/ Stages of the lesson on GEF. Stages of the modern lesson on GEF

Stages of the lesson on GEF. Stages of the modern lesson on GEF

Под Федеральным государственным образовательным Standard (GEF) should understand the set of mandatory requirements for the learning process at a certain level. For their implementation in an educational institution, a main program should be developed, consisting of a curriculum, calendar, working projects of courses, subjects and disciplines. It should also include methodological and evaluation materials. In accordance with this program, teachers build their professional activities during the school year as a whole, plan each lesson separately. Consider next the main stages of the lesson on the GEF.

stages of the lesson on fgos

General classification

The school teaches a lot of different subjects. The content of the information is certainly different. However, all lessons can be classified into the following groups:

  1. Discovery of new knowledge.
  2. The lessons of reflection.
  3. Classes of general methodology.
  4. Lessons on developmental control.

Objectives of the class

At each lesson are put and implementedcertain goals. Thus, in the classroom of discovering new knowledge, students develop the ability to use new methods of action, the conceptual base is expanded by adding new components. Reflection lessons are consolidated and, if necessary, the already studied algorithms, terms, and concepts are corrected. In the general methodology, generalized activity norms are formed, the theoretical foundations of the further development of content-methodical directions are revealed. In addition, there is the formation of the ability to systematize and structure the material under study. In the classes of developmental control, children develop skills for self-analysis. It should be noted that the division into stages of the lesson on the GEF (second generation) should not violate the continuity of learning.

Characteristics of the stages of the lesson on GEF: "The discovery of new knowledge"

Each lesson is based on a specific scheme. The following stages of the GEF lesson can be distinguished (it will be mathematics or Russian, in principle, it does not matter):

  1. Motivation for learning activities.
  2. Update and trial action.
  3. Identify the location and causes of difficulty.
  4. Build the project and solve the problem.
  5. The implementation of the generated model.
  6. Primary binding with speaking out loud.
  7. Independent work with self-control.
  8. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.
  9. Reflection of learning activities in class.
    description of the stages of the lesson on fgos


Цели этапов урока по ФГОС различны.However, along with this, they are closely interrelated with each other. The goal of motivation is the development of an internal readiness to fulfill the established standards on an individually significant level for the student. The implementation of this task is provided by:

  1. Creating the conditions for the emergence of individual internal needs to carry out activities.
  2. Updating the requirements for the learner from the teacher.
  3. Establishing a thematic framework of activity.

Update and trial action

The main goal at this stage ispreparing children's thinking and organizing their understanding of their own need for the formation of a new model of action. To achieve it, students need to:

  1. Reproduced and recorded skills, knowledge and skills required to create a new model of behavior.
  2. Intensified mental operations andcognitive processes. The first, in particular, include the synthesis, analysis, synthesis, comparisons, analogy, classification, etc. The cognitive processes - attention, memory, etc.
  3. Updated the norm of educational action.
  4. We tried to independently perform the task of applying new knowledge.
  5. Recorded the difficulties encountered in the implementation of a trial action or at its justification.
    stages of the combined lesson on fgos


The key task at this stage is the realization of what exactly is not enough knowledge, ability or skill. To achieve this goal it is necessary that children:

  1. Analyzed all their actions. It is worth saying that introspection accompanies all stages of the modern lesson (according to the GEF).
  2. Recorded step or operation in which the problem occurred.
  3. They correlated their own actions at the place of origin of the difficulties with the previously studied methods and determined which skill is not enough to solve the task, similar questions.

Build the project

The purpose of this stage is to formulate the tasks of the activity and on the basis of them the choice of the model and means of their implementation. To achieve it, students:

  1. In a communicative form, they formulate the specific task of the upcoming training activities, through which the previously identified cause of difficulties will be eliminated.
  2. Offer and agree on the topic of the lesson, which the teacher can clarify.
  3. Выбирают модель формирования нового знания.As it may be the method of refinement or additions. The first is relevant in the event that a new model can be created on the basis of already acquired knowledge. The method of addition is applied if the studied analogues are absent, and there is no need to introduce fundamentally new signs or a method of action.
  4. Choose the means by which knowledge is formed. These include studied models, algorithms, ways to write, concepts, formulas and other tools.
    objectives of the stages of the lesson on fgos

Project implementation

The main task is the formation by children of a new model of actions, the ability to apply it in solving the problem that caused the difficulty, and similar issues. For this, students:

  1. Put forward on the basis of the selected method of the hypothesis and justify them.
  2. Use subject actions with schemes, models when building new knowledge.
  3. Apply the selected method to solve the problem that caused the difficulty.
  4. Fixed in a generalized way of action.
  5. Install overcoming problems that have arisen earlier.

Primary consolidation

It is necessary for children to learn a new method of action. To do this, children should:

  1. They spoke their steps and their rationale out loud.
  2. We solved several typical tasks in a new way of action. This can be done in pairs, in groups or frontally.

Self-study and self-test

These stages of the modern GEF lesson have a specialvalue. In the course of independent work, the degree of knowledge gained is verified, a successful situation is formed (if possible). These stages of the GEF lesson suggest:

  1. Performance of work, similar to the first, but tasks in which mistakes were made earlier are solved.
  2. Conduct self-test on the standard and fixing the results.
  3. Establishment of overcoming difficulties that arose earlier.

These stages of the GEF lesson include a specialtype of work for those children who have no problems when solving for the first time. They are engaged in tasks of the creative level on the model and then carry out independent verification of the results.

the main stages of the lesson on fgos

Inclusion in the scope of knowledge and repetition

The key task is the use ofmodels of actions that caused difficulty, consolidation of the material studied and preparation for perception of the following sections of the subject. If the previous stages of the lesson on GEF are satisfactorily completed, then the children:

  1. Solve problems in which the considered action models are related to those studied earlier and with each other.
  2. Perform tasks aimed at preparing for the study of other (next) sections.

If the previous stages of the GEF lesson have given a negative result, independent work is repeated and self-control is carried out for another option.


На этом этапе основная цель - осознание детьми ways to overcome difficulties and self-assessment of the results of remedial or independent work. To do this, students need to:

  1. Refine the algorithm for correcting errors.
  2. Name the methods of action that caused the difficulty.
  3. To fix the level of compliance with the goals and achieved results.
  4. Evaluate your work in class.
  5. Outline goals for follow-up.
  6. According to the results of work at the lesson homework is coordinated.
    stages of the lesson on fgos mathematics

Occupation developmental control

Consider, for example, the stages of a GEF music lesson:

  1. Motivation for control and correction activities.
  2. Actualization and trial educational activity.
  3. Localization of personal difficulties.
  4. Building a project to correct the problems found.
  5. The implementation of the new model.
  6. Generalization of difficulties in speech.
  7. Independent work and verification of the standard.
  8. Solving problems of a creative level.
  9. Reflection of work.

Performance of control activities

The main task of the motivation to remedialactivity is similar to that described earlier and consists in developing the internal readiness of students to implement the requirements of educational work. In this case, however, there is a control corrective orientation. In this regard, it is necessary to:

  1. Set the goal of the lesson and create conditions for the emergence of an inner need for students to get involved in the work.
  2. To update the requirements for the student from the side of corrective actions.
  3. In accordance with previously solved tasks, determine thematic limits and create guidelines for work.
  4. Formulate the method and procedure of control.
  5. Determine the evaluation criterion.

Preparation thinking of children

Students should be aware of their own need for control and introspection, identifying the causes of difficulties. To accomplish this task you need:

  1. Repeat controlled action patterns.
  2. Intensify such mental operations as generalization, comparison, as well as cognitive processes that are necessary for the test.
  3. Organize the motivation of children to carry out activities using the planned methods of action.
  4. Create conditions for performing individual test work.
  5. Provide children with the opportunity to self-analyze their activities according to a predetermined criterion.
    stages of the lesson on the fgos second generation

Lesson in general methodology

Stages of the combined lesson on GEFfocused on the formation of children's ideas about the techniques that link the concepts they study into one system. In addition, they contribute to the awareness of the methods of constructing a plan of the educational activity itself. It, in turn, provides for independent change and self-development of students. At such classes, the creation of norms and methods of learning activities, self-assessment and self-control, and reflexive self-organization are carried out. Such classes are considered above subject. They are held outside the scope of any discipline at the class hour or during extracurricular activities.


Разбиение уроков на этапы позволяет подавать The material is clearly structured, in a logical sequence, while ensuring continuous coordination of student activities. For each class, the tasks and options for students' actions should be defined. Equally important is the organizational phase of the lesson on the GEF. It precedes the formation of motivations in children. After greetings, the teacher conducts a test of readiness, determined missing. After that, the attention of students is focused, the necessary attitude is set on the perception of information. If necessary and subject to availability, the teacher may adjust the lesson plan at the organizational stage.

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