/ / Angelina Jolie's diet: menu, reviews

Diet of Angelina Jolie: menu, reviews

Angelina Jolie is not only talentedactress, but also a standard of female beauty. She has long hair, chubby lips and the right facial features. And most importantly, she has a slender and fit figure. Do you know the diet of Angelina Jolie? If not, we recommend that you read this article.

Angelina Jolie's diet

general information

With an increase of 170 cm, the actress weighs 48-50 kg.How did she manage to achieve such results? The Hollywood star has tried on herself diets of three kinds: dry, liquid and protein-carbohydrate. Let's take a closer look at each of these power systems.

Diet of Angelina Jolie: raw

This method of weight reduction involves eating foods that are not subjected to heat treatment. We are talking about nuts, dried fruits, seeds, raw vegetables and fruits.

Angelina Jolie's Dairy Diet

The world-famous actress did not neglect andporridges (from buckwheat and oat cereals). Only she did not cook them, and soaked them in water, avoiding boiling. To improve the palatability in the mush, you can add a handful of dried fruits or 1 tsp. honey.

As for the use of liquid, then drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day. Also allowed are unsweetened juices, herbal infusion with the addition of ginger root, green tea and mineral water without gas.

Recipes for raw food from a Hollywood star


Grocery list:

  • 1 glass of walnuts (remove the shell);
  • 1 tbsp. l. raisins;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers - a few pieces;
  • sunflower seeds - 250 g;
  • juice from half a lemon;
  • large fruit of avocado.


  1. We combine sunflower seeds with walnuts and raisins. Grind them with a blender or food processor. In the resulting mass, add the juice squeezed out of half a lemon. Solim.
  2. To prepare raw raw rolls, nori sheets will be needed. On them we spread the received mass. The next layer is twisted lettuce leaves.
  3. Tomatoes, cucumbers and avocado cut into strips.We spread on top of lettuce leaves. That's not all. It is necessary to moisten the edges of the leaves a little so that they do not stick together. We turn all this into rolls. We cut into rolls. Can be served to the table.

Angelina Jolie's diet menu

Soup "Gaspacho"

We pass several tomatoes through a meat grinder. We also do the same with red bell pepper and garlic. Solim. We pour a little olive oil and water. Here to you and a soup. Do not brew it.

Hearty salad

We take a large fruit of avocado.Rinsed in running water, crushed in cubes. We transfer it to a bowl. Sprinkle with raw pistachios (50-70 grams) and chopped greens. As a dressing, lemon juice (a few drops) is suitable.


On the bread we put a lettuce leaf, on top - a thin slice of cheese. To finish a sandwich it is possible half of fresh tomatoes, circles of cucumbers or light-salted vegetables.

The disadvantages and advantages of a raw diet

Eating foods without heatprocessing has many positive qualities. First, the well-being improves and the youth is prolonged. Secondly, a person saves time. After all, he does not have to stand for hours at the stove. Third, in a short time you can lose weight.

The raw diet of Angelina Jolie has one drawback. It is associated with exacerbation of chronic diseases. Raw food is not suitable for people suffering from stomach ulcers, colitis and pancreatitis.

In general, experts like this diet Angelina Jolie. The menu is the simplest (vegetables, fruits and so on). If all the rules of this food system are respected, you can lose 5-10 kg per month.

Angelina jolie diet food

The Angelina Jolie Liquid Diet for 7 days

For the role of an attractive CIA agent in the film"Salt" actress had to quickly drop a few pounds. To cope with this task she was helped by a liquid diet. What are its features? Now we will tell about everything.

So, you need to eat quite often - every 1-2 hours. About sugar, salt, baked goods and smoked delicacies will have to be forgotten.

What foods include Angelina Jolie's liquid diet? The menu for the day is given below.

9:00 - 2 tbsp. l. the oatmeal is covered in a glass. Fill them with boiling water. Leave it for 10 minutes. We drink the resulting broth.

10:00 - we consume vegetable broth. Portion - 1 glass.

11:00 - with small sips we drink 250 ml of hot water.

12:00 - we take fruit juice with the minimum sugar content. Dilute it with water (3: 1).

13:00 - drink a glass of 1.5% milk.

14:00 - we again use hot water (250 ml).

15:00 - prepare the berry broth.

16:00 - a glass of meat (low fat) broth.

17:00 and 18:00 - drinking hot water.

19:00 - a glass of vegetable juice (diluted with water in a 2: 1 ratio).

20:00 - we use vegetable broth (250 ml).

21:00 - again hot water.

22:00 - we finish the day's ration with a glass of kefir (1,5-2% fat content).

Diet angelina jolie reviews


Sitting on a liquid diet, the Hollywood star managed tolose 3-5 kg ​​per week. However, everything depends on the initial weight. For the same week, obese people will say goodbye to 6-8 kg. But when you return to the usual diet for them, the pounds will return with interest.

Expert Reviews

Many girls living in different countries,I liked the liquid diet of Angelina Jolie. Feedback from experts argues the opposite. Doctors do not recommend sticking to this food system for more than a week. Otherwise, a slimming person may have problems with stools, digestion and general well-being. In addition, water-salt metabolism is disturbed.

Weight loss on a protein-carbohydrate diet

A few years ago, the actress metcoach Simon Crane, who puts tricks in Hollywood movies. It was he who prompted the beauty of a proper and harmless way to reduce weight.

70% carbohydrates and 30% fat - this formula has for some time been used by Angelina Jolie. Diet, food on which it was balanced, gave its results. For a week, it takes up to 1 kg of fat, not water. Volumes are reduced, and muscles are preserved.

Angelina Jolie's diet for 7 days

What is the secret of such a system?The amount of fat is minimized. Since the actress often and often does sports, she needs enough energy. Its source is just carbohydrates.

Angelina Jolie's protein-carbohydrate diet includes 5 meals. Portions should be small (150-200 g). The daily water norm is 2 liters. Now let's look at the menu.

Option number 1

For breakfast we eat crushed wheat (50 g) and drink it with a glass of milk with a low percentage of fat.

After 2 hours we prepare the egg "in a bag". You can also eat a pancake with a strawberry-banana puree.

Lunch will consist of grilled salmon (150 g), a small amount of watercress and green peas (50 g).

In the afternoon snack we eat a bar of muesli and berries (33 g). We drink half a glass of orange juice.

What to eat for dinner?In a foil we bake chicken fillet (130 g) and sliced ​​tomatoes. All this is sprinkled with lemon juice. That's not all. We serve a dish with baked potatoes (100 g) and rice pudding (200 g).

Option number 2

List of products for the first breakfast: a glass of milk (low-fat), 60 g of cereal and grated apple (preferably green).

After 2 hours, we eat toasted roast beef (70 g), diet cheese and a steamed tomato.

For dinner we will have a pasta with tomato sauce (190 g), grilled fillet of flounder (125 g) and half of the fruit of grapefruit.

In the afternoon snack bite a roll with melted cheese (low-fat). In addition, you can eat a spoonful of honey.

For dinner we cook a steak (140 g) on ​​the grill. And boil potatoes (175 g). We make two salads - from green vegetables and fruit.


We hope that the diet of Angelina Jolie (protein-carbohydrate, raw or liquid) will help you in the fight against excess weight. You just need to follow the instructions described in the article.

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