Modern conditions for the existence of largeenterprises in a market economy require constant financial flexibility from large corporations. Its security depends on various economic instruments used by the company's management. OAO Gazprom is one of such enterprises. Prospective gas monopolist programs for the development of new deposits and modernization of energy production technology are very expensive projects. Mechanisms for their provision also include funds raised from the sale of the company's securities.
OAO Gazprom: shares, dividends and bonds
The very fact of issuing securities to many canseem like a strange step for a profitable enterprise. After all, companies will have to share their income with shareholders or pay debt for bonds. However, today one of the conditions for the full-fledged existence of a large corporation on the market is its own participation in trading on stock exchanges. That, in turn, contributes to the earnings of people who decided to invest and increase funds without the services of all financial intermediaries (banks), having received a share of the profit of some company (dividends). Gazprom, in turn, unites them annually and quite generously. The size and chronology of payments are not a secret of the enterprise, and all the information necessary for investors is in the public domain.
Investment Challenges
Of course, a common citizen who wantsTo increase own means, it is not easy to switch from ordinary bank deposits to trading on stock exchanges. But still a lot of people should think about the need for this kind of reorientation. After all, banks are just financial intermediaries who invest money, thus making a profit. A securities - a technology of investing without intermediaries, ignoring the banking appetites. Thus, everyone who bought shares becomes an independent investor. Beginners of this case in Russia need to register on the stock exchange, preferably some solid one (the Moscow Exchange, the Ural Regional Currency Exchange, etc.), choose a broker (the organizer of exchange transactions) and, of course, buy Gazprom shares. Dividends gas monopoly are part of its stable profit on the outcome of commercial activities.