Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky is one of thethe most famous generals of the Great Patriotic War, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, who forever inscribed his name in the history of the modern world. The military genius of this man truly deserves to remain in the memory of the descendants. So who was Rokossovsky?
It is not known exactly who is the parent of thisman, like Constantine Rokossovsky. Biography briefly describes his relatives. It is known that the family of the marshal belonged to the village of Rokossovo (the territory of modern Poland), where the family name came from. Great-grandfather's name was Jozef. He is known for having completely devoted himself to military affairs. Father Xavier was a nobleman and served on the railway. Mother Constantine was called Antonina. She was born in Belarus, she worked as a teacher.
It is not known when exactly Constantine was bornRokossovsky. A brief biography is quite contradictory about the exact date. According to the marshal himself, he was born in 1896, but other sources claim that the future commander was born two years earlier. The boy was not even six years old, as he was sent to study at the school with a technical bias. But then fate itself interfered - in 1902 the father dies, and there can be no further education. Mother could not pay a cheap institution.
Tells about a hard life, which is worthylived Rokossovsky, a brief biography. For children, he became a real hero. After all, the boy was forced to help the stonecutter, the dentist, and also the confectioner. In his spare time, he tried to learn something new - carefully read the books he had.
Very rarely, people put so much effort intoachievements of a dream, how many Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich. A brief biography of the future commander tells that in August 1914 he entered the dragoon regiment, which he so wanted to get. He masterfully learned how to handle a horse, shot perfectly from a rifle, and in battle on checkers and peaks he was not at all equal. The exploits of the young but very persistent military did not go unnoticed. Konstantin Rokossovsky, whose brief biography says that in the same year he received the St. George's cross of the fourth degree, was promoted to the corporal.
In general, during the war, the commander in the compositionhis compound has conducted many successful attacks and won prestige among his colleagues. How did Konstantin Rokossovsky grow on the career ladder? A brief biography, photos, newspaper headlines of that time speak eloquently about the fact that he was raised to younger non-commissioned officers in late March 1917. Two weeks earlier, the military regiment swore allegiance to the interim government. Rokossovsky, whose brief biography sheds light on interesting information, in August 1917 was delegated to the regimental committee.
Future Marshal Rokossovsky, short biographywhich says that in October 1917 he joined the Red Army, he made a major change in his life. It all began from the very beginning, from the bottom, from the private. The life of the soldier was not calm - the next two years Rokossovsky fought against the enemies of the revolution. No wonder, because the civil war was in full swing. Everyone knows how courageous was Constantine Rokossovsky. A brief military biography describes during this period very rapid career growth. In 1919 he again becomes an officer, squadron commander, and a year later - a cavalry regiment.
In the mid-twenties, the world saw a newcell of society, the initiator of which was Konstantin Rokossovsky. A brief biography tells that the family consisted of Julia Barmina's wife, whom he married in April 1923. In 1925, the couple had a daughter, who was named Ariadna. Subsequently, the grandchildren Konstantin and Pavel appeared.
The next few years were relatively calm. In 1924 Rokossovsky was sent to the courses of increasing his commanding qualities. There he met Georgy Zhukov and Andrei Eremenko.
Particularly on the path of life remembered 1926-1929years, which the future marshal held in service in Mongolia. In 1929 he passed the training courses for senior commanders, where he met Mikhail Tukhachevsky. In 1935, Rokossovsky receives the personal title of commander.
1937-1940 were among the most unpleasant inlife military. Due to several denunciations, Constantine was first deprived of all ranks, dismissed from the army and, as a result, arrested. The investigation, which lasted three years, was completed in 1940. Rokossovsky returned all the ranks and even promoted to the Major General.
The peaceful life did not last long. In 1941, Rokossovsky was appointed commander of the fourth, and later the sixteenth army. For special merit he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant-General.
Особо тяжелым воспоминанием была битва за Москву, culminating in the ousting of the attacking Germans far beyond the capital. For special personal merit in these battles Rokossovsky was awarded the Order of Lenin.
The war did not pass without a trace for the commander.The eighth of March 1942 was overshadowed by a serious wound. The fragments were affected by important organs - the lung and liver, as well as the ribs and spine. Despite the need for long-term rehabilitation, Konstantin Konstantinovich was back in the ranks at the end of May.
A brilliant result of the operation carried out on the capturea symbolic city was the capture of almost one hundred thousand German soldiers led by Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus. Awarded for an excellent tactical operation were the Order of Suvorov and the rank of colonel-general.
In 1943, Konstantin Konstantinovich was appointedthe head of the Central Front, whose main task is to drop the enemy on the Kursk-Orel arc. The result did not come immediately - the enemy was very much against it. For showing the will to win, Rokossovsky was promoted to the army general.
After the Battle of Kursk, the commander was talked about asunsurpassed strategist. Only the genius of army thought could foresee the actions of the enemy and with much less strength to withstand a massive offensive. Rokossovsky literally read the enemy's thoughts, and he could do nothing about it, over and over again failing. The Kursk Bulge tested the latest methods of combat operations, such as defense in depth, artillery counter-training and others.
The largest and most important victory of the commander, ashe believed, was the liberation of Belarus in 1944. According to the plan, which was named "Bagration", one of the authors of which was exactly Rokossovsky, two simultaneous attacks were necessary, which deprived the enemy of the opportunity to maneuver and move the living force and equipment. For two months, Belarus was free, and with it part of the Baltic and Poland.
In 1945, the war was over. Rokossovsky is awarded the second order "Golden Star" (the first was received in 1944). In 1946 it was he who took the parade on Red Square.
In 1949, Rokossovsky changed his place of residence to Poland. As a Polish native, he did a lot to increase the country's defense.
In particular, communication facilities have been improved,the military industry was created from scratch. Tanks, rockets, and airplanes were in service. In 1956, Rokossovsky returned to the USSR, where he again devotes himself to military activities. In different years he becomes Minister of Defense, and also heads various state commissions.
Konstantin Rokossovskogo third was notAugust 1968. His ashes are in the wall of the Kremlin. Despite the fact that so many years have passed, his name is not forgotten. Marshal sternly looks at the descendants from the pages of books, stamps and coins.