/ / How many people live in Russia? The composition of the population of Russia. Russia: territory, population

How many people live in Russia? The composition of the population of Russia. Russia: territory, population

How many people live in Russia?Surely this question interests the majority of the population of our country. According to Rosstat, as of March 30, 2014, the number of permanent residents of the Russian Federation was 146,019,512 people. At the same time, sixty-five percent of people live in the European part of the country, covering an area of ​​less than eighteen percent of the total territory, of which the population of Central Russia is about thirty percent. This indicates that the composition of the population is very unevenly distributed. As of 2014, the population density is 8.4 people. per square kilometer. 73.86 percent of all residents live in cities (information for 2013).

how many people live in Russia


In the Russian Empire, the first census was conducted inIn 1897, she demonstrated that the population (in modern borders) was 67 million 473 thousand people. Now in the Russian Federation they regularly record population dynamics. Statistics of the population of Russia is maintained by means of current records of natural movement carried out by the Rosstat and its territorial bodies, as well as the civil registry offices; current accounting of the migration movement, carried out upon arrival by passport offices. But, of course, the most important type of counting is censuses. The last census of the population of Russia was conducted in 2010. Current accounting is also carried out, allowing at any time to assess the demographic situation in the state.

National composition

The Constitution says that the Russian Federation is a multinationalstate. On its territory live representatives of more than one hundred and eighty nations. The Russian population of Russia is (according to the 2010 census) 77.71 percent of the total population (111 million out of 142.9 million people). People of other nationalities, as well as those who did not indicate their nationality, constitute (according to the 2010 census) a little more than 22.2 percent of the population (31.8 million). For comparison, we present the data of the previous census conducted in 2002. Then the statistics of the population of Russia by national composition differed slightly. Of the total population of 145.2 million people, Russian citizens made up 115.9 million (79.83 percent), people of other nationalities and non-indicated persons - 29.3 million (20.2 percent). The Russian population in the territory is distributed very unevenly. For example, in such regions of the country as Dagestan, Chechnya, and Ingushetia, the number of Russians is less than five percent of the total number of inhabitants.

population statistics of Russia


More than a hundred languages ​​and dialects relatedAltai, Ural, Indo-European language families, Paleo-Asiatic and Caucasian language groups, says the population. At the same time, Russia has only one state language - Russian (article 68 of the Constitution). It is native to about one hundred and thirty million people, which is about 92% of the inhabitants. The most common spoken languages, in addition to Russian, are Ukrainian, Belarusian, Ossetian, Armenian, German (belong to the Indo-European family), Chuvash, Bashkir, Tatar (belong to the Altai family), Mari, Erzya, Udmurt (belong to the Ural family), Avar , Chechen, Dargin (refer to the Nakh-Dagestan languages), Kabardino-Circassian (refers to the Abkhaz-Adyg family).

Республики РФ вправе устанавливать свои official languages. For example, in Karachay-Cherkessia, besides Russian, Karachay, Abaza, Circassian, Nogai languages ​​also have the status of state. UNESCO recognized in 2009 one hundred and thirty-six languages ​​used in Russia at the stage of extinction.


The Russian Federation is a secular state.The Constitution guarantees the inhabitants freedom of religion: it gives the right to profess any religion of any kind or not to profess any religion at all, as well as to freely choose and spread their beliefs. The religious composition of the population of Russia is as diverse as the national one. Christians and Muslims, Jews and Buddhists live in the country. There are pagans and staunch atheists. Most citizens consider themselves Orthodox. In general, official statistics in the field of religion is not maintained. The issue of religion was last raised at the 1937 census. According to VTsIOM polls, a little more than half of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation consider themselves to be believers, of which only ten percent systematically go to church and observe all rituals and rites. And the remaining forty-three percent attend church only on holidays and rituals; they do not observe rites. A third of the respondents (thirty-one percent) admit that God exists, but they have little interest in church life. Approximately six percent of respondents are staunch atheists, and eight percent do not even think about their attitude to religion.

composition of the population of Russia

Russia: territory, population

The main strip of settlement is the triangle,the northern peak of which is St. Petersburg, the southern peak is Sochi, and the eastern peak is Irkutsk. To the south-east of this triangle there are deserts and semi-deserts, to the north - zones of permafrost and taiga. Speaking about how many people live in Russia, we have already noted that the majority of the population is concentrated in the central part of the country. In Siberia, an area of ​​almost three-quarters of the entire territory, less than twenty percent of people live. The urban population of Russia is concentrated mainly in the middle zone of the European part (From Moscow to Ufa) and in the south (from Sochi to Derbent).

In the Far East and Siberia, the bulkresidents settled along Transsib. In this part, the population of Russian cities is represented by residents of Novosibirsk, Omsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, and Khabarovsk. Also, many people live in the area of ​​Kuzbass. As of 2012, there are fifteen million-plus cities in the Russian Federation (with a population of over one million). These are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Omsk, Perm, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Volgograd, Voronezh. Krasnodar, Saratov and Tolyatti are also among the largest settlements, the so-called submillionaires, in which the number of inhabitants has not yet reached a million. The population of the cities of Russia that were listed above is almost a quarter of the total (twenty-two percent). More than one hundred thousand people live in one hundred sixty five localities of the country (according to 2012 data).

Population of Russia by year

It's no secret that latelydecade in the Russian Federation there was a demographic crisis. Only in 2013, the situation improved somewhat, and in the whole country there was a natural increase in population. About how many people live in Russia now, we have already said. Now let's see how the situation has changed over the past years.

Russia's population is


Согласно данным Росстата, в России в 2006 году 1 million 496.6 thousand people were born (22.2 thousand more than in the previous year); 2 million 166.7 thousand people died (137.2 thousand less than in the previous year). Thus, the birth rate was 10.4, and the mortality rate was 15.2. The population loss was 687.1 thousand people, which is 159.5 thousand less than in 2005. Taking into account the migration increase, the total loss was 532.6 thousand people. During the period under review, the indicator of life expectancy increased significantly. So, if in 2005 it was 65.3 years, in 2006 it grew to 66.8 years. For men, for the first time since 1998, life expectancy has exceeded the retirement age and amounted to 60.37 years (compared with 2005, plus 1.5 years), and for women - 73.23 years (plus 0.83 years).


The composition of the population of Russia in this period is somewhatit has changed, because the migration increase has increased significantly - by 67.1 percent (103.7 thousand people) in comparison with the previous year. As a result, the deterioration of the demographic situation slowed down. During the year, 1 million 610.1 thousand people were born, and 2 million 080.4 thousand died. The birth rate was 11.3, the mortality rate was 14.6. Thus, compared with 2006, 130.5 thousand (8.8 percent) people were born more, and 86.3 thousand (4 percent) died less. In October 2007, a record number of babies in the last fifteen years was born - 154.3 thousand. In general, in all republics of the country in 2007 there was an increase in the number of births, a natural increase was observed in twenty-one regions. Even in the Magadan region, the number of newborns in comparison with the last year increased from 1820 to 1825. Natural decline - 470.3 thousand people, of which the decline in the permanent population - 212.1 thousand.


The demographic situation continued to improve.1 million 713.9 thousand people were born, 2 million 075.9 thousand died. The birth rate was 12, the mortality rate was 14.5. Natural decline - 362 thousand people, of which the decline in the permanent population - 104.9 thousand. The migration growth has slightly decreased, but only slightly: from 258.2 thousand to 257.1 thousand. Nevertheless, it compensated the population losses by seventy-one percent.

population of central Russia

year 2009

Demographic indicators, again, improved.1 million 761.7 thousand people were born, 2 million 10.5 thousand died. The birth rate was 12.3, and the death rate was 14.1. Natural decline - 249.4 thousand people. Due to the migration increase, which fully compensated for the natural decline, for the first time in fifteen years compared to the previous year, the population of the country increased and amounted, according to the results of 2009, to 141,927,297 people, which is twenty-three thousand more than in 2008 of the year. In the sixty-seven regions, there was an increase in the number of births, in seventy-five regions there was a decrease in the number of deaths.


During this period, 1 million 178.9 thousand were bornpeople died - 2 million 28.5 thousand. The birth rate was 12.5, the mortality rate was 14.2. A slight increase in the death rate in comparison with 2009 can be explained by the anomalous heat that struck Russia in July-August 2010. The natural decline, which amounted to 239.6 thousand people, was fully compensated by the migration increase. As we have already reported, in 2010, another population census was conducted. According to her, the number of residents of Russia was 142,905,200 people.


In January-April of the period under review wasThe birth rate has decreased by 14.1 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. Mortality also decreased by 20.6 percent. The natural loss decreased significantly and amounted to 129.1 thousand people per year. Migration growth - 320.1 thousand.

urban population of Russia

year 2012

1 million 902.1 thousand people were born, which is5.9 percent (105.5 thousand) more than in 2011. 1 million 906.3 thousand people died, which is 1 percent (19.4 thousand) less than in 2011. The natural decline was only 4251 people - from the previous year this is a significant difference. Migration growth decreased slightly - 294.9 thousand. Forty regions of the country experienced a natural increase (in 2011 - only in twenty-eight regions).

year 2013

For the first time in many years more people were born thanhas died. Although, in comparison with 2012, fewer babies were born - only 1 million 895.8 thousand. But a much smaller number of people died - 1 million 871.8 thousand. Thus, the natural increase was 24,013 people, it was already observed in forty-three regions of Russia. Migration growth remained almost at the same level - 295.8 thousand.

year 2014

The latest statistics are available fromas of January-February 2014. In two months, 301.5 thousand people were born in Russia, which is 391 people less than during the same period of 2013. 317.9 thousand died, which is 11,376 less than in January-February of 2013. As a result, the natural decline was 16,427 people, which is significantly less than the figure of the same previous period - 27,412 people. Thirty-four regions of the country experienced a natural increase.


Of course, it is important to know how many people live inRussia. But no less significant question: "How long do people live in Russia?" In the annual WHO report in 2013, it was reported that among the entire population of Central Asia and Europe, Russian men have the shortest life expectancy. On average, they live only up to 62.8 years, which is very regrettable. For comparison: the longest life expectancy for the male population is noted in Israel - 80.1 years. In Spain, this figure is 78.8 years, and in the UK - 78.4 years.

Russia territory population

Demographic trends

Следует отметить, что возрастной состав населения In recent years, the Russian Federation has been significantly deteriorating, the number of Russians in working age is decreasing, while the number of pensioners is growing at a high rate. Researchers predict that in the coming decades, Russia may be overtaken by a pension reform crisis, since working citizens will not be able to support a rapidly increasing number of pensioners.

Also employees of the Institute of DemographicStudies expect the Russian population to decline, since the birth rate in families is relatively low, people prefer to have no more than one child, a maximum of two, which, of course, affects demographic trends. At the same time, let's say, in Caucasian families, the birth rate is much higher, therefore, the number of these peoples in the total population of the country will gradually increase. This situation can not but alarm.

The only way out is to raise the standard of living.people, public health, providing citizens with the opportunity to adequately support and educate children. You should also pursue a powerful policy aimed at strengthening the institution of the family in all areas of activity and in all areas. It should be said that the decline in fertility is a problem not only on the Russian, but also on a global scale.

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