/ / Angelina Jolie: quotes of the most attractive woman in the world

Angelina Jolie: quotes of the most attractive woman in the world

Angelina Jolie - one of the most famous actressesour time, the owner of numerous awards, as well as a mother of many children. Her life is not as cloudless as it might seem at first glance: a complicated relationship with her father, an unusual creative path, a serious illness and even drug use - all this is part of what Angelina Jolie went through. Quotations from her interviews and public statements reflect the strength of spirit and optimism of this amazing woman. Despite the fact that in childhood and adolescence, people around seriously spoke about the presence of psychopathology in the actress, Angelina managed not only to star in forty films, but also to become one of the most influential women in the world.

angelina jolie quote

Angelina Jolie: quotes about men who can become a Bible for women

Many of her statements have become real.leadership for building personal relationships, gaining a more positive outlook on the world. After all, having passed so much hard tests, the actress was able to keep the love of life. "Our ideas about how everything should be, prevent us from enjoying how everything is," says Angelina Jolie. Quotations in the manner of this bear a truly psychotherapeutic effect for many modern women, and for men.

Examples confirm the words of the actress

After all, for some reason, people believe that theirlife must necessarily be perfect. A look at events through rose-colored glasses is the child's approach, but not an adult. This is a very good demonstration of the relationship between a man and a woman. Any couple experiences negative manifestations of a love affair. What happens is very difficult to accept, being at the stage of falling in love. But when people begin to organize a common life, they have to face not the brightest side of their partner's character.

Immediately seek for the relationship of another person -not an option. After all, everyone has both a negative and a positive side. You need to be able to pay attention to good things, and this requires a certain level of personal development.

angelina jolie quotes about men

Who is she - a sex symbol or a man with a difficult fate?

Facts of biography and excerpts from statements eachonce argue that this actress - not only the brand and sex symbol of the century called "Angelina Jolie." Quotes of an actress are words of a mature person who understands the true value of life and human actions. She says: "What we do not hear and do not know about problems does not mean their absence."

Often people tend to turn a blind eye to othersdifficulties - it's much easier, and in fact, everyone is interested only in their own lives. For example, the residents of a large city are strangers to the difficulties faced by those who live in more remote areas. This is poverty and unemployment, a low level of development of the social structure.

A healthy person does not understand the patient.Often, when a person falls ill, family members continue to demand from him all the same activity and concern for them. If a husband turns a blind eye to the stress that delivers his behavior to his wife, it does not guarantee that one day he will not receive a divorce petition.

Since 2001, Angelina Jolie showstheir indifference on business. Since she visited Cambodia and saw the situation of the people living there, she began to engage in charity work.

a pitta delusion about angelina jolie

How did Jolie's personal life develop at an early stage

Angelina's love affairs did not bring her joy.Her first marriage was unhappy, as, indeed, the second. When she was twenty years old, she married actor Johnny Lee Miller. Even while she was married, the press was already talking about her relationship with another actor - Timothy Hatton, as well as with an actress named Jenny Shimitsu. The second wife of Angelina was Billy Bob Thornton. This marriage also did not bring happiness to the actress, and the divorce came after three years of marriage.

brad pitt about angelina jolie quote

Connection with Brad Pitt

The greatest popularity, as well as familiarity withBrad Pitt, brought Angelina shooting in the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." Despite the fact that every quote by Brad Pitt about Angelina Jolie takes on the truth as admirers of a stellar couple, and this marriage was almost doomed. Spouses have been on the verge of divorce for a long time.

"I got the most beautiful woman on earth.It is the ideal of more than half of men and women, "it's hard to believe that these words belong to Brad Pitt and that he once really appreciated his happiness. On the one hand, many are inclined to attribute the discord that struck their marriage, the inability of Angelina to cope with the complexities, the scandals and jealousies that had to endure Pitt.

But, on the other hand, is not marriage with such aman too heavy a burden for Angelina? From her youth, she had a difficult relationship with her father. And in 2007 the mother of the actress died of a terrible illness. Perhaps marriage for Jolie should be the place where she can find support and peace, and not a constant source of stress. The difficulties in the pair at the moment are due not only to the psychological problems that Angelina Jolie has.

What else does Brad Pitt say about Angelina Jolie?Quotations that can be seen in different sources do not at all reflect the actual state of affairs in the pair. "The more you love her, the happier she will make you," the actor said of his wife. But the difficulties that were for the owner of the sexiest woman on the planet insuperable, began immediately after their wedding. The desire for leadership, which Pitt first liked, later he called excessive control and a penchant for authoritarian types of behavior.

quotes Angelina Jolie about life

The beauty that saves the world

It is known that the practice of charityare far from the last place for the actress. Angelina Jolie's quotes about life once again confirm: she and her scenic images are far from the same thing. "When you do something for others from the heart, without expecting gratitude, someone writes it down in the book of destinies and sends happiness, which you did not even dream about," says Angelina Jolie. Her words are confirmed by deeds. For example, for the sale of photos of his daughter Shilo Nouvel magazine People and Hello, Pitt and Jolie were asked ten million dollars. This amount was entirely spent on charity.

What else can surprise Angelina Jolie?Incredibly, it is she who owns the words: "I have always been stupid, strange and awkward." The most beautiful woman in the world, who had such a humble opinion of herself, went through a thorny path. Despite this, it continues to win the hearts of both men and women of the whole planet.

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