/ / Fruit bushes - buying and planting

Fruit bushes - buying and planting

For planting shrubs and trees on its ownIt is necessary to choose annual or biennial seedlings. They are of two kinds depending on the degree of branching: they are crocheted (they have lateral branches from 3 to 7) and are necroded.

Seedlings of fruit bushes
Purchase of seedlings

Seedlings of fruit bushes are sold withopen root system. When buying, pay attention to the following: the whole plant should be moderately moist and without damage, and branches - without leaves. Various growths can indicate the disease of the seedling. So, for example, a built-up root can testify to the root cancer. It is better to buy fruit bushes in nurseries or specialized shops, where the quality of seedlings and their grade are guaranteed. If this is a market, then it is necessary to take bushes that have wintered in prikopah or special boxes, in order to avoid the purchase of frozen plants.


Planting of fruit bushes (raspberry, gooseberry,currant) and trees (pear, apple, plum) is held in the autumn 3-4 weeks before the onset of severe frosts, so that plants can take root and in the spring in time to begin growing.

Planting of fruit bushes
Saplings of stone fruit (cherry, cherry,apricot, peach) are planted in early spring. At a late planting, the plants lag behind in growth and may die. When planting, care and patience should be shown to avoid damage to the root system or breakage of the kidneys in the area of ​​the crown itself (especially unrestricted seedlings) or on its shoots. Because of the impossibility of shoots from sleeping buds within the first year after planting, fruit bushes are dying.

Choose a landing site

Places of planting seedlings are placed taking into account:

  • The time of fruit ripening.It should also be taken into account the frequency of the treatments. Neighborhood of plants is not allowed, when the maturation period of some of them coincides with the time of processing of others. It is necessary to prevent the ingestion of pesticides on ripe fruits. In addition, it is not allowed to have poultry species nearby: cherry, cherry, apricot with pear or apple. All fruit bushes should also be located separately.

  • The size of trees and shrubs.Plant the plants with the movement of the sun during the day, so that the shadow from tall trees does not fall on stunted fruit bushes. Lack of light significantly affects and to some extent reduces yield.

  • Each plant must be conditionedsufficient area of ​​food. When planting, for example, it is necessary to observe the norms of the distance between trees with spiky rootstocks - the row should be 3-4 m, the row spacing should be 5-6 m, with the spacing between rows 3-4 m in length, between 2-3 m between them.

  • Durability of plants and energy of their growth are also taken into account.

Fruit bushes
With all the rules of selection and landingfruit saplings, as well as with good and proper care for them throughout the year, you have a great opportunity to enjoy an independently grown crop, in the taste and quality of which you will not have to doubt either you or your loved ones.

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