/ / Types of aprons for the kitchen: finishes

Types of aprons for the kitchen: finishes

Nobody will argue with the statement that the kitchenis one of the most visited and favorite places in the house or apartment. Owners of spacious rooms set up sofas or large round tables to pass the evening for a friendly get-together or with the family, acquire expensive furniture. Owners of small people also try to equip their tiny kitchens as comfortably as possible. Fortunately today the market presents a huge number of accessories for this room and furniture sets. On any, as they say, taste and a purse. Nevertheless, there is in every kitchen, regardless of how and what it is furnished, a zone that is equiped in accordance with generally accepted rules. This is the space between the lower and upper lockers of the suites. And they call it simply - an apron. And it must meet certain requirements and be made of special materials. About what kinds of aprons are and from what they do, we'll talk in our review.

kinds of aprons

General requirements

All available today types of apronsvarious, that sometimes it is difficult to make a choice. However, in any case, it is worth remembering that the material from which you will make the facing, must comply with very specific, and very stringent requirements. After all, the apron is the zone located above the work table and the stove, so it is exposed to steam and all kinds of pollution more than any other places in the kitchen. Therefore, considering all available types of aprons, choose a material that can be easily and quickly cleaned. And even better, so that the dirt on it was not particularly visible. Well, this issue is solved more by drawing and coloring.

Considering all offered by manufacturerstypes of aprons for the kitchen, give preference to those products that are likely to be resistant to moisture and temperature changes, and therefore will serve long and true, without losing external appeal.

kinds of aprons for the kitchen

As for the design, here are the general requirementsnot today. The apron for the kitchen can be chosen in accordance with the color of the facades of the headset, table tops, wallpaper on the wall, or even choose an option that will look like a bright spot on the general background. As already mentioned, the types of aprons are very diverse, so that in terms of design problems do not arise. We, in turn, will try to help with advice. And we will tell you about what this zone is most often covered with. That is, in other words, what kinds of aprons are most popular.


No matter how numerous the proposedmanufacturers of apron types, ceramic tiles - a long-lived among all finishing materials for the kitchen - has always been, and probably will remain in the first place. This facing material has a lot of pluses and almost no flaws. It is durable, is not afraid of temperature changes, it is easy to clean, besides, it is fireproof, what first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the owners of kitchen stoves. Dirt on the tile is also less visible, as well as grease stains, especially if the coloring is appropriate. Ceramic apron will have an initial attractive appearance for a long time.

What are the types of tiles for the apron in the kitchen?Yes the most different! You can just buy a tile that best suits the color and pattern for the existing interior, thus creating an individual design, or you can buy ready-made sets of panels. Or do order photo printing.

types of kitchen aprons

As for the shortcomings, they, perhaps, alltwo. The first is that putting ceramic tiles on your own is often problematic. Especially if the base coating is not particularly pleased with the quality. The second is that it is difficult to remove from the walls if necessary. However, we solve the issue. Carefully choose the material both in appearance, and in quality, and with its shortcomings you will not have to face. But the price, of course, will please.

Mosaic apron

По большому счету это разновидность плитки.True, today the mosaic is made not only from ceramics, but also from metal and glass. A very modern version of the surface design over the desk. And especially suitable for facing rounded surfaces. Disadvantages are similar to those found in ceramic tiles, plus the cost of such finishing is much higher.

Types of tiles for an apron in the kitchen


A budget option, such an apron most oftenThey are purchased together with the kitchen set when it is made to order. As for color solutions, the choice here is also huge, but most often it is made the same as the table top, which allows creating a harmonious design. This, by the way, is the most budgetary solution. If someone wants an apron to be different, then you can order and print, that is, apply any picture you like to the surface of MDF.

As for the pluses, it is primarilylow material cost, and the second - ease of installation. Attach it to the wall using a frame or even if the surface permits, using liquid nails. Remove this panel from the wall is as easy as fixing it.

what kinds of aprons are

Among the shortcomings, it should be emphasized that suchaprons are short-lived. Especially if you remove dirt from them using aggressive chemistry. In addition, it can not be called a plus that these panels belong to combustible materials.


Considering the types of finishing the apron and not testinglack of money, you can choose your choice on the glass version. Such panels appeared on the market relatively recently and they are quite expensive, but they have such an attractive appearance that few people regret about the spent sums. Unless only when faced with flaws of such an apron. The second place among which (after the cost) is the need for almost daily care. After all, even the slightest dirt is visible on the glass, let alone talking about the one that is located next to the surface on which gurgles, diligently sprinkling fat drops and borsch in all directions. So, if you have a glass apron in the kitchen, be prepared for the fact that with a rag and cleaner you have to stand beside it every day.

types of apron decoration

As for the advantages, it is primarilyappearance. The glass panel can be simply monochrome, and with a pattern printed on it. And in the latter case, producers offer almost artistic masterpieces that are ready to decorate the wall not only in the kitchen, but also in the museum. This apron is made from a solid one, so there are no seams on it, in which grease or dirt will accumulate. Well, and mount it with his own hand, too, of course, undesirable.


It is simple and, perhaps, the most short-livedversion of the kitchen apron. It is inexpensive, but it does not last long either. As it is scratched during cleaning, absorbs odors, it can deform at a temperature drop, which, as is known, is not so rare in the kitchen. Flammable. But both it is mounted and it is removed very quickly.

apron for kitchen from

Mirror Panels

Вариант экстремальный, но имеющий право на Existence. First, it is unusual. Secondly, it's beautiful. Thirdly, you can visually expand the space of the kitchen. True, the last plus is rather doubtful. Due to the fact that the kitchen will visually become larger, you can not put an extra refrigerator here, but all the shortcomings in the case if there was no cleaning for a long time will be visible also on the other side of the desktop. In addition, such an apron, however, like a regular mirror, will have to be washed very often.

Metal apron

Novelty in the market, which has pleased fanshi-tech, minimalism and loft. It is made, as a rule, from a stainless steel, and therefore the type has the corresponding. True, in the sale can be found and corrugated versions with a pattern suppressed on them. It is durable enough, not afraid of fire, steam, temperature extremes, but also requires daily care.

kinds of aprons

By the way, this and the mirror version is unlikely to be installed on your own, as the installation requires caution, skill and the presence of special mounts and tools.

Apron for kitchen stone

It is made from both natural andartificial materials. The first are very expensive, and therefore not very popular. But the latter - cheaper, have far from the worst characteristics, in addition, can imitate almost any surface. Such aprons are attractive in appearance, durable, easy to maintain. Quite often not only an apron, but also a tabletop are made of stone, thereby creating an exquisite harmonious interior.

kinds of aprons


Мы постарались рассказать о том, какие сегодня types of kitchen aprons are most popular. As you can see, there is a choice. You can buy and expensive finishes, but you can find a more budget option. In any case, you can be sure that there is a suitable material for almost any interior.

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