With the introduction of modern innovations inThe educational industry is of particular relevance. It is a qualitative self-analysis of the lesson in elementary school on the GEF. The school needs new teachers, professional and competent, possessing the newest pedagogical technologies, ready for further self-improvement and self-development.
По мере внедрения в современную школу федеральных state standards of the second generation, among the tasks assigned to the teacher, consider as priority the development of universal learning skills for students, implying the ability to analyze the information received, to monitor their work. In order to make it easier for the teacher to work, a self-analysis of the lesson in the elementary school on the GEF was developed. Not all teachers in reality are able to adequately assess their activities, so the samples offered by professionals are relevant, helping young professionals cope with the tasks assigned to them.
Self-analysis of the lesson on the GEF - an important pointactivities of any teacher of the modern school. The lesson is a logically complete, holistic, time-bound segment of the educational process. It consists of a complex interaction of the main elements of the educational process: goals, objectives, content, methods, tools, forms, interrelated activities of the teacher and students. Self-analysis of the lesson in elementary school on the GEF is based on certain rules, but does not exclude the creative component.
При составлении поурочного планирования педагог based on the pedagogical and psychological laws of the educational process, the requirements put forward by educational standards. Self-analysis of the lesson in elementary school on the GEF is a necessary element of pedagogical creativity. The teacher evaluates the lesson “from the side”, realizes it as a phenomenon, interprets the totality of personal theoretical knowledge, techniques, ways of working in interaction with specific students and class.
Self-analysis of the lesson on GEF is a reflection,which allows you to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the teacher, to identify unused resources, some features of the individual teaching style. We offer an example of introspection.
"The topic of the lesson:" Prefix as a separate part of speech. "
The lesson was conducted on the program of N. F. Vinogradova "Primary School. 21st Century".
Type of lesson: a lesson to enter new knowledge.
The purpose of the training was to obtain information about the console. During the lesson, it was achieved in full.
It was possible to form an idea for the guys about how to find the prefix in words.
I think that the lesson was in fullmetasubject tasks are implemented. Schoolchildren worked in groups, individually, improved their speech, developed visual memory. Among the shortcomings of the lesson, I note the lack of time to conduct physical exercises. The duration of each stage of the lesson: input of new knowledge, consolidation of the information received, explanation of homework - fully corresponded to the time frame.
Particular importance was given to working outknowledge gained. For this, multi-level tasks for groups were proposed. For self-assessment, each student was offered individual exercises, the level of learning was taken into account, and a differentiated approach to each child was carried out.
The repetition stage of the previous material was notincluded in the structure of the lesson, as the emphasis is on obtaining new knowledge. Homework given in sufficient volume, took into account the individual characteristics of each child.
All objectives and goals achieved in full. The lesson was a success, the guys received complete information on the issue under consideration. "
With the help of such an assessment of the pedagogical mastery of the teacher, it is possible to identify the main difficulties, timely provide support and assistance to the teacher, and monitor professional growth.
Often experts have an adequate problem.assessment of the professionalism of the certified teacher. Self-analysis of the lesson in elementary school on the GEF in mathematics is carried out according to a specific algorithm. This procedure involves the mental division of the lesson into individual components. The teacher compares his own activities with those tasks that he had previously set for the lesson.
In addition, the self-analysis of the lesson in primary schoolThe GEF in mathematics implies an assessment of the students' independent work, the search for the real value of a lesson. The analysis of any occupation implies a comparison of the professional activity of an individual teacher with the criteria approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The scheme of self-analysis of the lesson on the GEF impliesanalysis of the construction of the educational process in the classroom, the identification of optimal learning tasks, the assessment of rationality of the forms, content and teaching methods selected by the teacher. The effectiveness of an individual lesson is not determined by the tasks that were set by the teacher, but by the knowledge learned by the students during the lesson.
In the process of evaluation of the educational process revealedthe level of solving educational, educational, and developmental tasks by the younger generation. Self-analysis of the lesson in the elementary school on the GEF in the Russian language is aimed at comparing the developmental, educational, educational tasks with the results obtained.
There are several options for assessing youreducational activities of modern teachers. The first type is associated with a brief (evaluative) analysis, involving the evaluation of the educational direction of the lesson, the analysis of the achievement of the main goals and objectives. For example, the self-analysis of the lesson in the elementary school on the GEF in the world around it is compiled by the teacher, taking into account the program content and focus of the subject.
Structural analysis is an assessment and identification of the dominant elements of the lesson, their focus, which ensures the development of students' cognitive interest.
System analysis in the modern schoolconsiders the lesson as a single system from the standpoint of the implementation of the main didactic goal. It involves the solution of all developmental tasks in a lesson, the creation of conditions for the formation of pupils' skills and abilities, the formation of knowledge, and the development of practical skills.
Full self-analysis of the lesson in elementary school on the GEFin the world around it is considered in the form of a system that includes an assessment of the full implementation of the tasks of the training session. This analysis is necessary for the study and full analysis of all the structural elements of the lesson.
The structural and temporal type of analysis is consideredin pedagogy, as an option to assess the rationality of the use of time frames at individual intervals of a lesson The combined version of testing teacher performance implies an assessment of the main didactic goal of the lesson and analysis of the main structural elements of the lesson. Psychological analysis is aimed at verifying the teacher’s compliance with the psychological requirements for the lesson. Aspect and complex analysis consists in the relationship of content, objectives, methods and forms of organization of the lesson. Among the most common types of analysis lead:
How to make a complete self-analysis of the lesson in elementary school on the GEF? Example analysis scheme below, can be used on any educational subject.
In addition, during self-examination, an assessment of the content of the lesson is carried out from the standpoint of solving general didactic principles:
Why do you need self-analysis of the lesson on the GEF?The sample structure proposed above fully answers this question. The teacher, telling colleagues about the results of their activities, notes all the positive and negative points. Among the mandatory elements that are included in the self-analysis of the lesson, we will highlight the elaboration of the methods of the teacher’s activities in the training session. The teacher tells colleagues about the ways in which students were involved in learning the material. Estimated in introspection and the freedom of ownership of the theme of students, teachers.
Not left without close attention andrationality of organizing multi-level tasks, creating conditions for helping weak students. Self-analysis includes material relating to the methods of consolidation and the formation of interest among students to the taught discipline. The teacher should give a special place in the assessment of his activity to feedback with schoolchildren, creating conditions for the full-fledged self-development of each student. In the conclusions of the lesson the teacher notes the completeness of the implementation of the lesson plan, the achievement of the goal, interesting and instructive moments. The atmosphere that will prevail in the process of analyzing the lesson is also important.
If colleagues are friendly andobjectively, a certified teacher is much easier and more comfortable to note the shortcomings that he revealed to himself in the lesson (event). After the introduction of the federal state standards of the second generation, some changes were made to the structure of self-analysis. The classic version in the new reality does not allow getting a full picture of the teacher’s activities, therefore, it is not used in diagnosing the professionalism of a modern school teacher.