay the obligatory duty. Special laws are written for them:

  • no public religious activities: ringing bells, reciting prayers, worshiping their own shrines;
  • disrespect for Muslims and their faith is severely punished;
  • the construction of their religious premises is strictly prohibited;
  • the burial of co-religionists allowed on a strictly designated state territory;
  • introduced a mandatory tax, and an individual, depending on the financial possibilities kafir.

One of the principles of ISIS is the postulateWahhabis: non-admission of worship to various shrines, as this diminishes complete submission to Allah. For inconsistency with the ideas of Islam about life or violation of one of the above laws (not a complete list) follows takfir. If translated into Russian, it means excommunication. But in the understanding of the leaders of the Islamic state, such people are subject to death, and their wives should be given to reproach. The property is subject to mandatory confiscation.

What does ISIS promise faithful?

The leadership of the Islamic State declares,which will make it imperative that the distribution of benefits among the members of the whole community be fair. That is, the subsoil, land and so on will become common property. Further, food, shelter, medical care and clothing are the things that the state will provide to every citizen of the Caliphate so that it is convenient for him to practice Islam. And all these benefits will be offered along with such "joys" of the Middle Ages as public flogging, cutting off hands, beating with stones and crucifying. Not to mention the “special” attitude towards a woman, which only the lazy now does not know about.

Given the various means of propaganda, modern weapons and even the recent establishment of its own currency, the gold dinar, it is clear that the funding of this organization is serious.

Modern Kharijites

"Iblis State" - the havarijs of our days, servants of the Zionists? Khavarijs or Kharijites are one of the most ancientgroups of radical rebels, who initially pursued political goals, but later organized an ideological sect. Basically, their views coincide with the point of view of the Sunnis, who are members of the ISIL group. In essence, the goal of the “Iblis state” is to set Muslim co-religionists against each other, which will later give power over people and the opportunity to seize their property.

Iblis state - Khavarijs of our days, servants of Zionists

On account of the organization such actions asthe involvement of minors in hostilities, the destruction of the civilian population that is not controlled by them (the cause can be either unproven adultery or watching a football game by teenagers), the use of chemical weapons (chlorine, mustard), the mass punishment of women for refusing to participate in “Jihad an-niqa” . The latter is worth mentioning, since this movement is hiding behind the noble goal of the birth of orthodox Muslims, and in fact is legal prostitution. What to say about the numerous terrorist acts, malicious vandalism, the revival of the slave trade. Already, the crimes against humanity committed by ISIS are enough to discredit Islam as a religion, which certainly causes the righteous anger of many Muslims.

Muslim reaction

Over 80% of Muslims and Islamicorganizations in many countries strongly opposed the idea of ​​a caliphate and strongly condemned the terrorists. Attempts to force the unification of Muslims all over the world to most religious leaders of Islam seem absurd and dangerous. But the existing economic instability in many Arab countries creates fertile ground for the triumphal march of ISIS around the planet and the successful inclination to its side of the faithful Muslims dissatisfied with the existing order.

Recruitment mechanisms

Recruitment to the ranks of a terrorist organizationhappening very actively, especially through social networks. Thus, mostly teenagers are attracted, tempted by the euphoria of permissiveness. Accounts are being monitored, a serious psychological analysis is made of each potential member of the organization. This work is carried out with the aim of targeting the necessary levers to induce the individual to join the ranks of ISIS. Video materials of mockeries about the killings of peaceful Syrians are used in order to maximally influence the psyche. Recruitment is carried out around the world, and the Russian territory has not become an exception. Naturally, the organization "Iblis State" in Russia is officially banned by the Supreme Court.

Iblis state in Russia

Educated people, white virgins, young fighters are highly valued. No need to think that recruiters act on the basis of ideological considerations: a lot of money is paid for each human unit.

Is a world caliphate possible?

There has never been a universal caliphate in the world.for all muslims. An exception may be early Islam, when its distribution was negligible. For about eight centuries, the Caliphate was an Arab empire, quite powerful for its time. But in the modern world, the laws of the VII century look frightening and wild.

If you examine the issue in detail, tryto look into the future, it is obvious that the self-proclaimed, militant and radical "Iblis state" poses a grave danger to the world community.

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