/ / Opening of the metro station "Rumyantsevo". The history of the new Moscow metro station

Opening of the metro station "Rumyantsevo". The history of the new Moscow metro station

"Румянцево" - станция метро, строительство which could begin in the seventies of the last century. Then the capital city planners decided to unload the Kursky railway station, having erected another one, in the south of the Moscow region. However, the plans have changed. The railway station in Rumyantsevo was rebuilt and, at the same time, the need to open a new metro station has disappeared.

opening of the metro station Rumyantsevo

Over fifty years the final stop onSokolnicheskaya line was the "South-West." The question of the construction of new stations was not relevant until 2011. It was then that a project was created to expand Moscow. In 2014, the construction of the station "Troparevo" was completed. On this metrostroevtsy not stopped. Creation of new red line stations continued. By 2016, two more sites were built. The opening of the Rumyantsevo metro station took place on January 18. "Salaryevo" - February 15. What are the objectives of the project to expand the capital? What does the opening of the Rumyantsevo metro station give residents of the south-west of Moscow?


Although the opening of the Rumyantsevo metro station is longyears and was an event is not essential, in the eighties, the question of him again raised. Along Leninsky Prospekt it was supposed to build a chord line. Station "Rumyantsevo" was supposed to enter into its composition. But this project was not approved.

the opening of the metro station Romyantsevo transferred

As already mentioned, in 2011 beganrapid process of expansion of the Russian capital. The opening of the Rumyantsevo metro station is part of the New Moscow project. In 2014, planned to enter a new site. But soon information appeared on the network that the opening of the Rumyantsevo metro station was being postponed. The technical launch took place in 2015. Opening - a year later. Although initially the year of the opening of the station "Rumyantsevo" was declared the 2014th.

"New Moscow"

The goals of this project are streamliningurban zoning and dismantling of the monocentric structure of the capital. In the media information about him first appeared in 2011. "New Moscow" - an analogue of the British project "New Delhi". And in the first and in the second case, the expansion of the city was carried out in a southwesterly direction. As a result of the implementation of the New Moscow project, the Russian capital has expanded so much that it was able to rise from eleventh to sixth place in the ranking of the largest cities in the world. However, the population has changed little. Muscovites reacted to the project differently. Designers also believe that the "New Moscow" will provide residents of the city with apartments and new jobs.

Station "Rumyantsevo" Moscow Metrolocated not far from Kiev highway and very close to the business center of the same name. Nearby is a town with the same name. Regarding the village of Rumyantsevo, several facts are known. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, about two hundred people lived here. In 1913, the Zemstvo School was opened. In 1926, according to the census data, more than three hundred people lived in the village. Rumyantsevo entered Moscow in 2012.

Rumyantsevo metro station

A little excursion into the past

Moscow metro has a long history.The first stations were opened before the war. Metro is constantly being completed. For each of the periods characterized by certain features. The first stations of the Moscow metro resemble an underground kingdom. Here you can see massive sculptures and bas-reliefs in the style of classicism. The last stations, in the design of which the emphasis was placed on artistic design, are Frunzenskaya and Sportivnaya. After their discovery in the history of the metro construction, the "ascetic" period began. In place of luxury, simplicity has come. When creating new stations of the Moscow metro, including Rumyantsevo, practical importance and aesthetics are equally important.

Architectural design

"Rumyantsevo" refers to small stationslaying. Space for construction was allocated less than usual, and therefore the cash lobbies and office premises are located on the upper tier, and the platform - on the lower tier. The authors of the project on which the station was built are the architects of the Infproekt company.

In the decoration usedunusual for the Moscow metro elements. So, on the walls there are drawings characteristic of abstract painting. In creating this project, the architects were based on the work of the Dutch artist Mondrian.

Moscow Metro Romyantsevo station

Business Park "Rumyantsevo"

Кого прежде всего порадовало открытие новой stations? Residents in the village, located near the metro station "Rumyantsevo", are few. But there is an office center from several buildings. About a thousand people work there. Previously, employees traveled by corporate transport or taxi, heading towards Novo-Peredelkino. Now they do not need to leave the subway, wait for the bus.

In the business park "Rumyantsevo" a few dozen offices, cafes, restaurants. There are open a huge number of stores offering completely different products, from souvenirs to furniture.

Not far from the newly opened metro stationcarried out the construction of a residential complex. That is, the forecast of the designers of “New Moscow” is confirmed: Muscovites have the opportunity to purchase new housing. And in the environmentally friendly part of the city, where previously there were no infrastructure facilities. However, the trouble is that not everyone can afford to buy an apartment here. The residential complex does not belong to the category of economy class.

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