There are many different kinds of these animals,but they are very similar to each other. They all have a pair of hands and feet (like a human), a tail or something similar to it. The thumbs of the monkeys are located at a decent distance from the rest, so they can easily climb trees. Almost all these animals are omnivorous, but they eat a lot of things that a person would not like (also a primacy, by the way). These are insects, fruits, bird eggs, and grains, and leaves, and grass. There are also reports that they eat even crustaceans.
But there are monkeys who prefer to liveonly on the ground, and trees completely ignore. As an example, baboons can be cited. Where do monkeys of this species live? They gather in groups of 250-300 individuals and constantly "travel", not staying long in one place. Older males go first, while younger males make a column. Their task is to protect the herd from enemies. There are also individuals who tend to stay away, they go some distance from the column. Baboons are very close-knit and bold animals. For example, if a leopard prepares to attack a monkey lagging behind a column, 150 may escape to her scream. Of course, the leopard becomes uncomfortable with such an army. But other species do not differ in boldness and at any risk run up in different directions and jump on trees.
As you already know, most monkeys live among trees, mostly in forests (any: mountain, wet, etc.). Some species live on branches as well as on the ground, for example gelad.
There is an opinion that all these animals adore a warm climate and can not live in the cold. If we talk about the vast majority of monkeys, then this is true. But do not forget about exceptions.
On the large island of Honshu, which is in Japan, live snow monkeys. You can say that they are very hardened - they are not afraid of cold.
These animals do not suffer much from the cold, butTo freeze them, of course, is unpleasant, and therefore they are dipped into a hot spring and sit there long enough. Where monkeys of this species live, there are plots on which steam is pouring from under the earth, something like a bath reminds one. Primates like to sit there and bask. Only towards evening, when it gets a little warmer, the animals get out of the water and leave the steam to dry. Also at this time they eat.
Snow monkeys like to dig in the woolrelatives, due to which it dries faster. But other species often do the same. On the part it seems that they choose fleas, although this is not true. Monkeys are clean, they do not have these insects in their wool. In fact, this action is a demonstration of gratitude and love to its kindred.
What do snow monkeys eat?After all, the fruits do not grow in the snow. Well, monkeys are used to do without them. They trample down paths in the snow and walk along them in a line, taking roots, berries, leaves, insects from the drifts. They also eat pine needles, buds of trees and bark.
Now you know where the monkeys live, what they eat and how they behave.