/ / How to build a frame garage from a profile pipe with your own hands: blueprints, photos

How to build a frame garage from a profile pipe with your own hands: blueprints, photos

Гараж из профильной трубы своими руками можно erect in a short time. Today such a design is the most popular. Inside, you can equip the observation pit, for which concrete blocks are applied. The base can be created in the form of a belt structure, since the garage itself has a negligible weight. The floor is more convenient to perform with a screed made of moisture-repellent concrete. After assembling the walls from the profile pipe, they can be sewn on both sides with profiled steel sheets. Their use is convenient because in the space between them you can lay a heater. To do this, you can use rock wool or a mineral variety of it, polyurethane foam, as well as polystyrene plates.

Foundation construction

garage of profile pipe with your own hands

If you decide to build a garage from the profilepipes with your own hands, you should start by marking the territory. On the prepared site will be erected a shallow foundation, the width of the tape which will be a limit of 20 to 30 centimeters. Its height should be approximately 40 centimeters. Initially, it is necessary to cut the soil to a depth of 0.5 meters. The site must be carefully leveled and covered with sand, which afterwards has to be dumped by watering.

In place of the pit should prepare a foundation pit, you needDo the work in such a way that the width of the prepared pit is greater than the width of the final inspection pit. The perimeter should have a gap of one meter. At its bottom, sand is poured and rammed as described above. If groundwater flows high on the site, drainage is carried out around the inspection pit, the pipes are taken out into a natural body of water, instead of which there may be a sewage system.

Building a garage from a profile pipehands, you need to make a layout of the foundation along the perimeter of the building. The walls of the inspection pit should be marked with pegs and cord. Tape foundation should be carried out using concrete blocks, laying of which is conducted on a cement-sand mortar. The walls of the pit are made of brick or the same blocks. After the solution has solidified, it is possible to waterproof the walls of the pit from the outside, using roll materials or a bitumen based mastic. And then the master produces a backfill with sand.

Arrangement of floors

frame garage from the profile pipe with your own hands

Floors can be made of concrete, for this the groundleveled, then filled with sand to a level of 10 centimeters below the walls of the pit. On the perimeter of the floor, you need to strengthen the walls with a special damper tape, which is required to prevent deformation of the material when temperature changes. Sand is rammed, waterproofing is laid on it, so that it goes to the walls of the basement by 15 centimeters. As a waterproofing, you can use roofing material, roll materials or a strong film.

If you will build a garage from the profilepipes with their own hands, then it is necessary to lay the reinforcing mesh in steps of 15 centimeters, then proceed to pouring the concrete screed. Its surface is leveled by the rule. Modifying substances can be added to the ingredients of the concrete solution, which will increase the hydro-stability and plasticity. This includes mixtures for penetrating waterproofing, polymer filler or liquid glass. The surface of the floor should be allowed to dry for 3 weeks, during this period, do not load the foundation.

Erection of the frame

Garage frame from profile pipe by own hands

To carry out the work you need to prepare scissors formetal, self-tapping screws, screwdriver, tape measure. Quite often, home masters today perform a frame garage from a profile pipe with their own hands. To do this, the elements are fastened with self-tapping screws. However, initially the material is cut to size, and then laid on a flat surface. This will create a side wall, strengthening the workpieces with each other. Vertical racks should be oriented so that there is a distance between them equal to the width of the metal profile sheet. Then between the main elements are three more racks, the distance between them should be approximately 50 centimeters. In order to analyze whether the angles are perpendicular, you need to compare the diagonals of the carcass with each other. By the same technology, the second side wall should be assembled.

Methods of work

garage of profile pipe with own hands drawings

The walls of the frame will have a definite shape,which depends on the roof. If it is single-sided, then the back wall must be made in the form of a rectangle. To equip the gable roof to a rectangular wall, the pediment is strengthened. When a garage frame is made from a profile pipe with your own hands, the front wall must be made of two parts, one of which will look like a rectangular frame for the gate, while the other will be a pediment.

Стойки рамы усиливаются с использованием трубы.The frame of the gate is made of the same elements that underlie the garage. They should look like rectangles of the same size, pull them together diagonally with the help of stiffeners. The frame is initially assembled on a finished foundation, the walls are fastened together with self-tapping screws. In addition, fix the structure with corners, dowel-nails or self-tapping screws. As soon as the cement slump solidifies, you can proceed to waterproof the walls of the inspection pit from the outside. Then backfill is performed.

Roof construction

garage from the profile pipe with your own hands photo

Гараж из профильной трубы своими руками с a saddle roof is made using a certain technology. At the next stage it involves the arrangement of the roof system. To do this, you can use beams, the thickness of which corresponds to the thickness of the walls. For rafters, you can use 70-centimeter bars, filling the voids between them with the material that lies at the base of the garage box. Mauerlatt rigidly fixed to the wall, thus it is necessary to apply anchor fasteners. Before you will install the retaining beams, otherwise the rafters, the working surface is leveled and protected from moisture. You can use a ruberoid for this.

After the belt is equipped, on the beamsthe places where the rafters enter are noted, then you can cut the nests under their installation. The grooves are treated with protective means, and after the rafters are laid in prepared nests, their ends should extend beyond the limit of the Mauerlat by 40 centimeters. Fastening of elements to a beam is made by anchor bolts and staples which are twisted for durability by a copper wire.

For reference

garage of profile pipe with own hands with gable roof

If you build a garage from a profile pipe with your ownhands by KamAZ, the technique of work remains the same, but the length of the retaining beams can be more than 4.5 meters. In this case, support will be needed. The roofing for the installation of the roof will need to be filled from thin bars, which are perpendicular to the supporting structure, on top of the hydraulic barrier. Depending on how heavy the roofing material is, you will have to determine the step of the arrangement of the elements of the lathing.

Wall coverings

garage from a profile pipe with your own hands for kamaz

If you make a garage fromprofile pipes with their own hands, a photo of such buildings is recommended to consider in advance. This will allow you to exclude errors. For insulation it is necessary to choose a material of the required thickness, which usually makes a limit from 5 to 10 centimeters. On the pillars should fix the cross rails, and then you can move to the installation of insulation in the spaces between the racks. On top of the heater, the vapor barrier film should be fixed. Finishing is made of metal profiled sheets, which are fixed with screws.


If you will line up the garage of the profileDIY pipes, the drawings presented in the article are recommended to be considered. They will make it possible to understand that with this technology it is possible to build a very lightweight garage made of corrugated flooring without insulation and a viewing pit. It will cost much cheaper.

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